Saturday, December 29, 2012

Teaching Charity and Virtue

I had an interesting conversation with a female pastor of a local Baptist Church. She was attending to a family member in the hospital. She joked that her Baptist Church was little more liberal leaning than most.

We got into a brief conversation about why the LDS Church sends it's missionaries to evangelize other Christians. I explained that while many Christians express faith in Christ, many don't live their faith and sin still has very painful individual and social consequences. LDS missionaries serve as social and spiritual therapists in the community, inspiring others to a return to virtue and to attend to essential daily spiritual habits like reading scriptures and praying.

We discussed how the reality that in spite of the atonement of Christ, sin still leaves its mark, so-to-speak. She recounted picking up a sharp object as a child, that her mother warned her not to touch; cutting her arm, and living with that scar the rest of her life. I commented how Jesus Christ still wears the marks of our sins upon himself.

While this pastor described herself as spiritually liberal, she confessed being strongly politically conservative and having supported Gov Romney for president. I told her that this last election posed a significant spiritual choice to the American people. I told her that I felt the choice between Obama and Romney was a choice between continued bailouts versus real repentance and change.

When we give or accept a bailout, we are reenforcing and enabling the dysfunctional behavior. Whether its GM, or banks or individuals; bailouts don't help change the behavior that got them into their predicament in the first place. When Mitt Romney worked for Bain capital, he worked to save failing and bankrupt companies, not by bailing them out, but by restructuring them, cutting away the bad and saving the good. Romney continued this strategy in saving the Salt Lake Olympics and in Massachusetts.

I told my new Baptist Pastor friend that Romney's attitude about restructuring was a direct parallel to reflection of LDS understanding of repentance and Christ's atonement. I then asked her if she thought many Christians were spiritual liberals who viewed Christ's atonement as more of an Obama-style bailout vs. an opportunity for Romney-style restructuring.

My overall impression of this brief conversation is that regardless of creed or denomination, our Constitutional government requires its churches to teach virtue. Charity (do's) and Virtue ( don'ts) are the essence of pure religion. The reason for religion and the promise of a judgement and reward in heaven is for the purpose of teaching and reenforcing virtuous behavior. Unfortunately we have too many in this country who have been taught to believe without been taught virtue and our families and our nation are suffering the terrible consequences.

My recommendation for any Christian Church is to follow the direction of Paul in 1 Cor 5:11. There Paul directs the church to take care to not administer the Lord's Supper to those who are unworthy. Paul says that if any man be guilty of sexual sin, abuse, coveting, idolatry, fraud, and drunkenness, that they not be permitted to break bread with the Saints. You don't have to be perfect to attend church and partake of the Lords Supper, but Christ's people should live up to a certain standard. This higher standard creates a community of safety and unity.

On the other hand, permitting unrepentant sinners to go through the motions of religious observance without expectations is damaging to the soul of the sinner and the community. Accordingly the Bible is clear about upholding the Lords system where the Bishop can receive confession and verify ritual purity just like the priests in the Old Testament.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Is the Atonement of Christ a Bailout?

This last US Presidential election posed a philosophical and spiritual choice to the American voter. Gov. Romney of Massachusetts ran on a record of restructuring. Conversely, Obama like Bush, ran on a record of continued bailouts

While Romney worked for Bain Capital, he worked to save failing companies. Instead of just throwing money at a failing company, Romney identified profitable and unprofitable parts of a business, he cut the unprofitable parts away and kept the good parts. Thus, in saving the company, the business returned to long-term health, productivity, and profitability. Romney did the same thing during the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics and while Governor of Massachusetts where he balanced the State budget, insured everyone in the state, and had the lowest unemployment and best schools in the nation.

Bush and Obama have been employing a different strategy. By just printing more money in a failing economy, there is no real change. When the economy, or General Motors, or an individual welfare recipient gets bailed out with QE-style bailout money, there is no motivation to change or restructure or repent. Thus the person receiving the bailout just continues with the same failed behavior that got them into their current situation.

I wonder how many Christians consider Christ's atonement to be more of an Obama-style bailout vs. a Romney-style restructuring? Unfortunately, some people's view of Christ's sacrifice tends to be more bailout-minded with little expectation to change, repent and improve.

According to LDS belief, Christ's Atonement allows the believer grace and power for real repentance and real change. Christ's sacrifice is about becoming a new person, born-again, and through Christ being made a more profitable servant.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Essence of True Christianity

"What think ye of Christ? whose son is he?" (New Testament, Matthew, Chapter 22:42)

Christ Himself posed the most fundamental question upon which all existence depends. This question, which all mankind must answer, will be the basis upon which all will be judged. How we answer this question reveals what kind of person we want to be, and will become.

"Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?" (New Testament, 1 John, Chapter 5:5)

Jesus Christ is not just a great teacher or prophet but also our Savior and Redeemer. None of us are worthy to return into the presence of God. Therefore, all of us must accept Christ as our Savior. Jesus Christ did not just live an exemplary life, but paid the price of the sins of His people when He shed blood from every pore in the Garden of Gethsemane and died on Calvary's Cross.

However, it is important to also understand that Christ is God the Son and a distinct and separate person from God the Father. The reason is that Christ condescends to our level and receives us as we are. But, we can't just stay there. The purpose of Christ is to then save us from our sins and not in our sins and empower us to repent and elevate our behavior to one day be worthy to enjoy fellowship with the Father.

"O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." (New Testament, Matthew, Chapter 26:39)

Satan's doctrine is "do as you will". Satan entices his followers fooling them into thinking then that of they follow him they can do whatever they want. However, there are several problems are that 1. We don't know what we want or will want. 2. What we want can be easily manipulated 3. Wanting something without power is like a child sitting at a piano wanting to play a concerto without having practiced. 4. Satan has no creative power and can only enslave. Therefore, in Satan's pyramid, his followers only find a place as a slave within the system. There is only room for one at the top.

Christ knows what we really want and promises us that if we will trust him to give our lives over to Him. Jesus Christ promises to make more of us than we could ever make of ourselves. Christ can give us creative power and therefore there is infinite room at the top as we can preside over our own creation as God presides over us.

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." (New Testament, James, Chapter 1:27)

Christians disciples are dedicated to following the example of Christ. During Christ's ministry He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and comforted the infirm. Therefore, true disciples of Christ are devoted to charitable service especially to the vulnerable.

Additionally, while no one is perfect, true Christians believe in maintaining a high standard of morality. The Church of Christ creates a safe community as members strive to live up to gospel standards.

"But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat." (New Testament, 1 Corinthians, Chapter 5:11)

Again, while no one in this life is perfect. Those that accept the justifying grace of Christ also receive His sanctifying grace and are empowered to live up to a higher standard of morality. This is why Christ's followers are called Saints or 'Sancts'. The Church of Christ creates a community of caring, safety, trust, and unity by living up to standards of honesty, purity, integrity, and sobriety.

"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground;"(Old Testament, Genesis, Chapter 3:19)

The gospel of Christ is a gospel of work. While we are to help those in need, being needy is to be the exception and not the rule. Christians are to save themselves from misfortune by avoiding sin, and being hardworking, industrious, productive, and self-sufficient.

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. (New Testament, Matthew, Chapter 7:12)

The Law of Moses taught "an eye for an eye". Many people apply this thinking as justification for treating others as poorly as they have been treated. This happens with the cycle of abuse in families and in the work place when we say, "that's how it was for me when I started; it's only fair". However, Christ taught that if we didn't like our treatment then we should break the cycle of abuse and treat others how we would have liked to have been treated.

"Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers." (New Testament, Acts, Chapter 2:41-42)

Christian disciples participated in two ritual ordinances that reinforced their belief. When a believer accepted the Christian doctrine, he entered into baptism by immersion. Water baptism serves as a powerful symbolic gesture that marks a believers commitment to his new faith.

Secondly, the Christ Himself instituted the Lord's Supper which involves the ritual breaking of bread. This Sacrament serves as a continual reminder and reaffirmation of the believers faith. For these reasons, Water baptism and Communion serve as indispensable aspects of true Christian observance.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Keys of the Kingdom

A friend asked me what is the difference between priesthood authority and priesthood keys. This friend wanted to know the significance of Christ giving Peter "keys" in Matt 16.

In Matt 16, Christ reveals to Peter his future death and resurrection. The purpose of discussing keys is teaching Peter how the Kingdom would be administered after Christ's ascension. Christ says he will give Peter keys in Chap 16 but in Chap 17 they are given on the Mount of Transfiguration.

18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (New Testament, Matthew, Chapter 18)

Christ gives the sealing power to his disciples in Chap 18 but not keys. Peter was given keys in Chap 16 and the rest of the apostles authority and power but no keys.

A person might be given the Priesthood to officiate an ordinance or action in Christ's Church. However, without keys, he cannot authorize that the ordinance or action be done. He can officiate the action only under direction. Only Keys authorize. Keys prevent someone being ordained to go off and start his own church.

Priesthood authority: authority to perform or officiate an action in Christs Church that is valid in heaven

Priesthood keys: power to authorize an action in Christs Church

Priesthood power: atonement of Christ, faith and obedience that empowers moral and spiritual authority.

The problem was that after the martyrdom of the Apostles and Seventies you quickly had local bishops acting beyond their keys and authority. Ignatius teaches the idea of keys when he says "do nothing without the bishop"

The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans Chapter VIII "Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is [administered] either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it. . . It is not lawful without the bishop either to baptize, or to offer, or to present sacrifice, or to celebrate a love-feast. But that which seems good to him, is also well-pleasing to God, that everything ye do may be secure and valid."

Epistle to Hero, a Deacon of Antioch Chapter 3 “Honour widows that are widows indeed.”Be the friend of orphans; for God is “the Father of the fatherless, and the Judge of the widows.”Do nothing without the bishops; for they are priests, and thou a servant of the priests. They baptize, offer sacrifice (ἱερουργέω = to act as a priest), ordain, and lay on hands; but thou ministerest to them, as the holy Stephen did at Jerusalem to James and the presbyters. Do not neglect the sacred meetings Specifically, assemblies for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. [of the saints]; inquire after every one by name. “Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example to the believers, both in word and conduct.”

Here we see Ignacias speaking about Deacons (authority to officiate) ministering unto or assisting the Bishop (keys) like Stephen (Seventy) assisted James (Apostle with keys). Apostles with keys can "entrust" authority to Seventy. This is exactly how the priesthood operates in the LDS Church

Clement 1 was teaching about the appointment of bishops by "eminent men" and not bishops selected or elected by the congregation. If Bishops are to be appointed by eminent men then there must be authority above a bishop with keys to authorize the appointment.

Clement 1 Chap 44. "Our apostles also knew, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and there would be strife on account of the office of the episcopate. For this reason, therefore, inasmuch as they had obtained a perfect fore-knowledge of this, they appointed those [ministers] already mentioned, and afterwards gave instructions, that when these should fall asleep, other approved men should succeed them in their ministry. We are of opinion, therefore, that those appointed by them, or afterwards by other eminent men, with the consent of the whole Church, and who have blame-lessly served the flock of Christ in a humble, peaceable, and disinterested spirit, and have for a long time possessed the good opinion of all, cannot be justly dismissed from the ministry."

Melchizedek had the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. The point of the NT saying Christ was a priest after the Order of Melchezidek was not to associate Christ with. Melchizedek but to associate Melchizedek and Abraham with Christ.

22 And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: 23 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: 24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. (Old Testament, Genesis, Chapter 5)

Translation like Elijah aside. If Enoch " walked with God". How could Enoch have walked with God unless Enoch was a Christian and able to overcome his fallen state through receiving the atoning grace of Jesus Christ. The answer is Enoch like all the Patriarchs to Abraham were Christian.

The problem entered in at Moses when Christ invited all the Elders of Israel up to the mountain and they refused saying "19 And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die." (Old Testament, Exodus, Chapter 20).

When Moses returned he found the people worshipping the golden calf. It was then Moses drew the line in the sand and only the Tribe of Levi stood with Moses. God wanted to give Israel the higher law and covenant of Abraham and Melchizedek and Enoch and Noah. But instead he gave them a predatory priesthood and covenant-- The Law of Moses.

A Future Promise To Israel

26 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore. 27 My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 28 And the heathen shall know that I the Lord do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore. (Old Testament, Ezekiel, Chapter 37)

The Abrahamic Covenant is the Christian Covenant

15 Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man’s covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto. 16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. 17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. (New Testament, Galatians, Chapter 3)

11 If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron? (New Testament, Hebrews, Chapter 7)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Unity: Sign of Christ's Church

Many Traditional Christian denominations do not recognize the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as Christian because we do not accept the Nicean Creed which forms the foundation of the Trinity Doctrine. The Nicean Creed was a product of the first Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church which attempted to establish the offical definition of God. It makes you wonder why Protestant Churches who split away from the Catholic Church due to disagreements over subsequent Catholic Ecuemical Council pronouncements would exclude LDS from their Orthodox Christian Club because we take issue with the first Catholic Creed.

Actually, when it comes to the Nicean Creed, there is only 2 problems with it. LDS agree with the Nicean Creed when it says that we believe in God the Eternal Father, and in His Son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost. The problem with the Creed is when it says that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are "One substance" or "Homoousios". Homousios is a Gnostic term that has led to the mysterous description of the Godhead as 3 separate Persons yet 1 Being. Joseph Smith, Like Stephen in the NT, saw Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of God the Father. Therefore, Like Justin Martyr, we declare that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are 1 God, 1 in purpose, 1 in power, but 3 persons, 3 individuals, 3 personages, 3 beings. It is the LDS who believe Creedal Christians have the responsibility to explain how 3 persons can be 1 being without having some sort of psychiatric disorder.

I was talking with a friend about the Nicean Creed and the Ecumenical Councils and he said pointed to the scriptural account of Paul and Peter coming together to determine what the position of the Church would be concerning circumcision. My friend equated the Ecumenical Council with this biblical reference.

However, I think there is a critical distinction between the Ecumenical Council and the Bible account. The distinction involves consensus and unanimity. When the Church leaders got together to discuss an issue, all sides are passionately debated. However, in the debate, when all sides of an issue are illuminated, consensus and not compromise are fostered. When consensus is acheived, then that decision is brought before the Lord for confirmation by the Holy Spirit. This is a powerful process by which the mind of God and revelation is obtained. Individuals are encouraged to study out any question in our mind and make the best decision based on the what is known, and then take that decision to the Lord in prayer for confirmation.

The problem with the Ecumenical Council is that consensus was not acheived. In the case of the Nicean Creed, the Trinitarians and Arians voted, and a decision was made based on a split 5/4 decision. While 5/4 split decision is how democracy sometimes operates, this is not how the Church of Christ is administered or the will and mind of the Lord revealed.

In the LDS Church the Church Apostles and Prophets do not move forward unless, after debate, there is not consensus and unanimity. The Brethern then go before the Lord in prayer and seek spiritual confirmation by the Holy Spirit. This is how difficult decisions facing the Church have always been approached and why sometimes certain decisions may have taken time before they were made despite external public pressure.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

What is, " All We Can Do?"

LDS do not believe we save ourselves. LDS believe that salvation is in Christ alone. However sometimes LDS leaders use the words "merit" or "earn" with respect to salvation. When The Book of Mormon says we are "saved by grace after all we can do", it does NOT mean that we somehow meet Christ part way on our own? No. Instead, according to Alma 60:21 , we believe we are to receive, apply, and make use of the gifts and grace that Christ has already given us, and by doing so, qualify for more perfecting grace later.

The Book of Mormon teaches, 2 Nephi 25 "23 For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do."

What is "All We Can Do?". Captain Moroni answers this question is his letter to Pahoran discussing the 'conditions of deliverance'.

Alma 60:21 "Or do ye suppose that the Lord will still deliver us, while we sit upon our thrones and do not make use of the means which the Lord has provided for us?"

"All we can do" simply means Christ expects us to "receive", "apply", and "make use" of the gifts and grace that Christ has already given us, and by doing so, "qualify" for more perfecting grace later. This is like saying "finish what's on your plate before asking for seconds" or growing from "grace to grace".

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8,9

Yes, justifying grace is offered to all and is unconditional. If it were not so, no one would be rescued as all have sinned. However, after receiving justifying grace, perfecting grace is conditional and is qualified for by consecration (eating your spiritual spinach and leaving a clean plate).

20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?
21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. (New Testament, Matthew, Chapter 19)

We should be careful not to confuse unconditional "rescuing grace" or "saving grace" with conditional "perfecting grace".

Moroni 10:32 "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God."

Moroni 10:32 is talking about the conditions to receive perfecting grace. This is not saying be perfect first, and then Christ will make you perfect later. This is not saying you have to be perfect to become perfect.

Denying all ungodliness goes back to keeping the minimum standard of 1 Cor 5:11. Through the justifying and sanctifying grace of Christ we have already received we are empowered to keep 1 Cor 5:11. If we keep 1 Cor 5:11 through Christ, we will qualify for Christ's perfecting grace in the resurrection. Our bodies will be raised to a Celestial and perfect state.

We know there has to be different states of grace as no one is perfect in mortality. Believers receive justifying grace and sanctifying grace and we hope for conditional perfecting grace in the future.

No, no one is perfect in this life. But through the justifying and sanctifying grace of Christ we can realize a minimum standard. Perfection is our hope in the future resurrection. Paul says not all are raised to the same state in the resurrection:

40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. 42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: (New Testament, 1 Corinthians, Chapter 15)

35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection: (New Testament, Hebrews, Chapter 11)

LDS hope for a better resurrection.

Christ himself taught this same principle. In Matthew 25:14-30, we read about the parable of the talents. The Lord begins the lesson:
"For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods...."

The Lord gives his servants (us) talents, and then later returns and demands an accounting. Those who have "done all they can do" are received into his kingdom. Those who have done nothing are cast out.

Those who have done "all they can do" are split into groups. Some have brought forth 10-fold, others 50-fold and others 100-fold. Each servant is rewarded accordingly.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Mortality Prep Classes

LDS believe that everyone who accepts Christ will be saved and dwell in heaven. So, if that is so, what does being LDS get us? Why worry about sinning or not sinning with this body here and now when we will have better resurrected bodies later in the Millennium making it easier to not sin?

Because we will be judged (judge ourselves) on what we are doing now with this body. Why? Because while everyone who accepts Christ will be saved in heaven. Not everyone will be given the same jobs to do (or reward, calling, kingdom, crown, mansion, glory).

LDS believe spirit is eternal. Spirit cannot be brought into existence or annihilated. (it can be organized). Therefore, our spirits within us lived before we were born and will live on after our body dies.

Part of what it means to have Eternal Life, for LDS, is to be given Eternal Parenting responsibility to guide and prepare spirits to come to Earth to have their own mortal experience. So as you are preparing these spirits for "body drivers Ed". What are you going to tell them? Who do you think God wants teaching these "mortality prep" classes?

What would you say to spirits preparing for mortality? "The body, shoot!, Let me tell you." "life is an exciting ride, sometimes bumpy, but don't follow my example" " I could never really get control of that body". "it seemed it was driving me most of the time."

Are you preparing yourself to have the honor of teaching mortality prep? Who do you think God would want to be preparing His spirit children for mortality? Ask yourself, "could you teach a hypothetical 'mortality prep' class?" "Could you teach a hypothetical 'body drivers Ed' class?" What kind of calling or service could you expect to be doing for eternity?

A friend commented that if there is a veil over our memory, why would pre-mortal spirits need to be taught a mortality prep class before coming to an Earth? The answer is not only that we were taught and understood the gospel plan so we would be able to recognize truth again on Earth when we would hear it again, but I wonder if is possible that we could have planned out much of our life circumstances before coming to Earth.

If we know that all spirits who would come to this Earth assisted Jesus Christ in the creation of this Earth which will be the eventual eternal home to the righteous forever. We also know we were organized into families in the pre-mortal realm. Knowing this, is it too much of a stretch to think we may have planned out other details of our life, such as: what family we would be born into, what time period in history we would be born, what talents and weaknesses we would have?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Greatest Threat to American Freedom

Joseph Smith taught that the United States Constitution was given by and inspired by God. Therefore, as long as there are LDS people, there will be people who devote their allegiance to Constitutional Government.

Below is a very good documentary explaining the Fabian Socialist and Globalist agenda to destroy America by destroying American from within by corrupting morality and traditional family values.

The few problems with this documentary is that it maintains the false left-right paradigm and doesn't acknowledge the neocon right-wing agenda. (Cleon Skousen also wrote "the Naked Capitalist"). Also, it calls for more education as a solution and not a "return to virtue". You can't educate a demoralized individual. Darkness doesn't comprehend the light. Finally, the documentary doesn't say what to do with the X% of dependent Americans. Caring for the poor is still an individual responsibility.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Answering or Skirting the Ends of the Law?

2 Nephi 2:7 "Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law,"

What are the "ends of the law"? Did God give commandments he never intended that we obey? No, we learn in 1 Nephi 3:7 that God never gives a commandment that He does not expect us to obey. The purpose or "ends" of God's commandments are that we learn to obey them and thereby receive the blessings and happiness which are predicated upon our obedience to those laws.

2 Nephi 2:22. Many LDS have trouble with this because it sounds like Lehi is saying we should all be grateful for Adam's transgression and that God gave contrary commendments which would seem to contradict 1Ne3:7.

It is my opinion that Lehi is first giving us Adam's good intended reason for transgressing after Eve had already partaken. The Bible only give us Eve's reason for partaking of the fruit (for knowledge). According to Adam's perspective, he thought he had to transgress to keep the other commandments: to multiply and remain with Eve. However, Adams perspective is not necessarliy God's perspective. There was likely another way. But Adams good intentions are good to know.

I also think Lehi could be saying that it's the commandments (law) of God that we should be thankful for and not just the transgression part. Had there been no commandments then there would have been no transgression nor command to multiply. Had there been no transgression, Adam would have not known sin, pain, etc. thus he wouldn't have had any concept of joy and happiness which was the default setting in the garden (no concept of warm if you had never been cold). And through the Atonement of Christ, God has provided the way whereby we can eventually obey all Gods commandments. This is how the atonement of Christ answers the ends of the law rather than skirting it.

When God gives us commandments, does He know we will transgress them? Yes. He knows we will initially. But He also knows that he has given us the Atonement of Christ and time to repent and eventually obey 100%. In the meantime we experience pain, and learn to appreciate joy. Therefore, through the process of repentance, and empowered obedience, this is how the Atonement of Christ answers the ends of the law.

The LDS Sacrament prayer is an excellent example of the true process of repentance. The prayers over the bread and water used in the LDS Communion or Lords Supper must be recited word perfect. There is no good enough or he gave it a good try. If a word is missed, or misspoken, the priest giving the prayer, recites the prayer again until he says it right. While it might seem harsh to some, the requirement really is a great example of true repentance. God knows its within our power to do it right, and we are given the time and assistance we need to get it right.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

God's Commandments are the Source of Agency

2 Nephi 2:22 "And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end.
23 And they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin.
24 But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things.
25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy."

Some people are confused at exactly what Lehi is trying to say here. Some have misunderstood Lehi's words as saying that the Fall of Adam was not only necessary but good. Lehi is not saying we should be thankful for sin?

No. What Lehi is saying is that the Fall was necessary, but the Fall wouldn't have been possible without the commandments of God. Because without the commandments, Adam and Eve would have remained in their innocent state forever. If there were no commandments, then their would have been no law, no right and wrong, no choice and no agency. And without the commandments of God, there would have been no command to have children, no happiness and no joy. Therefore, it's the word of God that we should be thankful for and not sin.

2 Ne. 10:23 "Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves—to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life."

Again, it's not access to "everlasting death" that should "cheer" our hearts. The Book of Mormon is not teaching that we should rejoice over sin and death. What the Book of Mormon is teaching is that we should rejoice over the commandments of God together with the Atonement of Christ. Death is the default setting. Without the commandments of God and the Atonenent, the Nephites watched their brethren the Lamanites become savages. Without the laws of God only the law of the jungle, appetites, passions and fear rule. But it's only through the commandments of God and Christ's Atonenent that we are made free. It is because of God that man can feel hungry but choose to fast, feel offended yet choose to forgive, feel fear, but choose understanding and love.

Some read 2 Nephi 2:22 and think Lehi is saying God gave contrary commandments and that Adam initially couldn't have obeyed Gods first commandments without breaking the second commandment. However, Nephi says God giveth no commandments without a way to obey them. So, Lehi is not saying the commandments of God were contrary. Despite Adam's feeling like the situation forced him into transgression. It's Satan who tells us there is no other way.

Instead, Lehi is explainining Adam's good intention was to also partake "that man may be", after Eve had already partaken of the fruit "to have knowledge". However, like Nephi and Laban, I think it would have been a better way for Adam if he had waited for God to have given His permission first; assuming some commandments are time and situation specific.

Monday, August 06, 2012

LDS Testimony

Testimony in a court of law involves knowlege of facts that were experientially obtained. The LDS testimony comprises truths that an individual knows to be true because this knowledge was divinely obtained. The LDS testimony ideally comprises 5 pieces of information. 1. That there is a living God who created the Universe and is our Heavely Father and that all humankind are His spiritual children. 2. That Jesus Christ is the only physically begotten Son of God and is the only Savior and Redeemer. 3. That Joseph Smith was called as a prophet to restore the true Church and gospel of Jesus Christ in these Last Days. 4. That the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ is the word of God together with the Bible. 5. That The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's kingdom on the Earth and is led by a true and living prophet who is the only person on the Earth to exercize all priesthood keys and authority over Christ's Church.

Each month, LDS hold testimony meetings were members of the congregation are invited to come to the podium and share their testimony of these 5 and other truths. On occasion members may forget what a proper LDS Testimony should involve and may unknowingly speak of something other than a testimony while speaking. Others have questioned if the LDS Testimony meetings are too rote or canned with everyone getting up to say the same exact thing.

Here is how I understand and look at this issue. There is so much that we disagree on as people. Everyone has a different idea about the best way to do whatever. Conversely, the amazing thing about the LDS Testimony, is that millions of poeple can get up and agree upon and be unified in our knowledge of a few very important things. The LDS Testimony is what unifies us as a people, a community, and a family.

As far a being rote. The basis of the LDS Testimony is 5 things: 1. God 2. Christ, 3. Joseph Smith 4. Book of Mormon 5. Living Prophet. The important thing to know is that getting up and declaring these 5 things is wonderful and is enough. However, to spice things up, LDS can also get up and explain an experience that they have had that may have increased their testimony in one of these 5 areas. Such as; I had an experience this week (briefly describe) and this experience strengthened by knowledge of 1-5. It's perfectly fine to share experiential knowledge together with spiritual knowledge to support our testimonies. Christ taught "if any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it is of God or I speak of myself". In other words, "try it and see if you like it".

LDS Testimony shouldn't be a travel log, or a "thank-a-mony" or a "let-me list-all-my-friends-amony", or "let-me confess-all-my-sins-publically-amony", etc. The LDS testimony shouldn't just comprise expressions of gratitude for our blessings, or describe all the details of our summer vacation or try to impress everyone with how socially connected we are. However, if we happened to be on a vacation and we had an experience that strengthened our knowledge in 1-5, or another principle of the gospel like helping the poor, family history, tithing, or whatever, then its fine to describe that very briefly but spend no time telling about how we went suba diving or saw this great cave and given other non-applicable details.

That said, you dont have to have some "experience" to share your testimony. It's perfectly fine to get up and give the 5, and sit down. No one should feel like they haven't had enough of an "experience" to share their testimony. Testimony meetings are not about being entertaining or "hearing some new thing".

Also, LDS know we should be careful and usually not relate personal spiritual experiences that involve visions. LDS can talk about "feeling the spirit" or "hearing the voice of the Spirit" while doing such-and-such or reading in the scriptures. We should not go into visions and such. These are sacred and should be shared with our immediate family and kept private in our personal journals.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Saved By Grace After All We Can Do

2 Nephi 25:23 "for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do."

Some of my Evangelical Christian friends criticize this verse in the Book of Mormon. They say that this verse is evidence that the Book of Mormon teaches a different Christ and a different gospel because "there is nothing good we can do without the grace of Jesus Christ." They rightly say, "man cannot contribute one iota to his own salvation on his own and by his own power".

While I agree with my Evangelical friends 100% that man has no power on his own to do good without Christ. I think their interpretation of Nephi's "after all we can do" is unfortunately taken out of context and misunderstood. Nephi is not saying man can meet God part way by our own power. What Nephi is explaining is why they (the Nephites) bothered to keep the Law of Moses despite knowing that salvation was in Christ Jesus and not by the Law. Nevertheless, Nephi taught that Christ gave the law, so they thought is imperative to observe the law first until it was fulfilled and Christ gave new commandments.

In other words, Nephi taught that we should 'accept and apply the grace Christ has already given us, before asking for more' or 'finish what's on our plate before asking for seconds'. To prove that this "finish whats on your plate' interpretation is exactly what Nephi means, I will turn to the letter of Captain Moroni to Chief Judge Pahoran who taught this very same principle:

Alma 60:21 "Or do ye suppose that the Lord will still deliver us, while we sit upon our thrones and do not make use of the means which the Lord has provided for us?"

Captain Moroni in a letter to Pahoran discusses the conditions of deliverance. In this letter Captain Moroni explains Gods expectation that his children receive and apply the grace we have already been given before expecting more. In this way the children of Christ grow "from grace to grace"

This principle is again taught at the close of the Book of Mormon by prophet-writer Moroni who promised the followers of Christ that if we would first apply all our God-given faculties (might, mind, and strength) to deny ourselves of sin, that then by the grace of Christ we would become fully sanctified through both the grave and power of His infinite atonement.

Moroni 10:32 "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God."

What sanctification and becoming "perfect in Christ" means is that, with Christ's help, we can first deny ourselves, put off the natural man, and keep the commandments of God over following after the appetites of the flesh. Then Christ promises that we will then go through the process of loosing any and all desire for sin but only desire to do good continually (Mosiah 5:2). Only then; in this forgiven, purified, and holy state will we then be prepared to enter in and dwell in the presence of our Father in Heaven.

When I was a child the Plan of Salvation was depicted as building a bridge over a deep chasm. Man standing on one side representing Earth and Christ standing on the other side representing Heaven. LDS do not teach that man can build any part of the bridge to Salvation. However, we must choose to stand upon and walk across the bridge. According to the Book of Mormon, Christ bridges our path to Salvation one plank at a time and will not extend the bridge until we are standing on the nearest plank. In this way, we are expected to use our God-given agency and accept the grace and choose the righteousness Christ has laid before us. And in this way, Christ walks with us every step of the way in our path to Salvation plank by plank spanning the chasm over death and hell towards Perfection and our Eternal Home.

So, what is "all we can do?" According to the Book of Mormon, all we can do is to "make use of the means which the Lord has provided for us". The means which the Lord has provided are the laws and ordinances of His Gospel which He has and will empower us to receive and obey. "After all we can do" is just another way of Christ saying, "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Agency and Piano Lessons

Satan rebelled for the same reason we rebel: "he didn't want anyone telling him what to do". Satan's doctrine is "Do as you will" or as Korihor taught "whatever a man did was no sin but that a man fared according to the management of the creature". Living your life only the way you want = the sin of pride.

The truth of agency is like piano lessons. You can't just sit down at a piano and create music. Only through years of discipline and learning the rules of music are you free to create and fully express your individuality through music. Anything else is just banging on the keyboard.

Only by mastering the rules of music of both melody, harmony, dissonance, rhythm, tempo, etc can a person become free to act and to create. Doing whatever you want at the piano without the rules is not freedom. Without a mastery of the rules, there is no freedom to act, or to create music. Satan's version of freedom results in only disorder and noise.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Agency and Government

“As important as are all other principles of the gospel, it was the freedom issue which determined whether you received a body. To have been on the wrong side of the freedom issue during the war in heaven meant eternal damnation. How then can Latter-day Saints expect to be on the wrong side in this life and escape the eternal consequences? The war in heaven is raging on earth today. The issues are the same: ‘Shall men be compelled to do what others claim is for their best welfare’ or will they heed the counsel of the prophet and preserve their freedom?” (Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, April 1965.)

“In the war in heaven the devil advocated absolute eternal security at the sacrifice of our freedom. Although there is nothing more desirable to a Latter-day Saint than eternal security in God's presence…Today the devil as a wolf in a supposedly new suit of sheep's clothing is enticing some men, both in and out of the Church, to parrot his line by advocating planned government guaranteed security programs at the expense of our liberties. Latter-day Saints should be reminded how and why they voted as they did in heaven. If some have decided to change their vote they should repent—throw their support on the side of freedom—and cease promoting this subversion.” (Ezra Taft Benson, Secret Combinations, Conference Report, October 1961.)

"The first basic principle is agency. The central issue in the premortal council was: Shall the children of God have untrammeled agency to choose the course they should follow, whether good or evil, or shall they be coerced and forced to be obedient? Christ and all who followed him stood for the former proposition--freedom of choice; Satan stood for the latter--coercion and force. The war that began in heaven over this issue is not yet over. The conflict continues on the battlefield of mortality. And one of Lucifer's primary strategies has been to restrict our agency through the power of earthly governments." (President Ezra Taft Benson, BYU Speeches of the Year, "The Principle of Agency" Sept 1986.)

Some people would use the quotes above to support the opinion that the righteous Government shouldn't prohibit drug distribution, prostitution, pornography, physician-assisted suicide. In these cases of sin, many claim sin is a matter of individual liberty, private contracts, and informed consent. However, when it came to the repeal of prohibition, Pres. Heber J. Grant instructed the LDS in Utah to uphold prohibition.

I have never felt so humiliated in my life over anything as that the State of Utah voted for the repeal of Prohibition.
(- President Heber J. Grant, Conference, Oct. 1934)

From this very stand he pleaded with us not to repeal the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. He didn't speak as Heber J. Grant, the man, he spoke as the President of the Church and the representative of our Heavenly Father. And yet in a state where we could have retained what we had, there were enough Latter-day Saints . . . who paid no attention to what the Lord wanted . . .and what is the result? Such delinquency as we have never known. .
(- George Albert Smith, Conference, Oct 1943)

One of the saddest days in all of Utah's history was when the people, including the Latter-day Saints (for it could not have been done without them), rejected the counsel and urging of the Lord's prophet, Heber J. Grant, and repealed Prohibition long years ago--yet many of those voters had sung numerous times, "We Thank Thee, O God, For A Prophet."
(- The Teachings of Spencer. W. Kimball)

Is there a contradiction here? Not at all. Government shouldn't legislate what it thinks people should do. However, Pres. Benson said that it is the duty of government to protect the God-given rights of life, the free exercise of conscience, and control of property. In other words, the government can punish those who cause harm to others. The fear of punishment can server to dissuade against sin.

With our current over-interpretation of "rule of law" our government operates on the basis of "it's not illegal unless there is a specific law in the books that has been violated". This leads to unprincipled business exploiting loopholes and harming people and claiming "we didn't break the law". This in turns leads to the government imposing more and more complicated regulations to keep us safe.

However, when it comes to legalization of pot and prohibition, most don't realize prohibition did not make individual drinking of alcohol illegal. What prohibition did was make the distribution of beverage/recreational alcohol illegal.

The reason there is a Constitutional and moral basis to use the government to prohibit the distribution of recreational alcohol or other drugs is that recreational drug distribution is not simply a matter of contracts and informed consent. Recreational drug use is harmful, and the harmful use is specifically intended in the contract. The distributor cannot say, "I didn't know how the purchaser was going to use the product.". The reason the 18th Amendment prohibited "beverage alcohol" was because the recreation purpose of alcohol was tied to how it was prepared, packaged and consumed. Prohibition did not prohibit alcohol manufacture and distribution for the purposes as a disinfectant.

This applies to cannabis as well. Recreational cannabis abuse is tied to the smoking or eating the dried cannabis leaves. The prohibition principle would not apply to other preparations of cannabis that might have some other useful benefits. (e.g. Hemp rope, or Marinol pills for appetite, etc).

1. Prohibition (18th ammendment) only applied to recreational "beverage" alcohol "distribution"
2. Recreational use attatched to "beverage" form of manufacture
3. Recreational drug use = self abuse
4. Recreational drug Distrubution = accomplice to abuse
5. Recreational intent (abuse) is explicit in contract
6. Constitutional responsibility to stop abuse of others (victim)
7. Therefore, use of government force is constitutional to punish recreational drug distribution.(Kevorkian Principle)
8. (US Constitution Article 1 Section 8) in addition to providing for the "common Defence" by punishing federal harm-doers, the Federal Government (Congress) can protect via "regulation of Commerce with foreign nations". As part of the Constitutional power to "regulate" the Congress can "decide" what is "harmful" and what imports to regulate or prohibit.

Agency: Parable of the Piano Teacher

Agency is the power to act and not be acted upon. Humans are different than Animals. Animals are controlled by their appetites and instincts. Humans on the other hand can feel hungry but decide to fast, they can be offended but decide to forgive, and they can feel anger, but respond in kindness.

Without the commandments and Atonement of Jesus Christ man would be doomed to death, misery and captivity to Satan forever. However, the Book of Mormon teaches that thanks to the atonement of Jesus Christ and His commandments, men have been empowered to choose life, happiness and freedom. Only through Christ can man can put off the natural man. Because of Christ men can "cheer up our hearts" because Christ makes us free to choose and gives us the choice. Death was the default setting.

The purpose of this life is like drivers lessons to learn how to have our spirits control and master our physical bodies. Instead, if we allow our passions control us, we are like an car out-of-control that can injure both ourselves and others. By choosing the right, we exercise and strengthen our agency and increase in power and freedom. However, by giving into our carnal natures, we limit and lose our agency and become enslaved to the insatiable appetites of the flesh. In this weakened state, Satan can easily enslave us. Satan cannot create so he can only enslave.

Why do people follow Satan? The Scriptures say Satan wanted to destroy the agency of man and promised that all would return with himself alone as God. Prophets have taught that Satan's plan was to force us to obey him (not force to be good). The Book of Mormon teaches that Satan persuadeth none to do good. Korihor taught how Satan was going to enslave us by getting rid of the rules. Korihor taught "whatever a man did was no sin but that all men faired according to the management of the creature and conquered according to his strength and genius."

Satan's lie is that if we follow him we can "do whatever we want". Satan says that "do as you will" is true freedom and that religion and the commandments of God serve only to restrict the freedom and enslave.

The truth is that without law a person "doing whatever they want" really don't have the power to do anything. Commandments are directions and not restrictions. If a man gives into the flesh, the flesh will control him and Satan will enslave him. Like playing the piano, you cannot create music if you don't learn and obey the rules of music. This applies to jazz as well. You just can't sit down at a piano, "do whatever you want" and have the power to create music. Only through obedience to Gods laws can we be empowered to create just like obeying the rules of music is required to create music.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Cheer Up Your Hearts

2 Ne. 10:23 "Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves—to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life."

Jacob tells us to "Cheer up" because we are free to choose life death. Therefore, some say we should be as grateful for the opportunity to choose death as we are the opportunity to choose life. Others say we should protect our rights to sin by decriminalizing and making sin legal and accessible.

If Satan was going to force us to be good. I guess we should be grateful for and protect the option to sin. However, the scriptures and prophets never specifically say that. What scriptures say is: 1. Satan sought to destroy the agency of man (get rid of rules per Korihor?) 2. Satan claimed he wouldn't lose anyone (false claim?). 3. Satan never persuades to do good (what about force?) (Moses 4). Prophets have said Satan wanted to force obedience, but they know obeying Satan is never good.

How did Satan seek to destroy agency. Maybe Satans plan was to throw out the rules and everyone live like savages (do as you will). There is no sin for animals following their instincts. They are just doing what animals do. Animals are predictable and thus easy to control and enslave. Maybe Satan's plan of force was really a plan of captivity.

Also, if Satan was to force us to be good, and Jacob says we should be equally "cheerful" about the choice of death as we are for life, shouldn't we be grateful for and protect the opportinity to sin?

I suppose, it all depends on what the default setting was. If good was the default setting, we should be grateful for sin. However, If death is the default setting, we should be grateful for the commandments and the atonement that allow us to escape death.

Which do you think was the default setting? Which new option should cause us to "cheer up".

Before the Fall, for Adam and Eve, Life in the garden was the default setting, and sin was the option that gave them a choice. So, I would say that Adam and Eve were thankful for the FALL. For us, after the Fall, death is the default choice. And commandments and the Atonement give us the choice and the "cheer".

When we properly exercise our agency and Satan is Forcibly bound in the Millennium, and our children grow up without sin unto salvation; will they be less free? Will they have less reason to be cheerful?

Someone balked when I said, " a free man doesn't exercise his agency by choosing sin". This person believed that choosing sin was still exercising agency. In my mind, exercise makes a muscle stronger. In my mind, you increase your agency by obedience and weaken it through sin.

Some say, "Satan's plan was to force us to obey". They then use this belief to say that a free society should protect our right to freely sin. However, when modern prophets warn against Socialism say, "Satan's plan is a plan of force to obey"; forcing to obey Satan is not forcing to do right. Doing Satan's will is always wrong.

Yes, I believe government shouldn't institute regulations to prevent sin, but that doesn't mean sin should be legal. When a person violates the liberties of or harms others, the perpetrator should be forcibly punished and the fear of punishment should be the deterrence. (Alma 1:17-18).

Accordingly, I also believe that the government should only intervene with force when there is a victim. So, like I said before, marajuana possession should not be criminalized, but drug Distrubution can be prosecuted. Recreational drug abuse is a lie, a fraud, and a theft of a "high" the person did not earn. It is self abuse that makes people weak and steals their motivation. However, recreational drug distributors become an accomplice to the self-abuse and can be prosecuted via the Kevorkian principle.

Criminalizing recreational drug distribution makes immoral consumption difficult. You can institute Constitutional/libertarian principles by criminalizing distribution and make access to sin difficult. A free society doesn't require free and equal access to sin. But if someone wants to sin bad enough, they are free to go out of
their way to do it. Why not make people go out of their way to sin?

If you're worried about the government deciding what is things are good to distribute and bad to distribute, the Book of Mormon instructs to decide by the "voice of the people". Then you might say the voice of the people spoke on repeal of prohibition. However, most people generally agreed in 1933 that recreational alcoholic beverage consumption was bad. However they were duped into thinking that "the law shouldn't criminize individuals for drinking". See, this confused the issue. Prohibition had nothing to do with individual consumption. Prohibition was about the criminalization of distribution only, which has both a moral and constitutional basis for its criminalization.

Satan always takes us to thd extremes as well. He will tell us we should have no rules, or too many rules. Understanding this we can see the proper balance between anarchy and tyranny in the true political spectrum.

When it comes to recreational drug use. Satan loves to confuse the issue. He likes to make many arguments that miss the Crux of the issue. But like Traditional Marriage, if you don't focus on and redirect to the core issue, you cant easily defend it.

Distracting Drug Arguments:
We can tax it (love hearing this from libertarians)
We can regulate it and make it safe
Marajuana isn't addictive or doesn't have harmful health effects
We can cut down on organized crime
Users don't hurt anyone else
Satan wanted to force
People should be free to due what they want
Marajuana has potential medical benifits
Private citizens should be free to contract

Real Issue:
Recreational Drug use is self-abusive and steals a 'high' they did not earn, therefore artifically stimulating your pleasure centers will rob you of your motivation for productive behavior. While individual rec. drug use should not be criminalized, recreational drug manufacture and Distrubution should be criminalized because explicit in the contract is the understanding that the product will be used for harm and abuse. Recreational drug distributors cannot claim they had no knowledge how the product was going to be used. If sold as a recreational product, it is sold for the express intent to be abused and cause harm by definition. Therefore, the government has the responsibility to use force to stop abuse and harm and protect. The fear of punishment should provide the deterrence.

If you read the text of the 18th Ammendment, it only applied to the manufacture and Distrubution of beverage (recreational) alcohol and not individual use. Knowing this we see that Pres Heber J Grant was perfectly constitutionally principled to ask LDS to oppose the repeal of prohibition.

Like alcohol, marijuana prohibition may require a similar strategy that the manufacture, import, export, distrubution and sale of "smoking" cannabis be prohibited. Like alcohol, the recreational use of cannabis is attatched to the way it is administered. If a cancer patient requires an appetite stimulant, the quality controlled thc cannabinoid can be isolated and administered in pill or suspension form "with wisdom and skill".

Friday, April 27, 2012

Agency and Force

Gal 5:1 "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free,"

I have never felt so humiliated in my life over anything as that the State of Utah voted for the repeal of Prohibition.
- President Heber J. Grant, Conference, Oct. 1934

From this very stand he pleaded with us not to repeal the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. He didn't speak as Heber J. Grant, the man, he spoke as the President of the Church and the representative of our Heavenly Father. And yet in a state where we could have retained what we had, there were enough Latter-day Saints . . . who paid no attention to what the Lord wanted . . .and what is the result? Such delinquency as we have never known. .
- George Albert Smith, Conference, Oct 1943

One of the saddest days in all of Utah's history was when the people, including the Latter-day Saints (for it could not have been done without them), rejected the counsel and urging of the Lord's prophet, Heber J. Grant, and repealed Prohibition long years ago--yet many of those voters had sung numerous times, "We Thank Thee, O God, For A Prophet."
- The Teachings of Spencer. W. Kimball

I believe there is a clear relationship between the historical issue of repealing prohibition and the current issue surrounding marijuana legalization.

A inspired saying is: "God gave man his agency to choose good over evil while it was Satan's plan to destroy agency by forcing us to be obedient". The following post seeks to explore how Satan sought to destroy the agency of man.

[President Ezra Taft Benson, BYU Speeches of the Year, "The Principle of Agency" Sept 1986.]

The purpose of the post was inspired by someone who was using the "it was Satans plan to force" to argue in favor or drug legalization. Notwithstanding, it being Satan's plan to force to obey. That doesn't mean force/government is bad. Government has no business forcing people to be obedient (police state), but they do have a role in forcing people to stop when they are violating the liberties of others. The Book of Mormon (Alma 1:17-18) says this specifically. Therefore, when it comes to the issue of drug legalization, using drugs should not be criminalized, but distribution of drugs should be illegal based on the Kevorkian principle.

Could a misunderstanding of this principle, "Satan's plan was to force us to be obedient" cause some to falsely believe:
1. All force is bad.
2. Since Government = force, therefore all government is bad
3. Any force destroys agency
4. Agency = "do as you will" or "do whatever you want"
5. Anything that stands in the way of choosing or doing evil is evil.
6. A free society must establish equal and unfettered acess and opportunities to sin in every way for all people.
7. I am exercising my agency when I sin or succumb to the passions of the flesh?

2 Ne 2:16 "man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other"

Agency depends on being enticed by good and evil. Misguided parents may think that not teaching their children morals, values, religion and letting them decide for themselves about religion when they are older is a good thing. However, since Satan doesn't take a vacation in enticing evil, if parents don't entice for good, their children are not free because they are subjected to unapposed evil enticements.

With this in mind. The Righteous don't need to do Satan's work for him. We don't need to help Satan out making sin accessible and enticing. If we are on Gods side, there is nothing wrong with making a society were righteousness is enticing and accessible and sin is not enticing and not accessible. Let Satan and his followers do their work, and let us do our work by making sin unenticing and not easily accessible. Furthermore, 2Nephi 2:16 Doesn't say you have to be equally enticed by good and evil. So, there is nothing wrong with Gods people making righteousness much more enticing and evil much less accessible and inviting.

Also, we should remember the reason Lehi is talking about agency here. Lehi is explaining why there is adversity and evil in the world and why there needs to be opposition in all things for us to have agency. Lehi is not suggesting we have to help evil do it's job. Again, a free people can use agency to make evil less accessible and less enticing.

Additionally, Lehi's words are explaining why God's commandments provide necessary opposition to the appetites of the flesh and temptation. What Satan wanted was a plan without rules. And without rules, there would be no choice and man would be completely captive to the flesh and to temptation. However what sets a free man apart from animals is he can exercise his agency and not eat when he feels to eat. What sets a free society apart is their exercise of agency to protect themselves with just laws from sin, corruption, and evil.

3. Moroni 7:17 "for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him."

According to the Book of Mormon, Satan doesn't persuade, anyone to do anything good. Despite Satan's plan of force, force itself is not intrinsically evil. By extension, government which exercises fear of the threat of force and force isn't necessarily or intrinsically evil and has a place in a free society.

Alma 1:17-18 "Nevertheless, they durst not lie, if it were known, for fear of the law, for liars were punished; therefore they pretended to preach according to their belief; and now the law could have no power on any man for his belief. And they durst not steal, for fear of the law, for such were punished; neither durst they rob, nor murder, for he that murdered was punished unto death."

Religion/Priesthood = Persuasion and Love. Government = Fear and Force. While there is no place for coercive force in religion, there is a righteous role of government and force in maintaining a free and righteous society. Many LDS mistakenly believe that there is no ultimate place for government/force in a perfect Zion or Millennial society. In reality, republican limited government operated in the Bible. Moses was advised by Jethro to appoint Captains to judge the people which continued during the times of the Judges. In the Book of Mormon, Alma recognized a need for a separation of church and state when he gave up the Chief Judge seat in order to devote his energies to his religious ministry. In the Millennium, there are 2 capitals: Zion and Jerusalem. Zion will be the religious capital and Jerusalem will be the seat of government. A perfect society is not a theocracy. Remember in the heavens Oliblish stands next to Kolob.

Constitution = self government. The Lord revealed to Joseph Smith that the US Constitution was given by God. Accordingly Joseph Smith recognized the importance of self government when he taught: "I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves." In a free society, the force of government is only necessary when religious persuasion fails. Therefore, religion has an indespensible role in a constitutional government to teach righteousness, discourage evil, and call the people to repentance. There is also an indispensable place for disfellowshipping and excommunication.

Furthermore, according to the Book of Mormon, government created fear of the threat of force was also important to a free society. When citizens violate the liberties of others, the government has the duty to forcibly punish and rehabilitate the offender.

What is the role of government for those who choose to use drugs? Illicit drugs used to get "high" harm the survival of the species. Humans have been designed with a physiologic and psychological reward system to reward productive behavior. If a person finds and uses a chemical that artifically stimulates the reward centers without paying the price of productive behavior, they are lying to and cheating themselves. Individuals who abuse drugs to "get high" have stolen the "high" without earning it.

Imagine a person who climbs a mountain. When he gets to the top, he enjoys the rush that goes along with achieving his goal of reaching the summit. Now imagine that that same person can sit on the sofa at the base of the mountain and smoke or inject some chemical and experience the same psychologic and physiologic rush of neurotransmitters? How much more likely is that individual to climb the mountain if he can get the same reward sitting on his couch? In this way, widespread use of illicit drugs decreases the fitness and productiveness of the human species independent of its potentially harmful direct and indirect health effects.

Now, it is true that the individual's choice to use illicit drugs is not violating the liberties of others. Therefore, there is no role for government fear or force against the drug abuser. Religion has a role to encourage repentance, and voluntary rehabilitation. Religion can disfellowship and excommunicate.

However, the distribution of illicit drugs is another matter. While the drug user is lying, cheating, stealing, and abusing himself; he is doing it to himself. On the other hand, the distributor of illicit drugs to the drug abuser, become an enabler, facilitator, and accomplice in a lie, fraud, thrift, and abuse. Distributing drugs is more than just an issue of private contracting and informed consent. Consequently, for this reason the government can and should exercise prosecutory force against illicit drug distributors. This principle here is exactly why Physician assisted suicide is illegal and immoral. The government doesn't prosecute a person for attempted suicide, but they will and should prosecute a physician for being an accomplice to suicide. I call this the Dr. Kevorkian principle. If you don't recall, Dr. Kevorkian was prosecuted for engaging in physician-assisted suicide.

That said, there remains a potential acceptible use and role for drug distribution for medical purposes of relieving suffering. Prov 31:6-7 "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.". That said, any drug according to the Word of Wisdom should be used with "judgement and skill". Also, those worthy of the temple were never to partake. (Lev 10:9).

Moses 1:1-4 "Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, ... he became Satan"

Now that we have discussed what Satan's plan is not. It is important to discuss what was and still is Satan's plan. How did Satan plan seek to destroy the agency of man? The best way to understand Satan's plan is to meet someone living it. A few years ago, I met one.

During my residency training, I was working in the emergency department. One evening, I evaluated and treated a homeless man who was rather alcohol intoxicated, had been violently assaulted, and who had suffered a rather large laceration to his scalp and face. While I was repairing this man's wound, I got to know him and his circumstance.

While sewing up this man's wounds, I asked this man where he stayed. He calmly revealed that he was "living in a hole in the ground down by the river." The situation seemed not unlike the late comedian Chris Farley's SNL "motivational speaker" character. This SNL sketch character bombastically warned that doing drugs would cause you to end up like him; "living in a van down by the river". Too bad Chris Faley didn't take his own advice because a few years later he died of a cocaine overdose. Anyways, this homeless man said he lived with a hole-mate who he said had turned on him and bashed him in the head, and had stolen some money from him to buy drugs. This man considered the betrayal by his longtime friend and hole-mate to be worse than his injuries or the loss of the money.

So, I asked this man. What he liked about living in a hole. I mean why not live at the shelter at least. He told be he much preferred the hole to the shelter because in the hole, he had no rules. He claimed could do what he wanted when he wanted without anyone telling him what to do. For this man, living in a hole down by the river was the ultimate freedom. This interaction really helped me understand the nature of Satan's plan.

Now is this homeless man free: No rules, no wife, no kids, no job, and no responsibilities? Tragically, this man was diluted into thinking he was free. But agency has nothing to do with "doing whatever you want" and having "no rules". The real definition of agency is having the power to act and not be acted upon. In reality, my hole-living friend had no agency, because he had no power to do anything. On the other hand, God gives His people rules that empower their action.

2Ne2:14;16 "And now, my sons,... for there is a God, and he hath created all things, both the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both things to act and things to be acted upon.... Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. "

Korihor sums up Satan's philosophy:
Alma 30:17 "every man fared in this life according to the management of the creature; therefore every man prospered according to his genius, and that every man conquered according to his strength; and whatsoever a man did was no crime."

According to this, It is my opinion that it was not Satans plan to force us to do good. What his plan was to get rid of any rules about right and wrong. Satan's entices people to his plan now as well as then with the deception. "do as you will" which runs in opposition to Gods plan of "not as I will but as thou wilt". Satan convinces people that if they follow his plan, they can do whatever they want. In fact, this philosophy goes on to say that if there is a desire or appetite in you, that the universe has put that desire in your heart, and you must devote yourself to having or taking whatever it is you desire; whatever the costs. Furthermore, If you deny yourself what you desire, you are setting yourself at odds with the universe. In Satan's plan man is expected to use all the strength of force, any means necessary, and any deception to obtain the object of their desire; even it belongs to another. Furthermore, this false morality claims that this manifestation of strength benefits the human species which is better able to survive because of your strength and fitness.

Can you imagine a world filled with people who are all trying to do whatever they want whenever they want it and taking whatever they want whenever they want it. It's pure anarchy and chaos on one hand or deception and slavery on the other. Furthermore, as you can imagine, in Satan's pyramid scheme there is only room for one person at the top of the pyramid who can do and have whatever he wants. Everyone else in the pyramid is subservient to the one at the top. The key therefore is for the person at the top to maintain their position via fear, force and deception by getting those below to accept and be pacified in their subservience and captivity.

The deception in Satan's philosophy of "do as you will" is what you want is so easily and artificially manipulated. This manipulation is illustrated in the recent Hollywood movie "Inception". Only God really knows what we truly want and will want. Because of the veil over our minds, the fulness what we want hasn't even entered into the heart of man. To illustrate, think of the car or truck you wish you owned. Now think about what went in to creating that want: advertising, city planning, employment, peer status.

Using illicit drugs has nothing to do with "exercising agency" but losing our agency and limiting our power and motivation to act; subjecting ourselves to and enslaving ourselves to Satan. Many people use drugs to deal with stress or boredom. In a healthy advanced and civilized society, a free people who enjoy the rare blessing of "free time" manage their stress and boredom engaging in productive stress-relieving activities. Again, we see in this explanation, how the act of self-medicating with illicit drugs directly inhibits our motivation and power to act.

The only people who are truely exercising their agency, seek to do the will of our Father in Heaven in all things. Christ summed up God's plan when he declared, "not as I will, but as thou wilt". As we fall short of doing Gods will, we accept the Savior Jesus Christ whose sacrifice promises to empower our repentance and obedience. God, Our Heavenly Father, has promised us that if we will accept His Son, and seek to do His will, that we will be empowered to do all that is necessary in this life, and we will be blessed with all the creative powers of God in the next life.

This is how agency is the power to act and not be acted upon. The agency of man is what sets us apart from animals who are totally ruled by their appetites and instincts. Humans are distinct from animals because we can feel hungry and not eat, we can feel anger and still forgive. Spiritual power over the appetites of the flesh is what the agency of man is all about. Again, free men do not exercise agency by choosing to sin. Free men exercise agency through the commandments of God that empower us to fast when we are hungry, to be patient when we feel hurried, to be silent when we are angry, and forgive when we are offended. Agency is the power to choose the right even when our flesh wants to choose the wrong.

Remember that the reason Satan's plan is a grand pyramid scheme is because Satan has no power to create. Therefore, for Satan to have power, he must steal, deceive, and enslave others; subjugating them beneath him. This is why there is only room for one person at the top. But in God's plan, God not only has the power to create, but God can bestow the creative power upon others. Therefore, in God's plan, there is infinite room at the top as all of God's children can have dominion over their own creations as The Most High God rules over Us.

■ “With regard to the rights of the human family, I wish to say that God has given unto all of his children of this dispensation, as he gave unto all of his children of previous dispensations, individual agency. This agency has always been the heritage of man under the rule and government of God. He possessed it in the heaven of heavens before the world was, and the Lord maintained and defended it there against the aggression of Lucifer and those that took sides with him, to the overthrow of Lucifer and one-third part of the heavenly hosts. By virtue of this agency you and I and all mankind are made responsible beings, responsible for the course we pursue, the lives we live, the deeds we do in the body” (Wilford Woodruff, The Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, 8–9).

"agency has always been the heritage of man under the rule and government of God. "

This seems to say to me that man has always had agency because we have always had rules and commandments and we have always been free to break those commandments. But we are not free from the consequences as Satan was not free from them and was forcibly prosecuted for violating those commandments. Satan was forcibly cast out of heaven in consequence of breaking the commandments of God.

Accordingly, government should not force it's citizens to obey what it thinks is right (police state), but it is correct for government to forcibly stop its citizens after they are violating the liberties of others and use the threat of force to dissuade crime. With regard to illicit drugs, drug distribution can be prosecuted because the distributors become an accomplice to self-abuse, self-deception and theft.

"Agency is the power to choose the right even when our flesh wants to choose the wrong."

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Force and Agency

If Law = Morality, Religion = love/persuasion, Government = fear/force? Since Government operates by fear and force, force of itself cannot be inherently bad, can it?

The Book of Mormon teaches 1. We are not free unless enticed by both sides (2Ne2:16) 2. Laws punished sins and made people fear to break laws (Alma 1:17-18) 3. Satan persuadeth none to do good. Would Satan "force" any to do good either? (Moroni 7:17). ... n.html?m=1

What is Satans plan against agency? Same as it is today: "Do as you will". No right and wrong, Korihor doctrine of Social Darwinism.

Everyone would return because Satan proposed to do away with right and wrong and let eveyone do whatever they could get away with. In this system the powerful would enslave and control the weak in Satan's pyramid system. Satan would be top of the pyramid and we would become his slaves. none would be lost. The ultimate Exchange of liberty for safety.

The rules empower us to become like God. Christ empowers us to repent and keep the rules. Satan wanted to destroy our agency by destroying the rules and removing the consequences of sin. A free society rewards righteousness and entices against and punishes when we violate the liberties of others.

Agency has more to do with commandments to follow. and less about being free to do whatever you want. Following Gods rules and having consequences when we make mistakes so that we are likely to repent leads to freedom and eternal life. Doing whatever you want without immediate consequence leads to eternal captivity and death.

Force and the Agency of Man

Moroni 7:17 "for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him."

Agency: Essential to the Plan of Life
ROBERT D. HALES, Ensign, October 2010

Discusses how definition of agency in the dictionary is inadequate

ELDER JAMES E. FAUST, ENSIGN “The Great Imitator” NOV. 1987

PRESIDENT JAMES E. FAUST, ENSIGN "The Forces That Will Save Us" JAN. 2007

President Ezra Taft Benson, BYU Speeches of the Year, "The Principle of Agency" Sept 1986.

"The first basic principle is agency. The central issue in the premortal council was: Shall the children of God have untrammeled agency to choose the course they should follow, whether good or evil, or shall they be coerced and forced to be obedient? Christ and all who followed him stood for the former proposition--freedom of choice; Satan stood for the latter--coercion and force. The war that began in heaven over this issue is not yet over. The conflict continues on the battlefield of mortality. And one of Lucifer's primary strategies has been to restrict our agency through the power of earthly governments."

These four wonderful talks popularized the saying that it was "Satan's plan to destroy the agency of man by forcing us to be obedient". However , that's not exactly what Pres. Faust says. Pres. Faust simply labels Satan's Plan, a "plan of force." Pres. Benson is more specific on this point. In this post I wish to explore, compare and contrast Christ's plan of agency with Satan's plan of force and discuss how LDS teach and understand force.

Heavenly Plan
LDS understand that in the beginning there was a Heavenly Council where the plan of salvation was presented. Gods plan through Jesus Christ would make man free to choose right and wrong, allow us to learn from our mistakes, and provide a Savior for us to repent and choose righteousness. By choosing Christ, and His righteousness man is empowered to return into the presence of our Heavenly Father. The Saving power and mercy of Jesus Christ empowers our repentance and eventual necessary obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel. Choosing Christ and the resultant empowered obedience qualifies the individual for heaven where no unclean thing can dwell.

However, because of the rules and commandments, and because of the requirement of accepting Christ, repentance, and obedience; God's plan would run the risk of some choosing not to return to heaven. However, in return, Gods plan promises that the obedient believer could become exalted like our Heavenly Father.

Satan's Plan
Now when LDS teach about Satan's plan we usually say something like: its Satan's plan to force us to do good so we can return into the presence of God. And because we are forced to be good, there is no risk of anyone being lost and we all come back into Heaven. However, because we are forced and not allowed to choose good, we would all return not much better than we left except Satan only would be exalted over God. Satan's plan was enticing because of the promise that not one soul would be lost. However, by accepting Satan's plan we would be sacrificing our eternal liberty for security.

While I don't think anything in this explanation of Satan's plan is necessarily incorrect, I do think we could do a bit better explaining more what Satan's plan really was. The reason it's important to understand this is because this understanding shapes how we view, understand and value the concepts of agency and force .

Here is what LDS Scripture says on this point:

Moses 1:1-4 "Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, ... he became Satan"

Now this passage of scripture doesn't say exactly how Satan proposed to destroy the agency of man. Pres. Faust suggests that it was via a "plan of force." I agree, Satan's plan was coercive and oppressive, but force is probably not how Satan sold his plan during the War in Heaven (Rev 12:4, D&C29:36, Isa 14:12-14).

How Satan Sold and Sells His Plan?
During my residency training, I was working in the emergency department one evening when it was my pleasure to evaluate and treat a homeless man who was rather alcohol intoxicated, had been violently assaulted, and who had suffered a rather large laceration to his scalp and face. While I was repairing this man's wound, I got to know him and his circumstance.

First off I asked this man where he stayed. It turns out this homeless man lived in a hole in the ground down by the river. He even had a hole-mate who he said had turned on him and bashed him in the head, and had stolen some money from him to buy drugs. This man considered the betrayal by his longtime friend and hole-mate to be worse than his injuries or the loss of the money.

So, I asked this man. What he liked about living in a hole. I mean why not live at the shelter at least. He told be he much preferred the hole in the ground to the shelter because in the hole, he had no rules. He claimed could do what he wanted when he wanted without anyone telling him what to do. For this man, living in a hole down by the river was the ultimate freedom. This interaction really helped me understand the nature of Satan's plan.

Satan's entices people to his plan now as well as then with the deception. "do as you will" which runs in opposition to Gods plan of "not as I will but as thou wilt". Satan convinces people that if they follow his plan, they can do whatever they want. In fact, this philosophy goes on to say that if there is a desire or appetite in you, that the universe has put that desire in your heart and you must devote yourself to having or taking whatever it is you desire whatever the costs. If you deny what you desire, you are setting yourself at odds with the universe. However, of you use all the strength of force and power to obtain the object of your desire, even it belongs to another, that your strength benefits the human species which is better able to survive because of your strength and fitness.

Korihor in the Book of Mormon sums up Satan's plan of force:

Alma 30:17 "every man fared in this life according to the management of the creature; therefore every man prospered according to his genius, and that every man conquered according to his strength; and whatsoever a man did was no crime."

Can you imagine a world filled with people who are all trying to do whatever they want whenever they want it and taking whatever they want whenever they want it. It's pure anarchy and chaos. Furthermore, as you can imagine, in Satan's pyramid scheme there is theoretically only room for one person at the top of the pyramid who can do and have whatever he wants. Everyone else in the pyramid is subservient to the one at the top. The key therefore is for the person at the top to maintain their position via fear, force and deception by getting those below to accept and be pacified in their subservience and captivity.

But what about force itself? Is it all bad? Because of Satan's misuse of force some claim any use of force is evil. Well, of that is the case, then any government is evil because government = force.

Gods plan of liberty and freedom has a place for both religion and government. God's plan is not a theocracy or socialism. In the Bible Israel during the time of the Judges had both religious and secular authority. In the Book of Mormon the Nephites recognized the dangers of a wicked king and created a system of judges and managed their affairs by the voice of the people. In time Alma who was both the religious (prophet) and secular leader (chief judge) recognized the value in a separation of church and state giving up his position as chief judge to another so he could devoted all his energies in the work of the ministry and building up the church.

The LDS people believe and it is revealed in our scripture that the Constitution of the United States is given by God. The Constitution says that with regard to secular power that the people retain all the rights and secular government is given specific privileges. When it comes to spiritual power and religion, God has all the rights and bestows upon man religious privilege. The US Constitution is based on the principle of separation of church and state and self-government where criticizes are to be taught correct religious principles and govern themselves.

On one side, Religion and Priesthood operate through pure persuasion and love. Religion provides strict expectations and a code of moral conduct. Religion also provides a culture and community of likeminded individuals who support each other in living up to a high moral standard which is the "golden rule" to never do unto others what you wouldn't want someone to do to you.

As part of this persuasion, If a man sins, religious authority can take away his religious privileges by denying him participation in religious rites and ordinances and fellowship in the religious community. Religion cannot violate secular rights to property or life. Even when providing correction and reproof, religious authority is administered with pure love, meekness, patience, long suffering, kindness, faith, and persuasion. Religious authority is never based on fear, force, coercion, blackmail or intimidation.

If the persuasion and love of Religion is not enough, there is room for the force of government in a free society. Government = force by definition and Law = morality by definition.

Many people falsely believe that freedom is a system without rules or even force. They say "You can't legislate morality", or "it's Satan's plan to force people to do good". The Book of Mormon teaches exactly the opposite. The Book of Mormon says that if a person is not enticed by both sides they are not free. Therefore, because Satan is always enticing to do evil, if there is not strong enticement by society to do what is right, the people are are not free. Parents who say they are not going to impose their religious and moral values on their children but let them decide for themselves when they are older are very mistaken on what freedom really means. By being in the world children are automatically subjected to continual evil. With no teaching of what is good and true, their children are not free.

2 Nephi 2:16 "Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other."

Alma 1:17-18 "Nevertheless, they durst not lie, if it were known, for fear of the law, for liars were punished; therefore they pretended to preach according to their belief; and now the law could have no power on any man for his belief. And they durst not steal, for fear of the law, for such were punished; neither durst they rob, nor murder, for he that murdered was punished unto death."

Furthermore, the Book of Mormon says a free society government should use to power of fear and even the death penalty to force/persuade the people to do right through fear of punishment. There should never be a law against a man's belief or even pretended belief. But if a person violates the rights of others, if they lie, cheat, steal, thieve, rob , or murder, they should be forcibly punished.

How does this apply to the issue of illicit drug legalization?

I am glad that LDS can be a moderating force in all political parties including Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian. All of these have some truth, but none are without flaws. in a sense, all political parties are false religions at the moment. But since there is not a perfect political party, LDS can moderate the ones we have. That said, I would beware of the Libertarian view of freedom. I do not believe it necessarily fits the LDS view in scripture.

Libertarian claim drugs should be legalized because laws shouldn't dictate what I do with my body as long as it doesn't violate the rights of others. I agree with that. I agree that those who abuse and harm themselves should be encouraged to voluntarily seek rehabilitation and treatment and not be prosecuted. I am going to make the case that illicit drug distributors violate the rights of others and therefore should be prosecuted. However, Other libertarian arguments say that individuals should be free to contract with one another. I will address this argument as well.

Physiologic and Psychologic highs are designed to reinforce productive behavior. People that use drugs to artificially achieve that "high" without earning it are stealing it, and they are lying, cheating, abusing and harming themselves. Lying to yourself is not a punishable crime but the drug dealer becomes a guilty accomplice in the fraud. The dealer/distributor should be held to account for enabling the user to lie to himself, and steal an unearned and unnatural "high."

Using psychoactive drugs to get high must be distinguished from using apropriate substances to moderate uncontrolled stress and pain. Prov 31:6

To Clarify, the distribution of illicit drugs is not freedom to contact because:

1. Drug use = lying to yourself, stealing a "high" not earned, and abuse. Abusing yourself is not a punishable offense.

2. However, If an physician cannot help someone kill themself (e.g. Dr Kevorkian), they shouldn't be able to help someone lie, cheat, and steal or abuse themselves.

3. Illicit drug distributors become accomplices, enablers, facilitators in a fraud and abuse.

4. Liars, cheaters, robbers, theives, murders are to be punished in a free Society. Alma1:17-18.

5. A free society is not free without rules and punishment and consequences against sin to entice via fear of force away from sin. 2Ne2:16, Alma1:17-18. Free criticizes should be made to fear the consequences of Illicit drug distribution.

6. Law is morality. Government involves force and fear to persuade to do good. Priesthood involves persuasion and love to entice to do right. There is place for both

7. Satan wanted to take away the agency of man. What he wanted was too take away the rules of right and wrong. Satans doctrine is and has aways been "do as you will". Without choosing to obey the rules and instead doing our own will we could never become like our Father in Heaven. Satan told us if we followed his plan we could all do whatever we wanted and none would be lost because there was no rules. No rules = no choice. No right and wrong, no agency, no exaltation. We are blessed by obeying the rules. Consequences for sin makes us free.

The rules empower us to become like God. Christ empowers us to repent and keep the rules. Satan wanted to destroy our agency by destroying the rules and removing the consequences of sin. A free society rewards righteousness and entices against and punishes sin.

Satan removes the consequences of sin so he can use sin to enslave and control us. Satan's plan is not just a force system, it's a slave system that cannot pay.