Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Zelophehad’s Daughters

I’ve been listening to some of Dr. Jordan Peterson.  His ideas and words are routinely misrepresented by the mainstream media. Dr. Peterson is a phycologist from the University of  Toronto who made a name for himself by publically objecting to government mandated speech (gender pronouns).  Dr. Peterson has some great insights into the most fundamental Bible stories (Fall, Cain v. Able, Crucifixion, etc).  Dr. Peterson is less well-known for developing the OCEAN personality assessment which was used to characterize individuals based on the “Big 5” personality characteristics.  This assessment was used by Cambridge Analytica/SCL Group to micro-target tailored political advertisements via Facebook to US voters. 

Dr. Peterson has been touring the country talking about and defending the social order and competence hierarchy (NOT patriarchy). According to Peterson, there are more men represented at the top but also the bottom of our social order (CEO’s and sanitation workers).  However, the preponderance of men at the extremes is not all due to corruption, discrimination, and oppression, but are multifactorial.  The main factors are based on a combination of biological realities and individual preferences.   

That said, Dr. Peterson does not deny the existence of corruption, discrimination, and oppression.  These problems exist and need to be stopped.  However, oppression is not the reason why their are more female nurses and more male engineers in Sweeden and Norway. He welcomes the idea of more women leaders and women in all fields of study.  However, Dr. Peterson encourages freedom of opportunity and preference vs. a government-coerced and artificial equality of results. 

The US has become increasingly divided.  Its like both sides are speaking different languages and not just watching different news networks. Dr. Peterson values the left and the liberal political spectrum which balances and checks the social hierarchy. Conservatives are great at running things, but creative liberals come up with new ideas that improve them 

Dr. Peterson doesn’t reject feminism or social welfare, but warns of the dangerous tactics being used by the extreme left, some  feminist and socialist.  Dr. Peterson warns against inflammatory rhetoric that seeks to silence people, incite protest, rebellion, and violence (“Rules for Radicals”).  Dr. Peterson also warns against identity politics, victimization, and  class guilt.  Incendiary rhetoric like this was used to fuel the rise of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao.  Instead of fomenting a rebellion and overthrow of the current social order, Dr. Peterson advocates greater competence, assertiveness and better negotiating with the competence hierarchy. 

The story of the 5 Daughters of Zelophehad (Num 27:1-11).  In this story, Moses had divided up the land of Israel amoung the 12 Tribes.  Rules of inheritance were given that specified that a man’s land was to be divided among his son’s and that the oldest son was to recieve a double portion. But these rules did not account for situations were a man had no sons, but daughters. The rules of inheritance in this case were incomplete, and unfair.  But, instead of rebelling and inciting a revolution to overthrow Moses like Korah (Num 16),  the 5 daughters of Zelophehad respectfully petitioned and negotiated with Moses. 

The Book of Mormon highlights several instances were characters appeal to social justice, identity politics and victimization to make false arguments to justify rebellion and murder.

1 Nephi 17:20: Laman and Lemuel claim that they have concern for the women’s suffering while traveling in the wilderness. 

Alma 30:27: Korihor claims religion is oppressing its adherents from enjoying their  rights, and religious leaders are glutting themselves off the substance of their followers. 

Alma 54:17: Ammoron (Nephite King of the Lamanites) claims the Nephites have stollen the rights to rule from the Lamanites. 

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