Much criticism has been made about Joseph Smith when it comes to the Book of Abraham. While, I believe, the original egyptian text from which the Book of Abraham was translated is still lost or was destroyed in the Chicago fire of 1871, some of the source material concerning what are called the Facsimiles or three illustrations associated with the Book of Abraham did survive and can be examined.
One major criticism of Joseph Smith and the Book of Abraham centers on Facsimile 3 which Joseph Smith said depicts Abraham sitting of the throne of Egypt. Pharoah is standing behind Abraham. However Egyptologists can read the text above the heads of each character and immediately see that what is depicted is Hathor, Pharaoh, Maat and Anubis. So, is that it?. Joseph Smith got this wrong proving him a fraud?
Not at all. We need to remember a key detail about Facsimile 3 that many critics overlook. This vignette is not a simple family portrait. Instead, Facsimile 3 is a depiction of a ritual play. So we should not forget that for each figure in the vignette, we will need to understand the actual person who is participating (Abraham. Pharaoh, Prince, Waiter, Servant) in this possible marriage ceremony ritual. and the Egyptian gods that these characters represent (Hathor. Maat, Anubis, etc).
Again, Fascimile 3 is an illustration of a religious ritual. So, we need to keep in mind that what is being depicted is an actor as well as their respective character.
This is similar to seeing a photograph of a scene from the movie "Star Wars". You could describe the figures in the scene in terms of the charactors: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Pincess Leah or in terms of the actual actors Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher.
It shouldn't be a surprise that God through Joseph Smith is more concerned in telling us how Abraham sat upon the throne and taught the Egyptians principles of astronomy more than telling us about Egypt's false gods.
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