Peacefully Defending the Constitution
We have all heard the many prophecies regarding "the constitution hanging by a thread" and "the Elders rising up to defend the Constitution". I think when I was younger, I tended to interpret this militantly. However, as the years pass, I look at "defending the Constitution" very differently.
The power, blessing and beauty of the Constitution is that it allows the people to preserve their liberties without the shedding of blood. Without a constitution, if a wicked man were to gain power and authority over the people, the only way to get rid of the tyrant is by the shedding of blood. But with a Constitution, the people can get rid of evil via the "rule of law" and truth.
So now, when I think about "the Constitution hanging by a thread" and "defending the Constitution", I wonder if this means that there will be a few in the Last Days who will refuse to be at war with their neighbor, and will preserve the Constitution by refusing domestic violence and using truth and the "rule of law" to purify our land from evil. I know we cannot defend the Constitution by abandoning the Constitution.
When faced with a (Alma vs. Limhi) situation, there are many voices out there calling for us to "get mad" and react like the people of Limhi against our oppressors. However, the Posse Comitatus Act 1878 of only protects us to the point that the Insurrection Act of 1807 takes over. We cannot give the NWO excuse to take away our final liberties by demonstrating our inability to govern ourselves.
At some point our opposition by try to provoke us to domestic anger and violence. But I wonder if we may be called upon to forebear like the people of Alma in the city of Helam. I try to remember that the "Constitution hanging by a thread" prophecy is known as the "whitehorse prophecy" and not the "redhorse prophecy." Although, while I do not plan to use my gun, I sure will stand up to vocally defend my right to own, and carry a gun.
The Book of Mormon contains a lot of war. We have the example of Alma vs. Amlici. We have Captain Moroni vs. Amalakiah and we have Gidgiddoni vs. Zemnarihah. However, we have many better non-militant examples such as Alma vs. Amulon, the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's, and Moronihah who regained conquered Nephite lands by preaching the gospel and converting their enemies.
Alma 31:5 And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just—yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them—therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God.
I don't know exactly what the right thing to do will be when the time comes. But, it seems clear how the enemy would like us to react. Therefore, we should all take care that we are easily provoked. If Alma or Helaman or Captain Moroni where out on the battlefield with their swords drawn leading a charge against enemy forces, I would be right there on the front lines. Well, I would be taking care of the casualties at least. But, so far, I don't hear our leadership polishing their swords. Instead we have the words of Pres. Monson who warned us about anger in response to the Media and we have many others who continually champion the cause of peace, truth and righteousness.
“God’s principles are taken by men because they are eternal and true and touch the divine spirit in men. This is the only true way to permanent world peace, the aspiration of men since the beginning. God never planted his Spirit, his truth, in the hearts of men from the point of a bayonet.” President J. Reuben Clark, Jr. – “The Constitution” GC April 1957
[The white horse prophecy is not necessarily considered LDS Doctrine because, although it is attributed to Joseph Smith, we don't have an original source for it. That said, the substance of the prophecy is quoted enough by contemporaries of Joseph Smith and later LDS Leadership, that it is safe to assume Joseph Smith said something along those lines. My point in referring to it is more focused on the fact that we have all heard it and I think we all agree the constitution is hanging by a thread. Also, from my understanding, the conclusion of the LDS Church is not that Joseph Smith didn't say anything along these lines but that 1. it is unclear exactly what Joseph Smith said 2. it is inappropriate to interpret this militantly (my point). 3. it is inappropriate to interpret this as pointing to some particular individual.]
"The people---the people---are the rightful masters of both congresses, and courts---not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.” -Abraham Lincoln
“You seem to consider the judges the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy… The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots… I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society, but the people themselves…” -Thomas Jefferson,Letter to William Jarvis, 1820
The church specifically denounced the white horse prophecy about a year ago when an Idaho LDS candidate tried to use it.
Here is a story on BYU's analysis of it:
I read that report. However, I think that the substance of the prophecy is quoted enough by contemporaries of Joseph Smith, that something along those lines was said. And my point in referring to it is more focused on the fact that we have all heard it and I think we all agree the constitution is hanging by a thread.
From my understanding, the conclusion was not that Joseph Smith didn't say anything along these lines but that 1. it is unclear exactly what Joseph Smith said 2. it is inappropriate to interpret this militantly (my point). 3. it is inappropriate to interpret this as pointing to some particular individual.
Here is the story on Mormon Times. The LDS spokesperson specifically repudiates the white horse prophecy:
"Idaho candidate stirs controversy
Gubernatorial candidate Rex Rammell, Idaho Falls, recently caused a controversy when he sent out invitations to an LDS elders only meeting. Many were upset about the exclusive meetings and they should be. In a pluralistic society, candidates shouldnĂt be holding exclusive meetings for certain groups to get elected. Rammell says he believes in the so-called White Horse prophecy which was allegedly given by LDS church founder Joseph Smith. According to accounts, Smith states that "the U.S. Constitution will hang by a thread" and that the elders of the LDS church will step up and save it.
According to the Rexburg Standard Journal, the church distanced itself from the prophecy and candidate. The newspaper reported a statement from Kim Farah, LDS Church spokeswoman:
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is politically neutral and does not endorse or promote any candidate, party or platform. Accordingly, we hope that the campaign practices of political candidates would not suggest that their candidacy is supported by or connected to the church. The so-called 'White Horse Prophecy' is based on accounts that have not been substantiated by historical research and is not embraced as Church doctrine.""
If you need a source for the Constitution hanging by a thread...In the Journal of Discourses, Brigham Young says, "Brethern and sisters, our friends wish to know our feelings towards the Government. I answer, they are first rate, and we will prove it too, as you will see if you only live long enough, for that we shall live to prove it is certain; and when the Constitution of the United States hangs, as it were, upon a single thread, they will have to call for the 'Mormon' Elders to save it from utter destruction; and they will step forth and do it."
We will win this through the spread of truth, not violence.
“God’s principles are taken by men because they are eternal and true and touch the divine spirit in men. This is the only true way to permanent world peace, the aspiration of men since the beginning. God never planted his Spirit, his truth, in the hearts of men from the point of a bayonet.”
President J. Reuben Clark, Jr. – “The Constitution” GC April 1957
Thank you for the quote Jim. And yes, I read the news report when it happened. I agree that it is inappropriate or anyone to co-op prophecy for political gain.
The key is the Church spokesperson said the statement was not doctrinal.
Some leaders have used it but there is no evidence it was ever said.
Thus, relying on it at all is flawed.
"You and I have heard all our lives that the time may come when the Constitution may hang by a thread. I do not know whether it is a thread, or a small rope by which it now hangs, but I do know that whether it shall live or die is now in the balance."- J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Conference Report, October 1942, p. 58
“Our great Constitution has been beaten and torn until now it hangs by a single thread, and that thread is our franchise to vote.”-Ezra Taft Benson, 1976, Freeman Institute, Provo, Utah
"It is no wonder that the Prophet Joseph said—even though he knew he would suffer martyrdom in this land—“The Constitution of the United States is a glorious standard; it is founded in the wisdom of God. It is a heavenly banner.”
Yet, according to his contemporaries, he foresaw the time when the destiny of the nation would be in danger and would hang as by a thread. Thank God he did not see the thread break. He also indicated the important part that this people should yet play in standing for the principles embodied in these sacred documents—the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. - Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, April 1948, p. 85
"When the Constitution of the United States hangs, as it were, upon a single thread, they will have to call for the “Mormon” elders to save it from utter destruction; and they will step forth and do it."– Brigham Young, JD 2:182, February 18, 1855, Latter Day Prophets Speaks. Pg. 230
"When the people shall have torn to shreds the Constitution of the United States, the elders of Israel will be found holding it up to the nations of the earth and proclaiming liberty and equal rights to all men and extending the hand of fellowship to the oppressed of all nations. This is part of the program and as long as we do what is right and fear God He will help us and stand by us under all circumstances."– John Taylor, JD 21:8, August 31, 1879
"Brethren and sisters, let me say in closing that we have it of record, that the prophet Joseph Smith said the time will come when, through secret organizations taking the law into their own hands, not being governed by law or by due process of law, but becoming a law unto themselves, when, by those disintegrating activities, the Constitution of the United States would be so torn and rent asunder, and life and property and peace and security would be held of so little value, that the Constitution would, as it were, hang by a thread. But he never said, so far as I have heard, that that thread would be cut. I believe, with Elder Richards, that this Constitution will be preserved, but it will be preserved very largely in consequence of what the Lord has revealed and what this people, through listening to the Lord and being obedient, will help to bring about, to stabilize and give permanency and effect to the Constitution itself. That also is our mission. That also is what we are here for. I glory in it. I praise god with all my heart and soul that I am a member of it."- Charles W. Nibley, Conference Report, October 1923, p. 62
The point is not that it is or isn't doctrine. The point is that we have all heard it. And below is a list of citations where this prophecy is directly referenced.
--J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Conference Report, October 1942, p. 58
--Taft Benson, 1976, Freeman Institute, Provo, Utah
--Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, April 1948, p. 85
--Brigham Young, JD 2:182, February 18, 1855, Latter Day Prophets Speaks. Pg. 230
--John Taylor, JD 21:8, August 31, 1879
--Charles W. Nibley, Conference Report, October 1923, p. 62
The quotes just stated indicate that Joseph Smith said the bit about the thread. But, not one of the sources heard it. The GA who cited it, including Brigham Young, never heard it said.
In fact, the source was two men recalled hearing it a decade after the Prophet's death. It is not in his speeches or notes.
That is why the BYU Studies article was generated and why the LDS Church said last year the evidence was shaky.
My previous statement contained an error.
Brigham Young claimed the hang by a thread but it is not clear he heard or what someone else told him what they had heard.
Is there anything eyebrow-raising in knowing that Joseph and Brigham sought to remove the saints from the United States? Similarly, is there anything remotely quaint about there "always" being a time when the constitution hangs in the balance? Finally, is there anything at all odd about a US-centric view of life that what God does or does not do will depend solely on what happens in the United States?
@Aaron: I'm pretty sure Nauvoo was in the U.S., and Kirtland, Ohio, and Far West, Missouri, and Jackson County, Missouri. There was this little thing called the extermination order given by Governor Boggs, which, after the please of Joseph Smith for redress to the U.S. government, they were still driven out on the threat of loss of life. Then in Nauvoo the city was ransacked as the saints fled. They were pushed out. In fact, Joseph Smith wanted to establish the Church in Jackson County, Missouri as its permanent place. But, alas, they were unable to do so when their lives were threatened.
I don't think it's quaint. The point is that Satan is always fighting against man's free agency. The Constitution of the United States was the first of its kind and could have been used more effectively to spread man's agency and personal responsibility throughout the world. Perhaps we haven't seen to what point the Constitution could be broken apart. Perhaps, it's a subjective feeling and we can sense when things are headed in that direction.
To address your final question, I would need to understand where that statement is coming from.
Who do modern church leaders think they are denying everything that was doctrine to the founding fathers of the church. There are plenty of refrences that the white horse prophecy is true and if we keep saying our founding authorities words were opinion everythime we disagree with them we are losing our savor and will no longer be the salt of the earth. If the church denounced everything our past prophets and apostles said we are the ones headed into apostasy. Get is strait anonymous, the white horse prophecy was stated by multiple authorities and words of modern authorities can not contradict the prophets who founded and actualy helped the church come into existence. Stop practising blind faith and get some common sense.
We don't need to know whether the "White Horse Prophecy" is accepted doctrine to know the Constitution is under attack and needs defending. As a citizen of the United States, I don't need a Church program to assert my God-given rights...nor do any of us. One doesn't need to initiate violence to assert one's rights. But God will never exhalt a coward. It may be enough to simply refuse to obey illegal and unconstitutional laws for them to bring the battle to us. It would be a mistake to think we must abandon our liberties to save them!
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