LDS General Conference April 2014 Notes
Church Audit Committee- The Church lives on a budget, has no debt and saves for a rainy day.
Elder Nelson- Faith is the antidote for fear. We shouldn't separate our religious and professional life. If we live segmented lives we will never live up to the fullness of our personal integrity. Let your faith show. [Do wear your religion on your sleeve]
Elder Scott- Put God first in your life and help others by sharing your experiences, blessings and testimony.
Elder Oaks- With regard to callings in the Lord's Kingdom, there is no stepping up or stepping down but only going forwards and backwards. Keys of the priesthood carry the authority to authorize. Keys of creation and resurrection have not been given to man. Women have been given divine authority to serve in temples and wards to serve under the keys of the priesthood. Women are set apart by priesthood keys and receive priesthood authority to administer in the temple and to be full time missionaries. Only men are set apart to offices in the priesthood. We need to focus on responsibilities and not rights. Blessings of the priesthood are available to both men and women on the same conditions. Both are endowed in the temple with the same priesthood power.
President Hallstrom (70)- Saying "that's just the way I am" is surrendering to satan. We meet here because the way we are now is not who we can become. We need to be different because we have made covenants. Elder Holland can speak with enough fire to singe your eyebrows. Be worthy. Do all things in worthiness. Sin chokes the priesthood.
President Ridd (YM)- The internet provides choice and accountability. What does your heart desire? All thoughts and decisions leave their mark. We must train our desires to become our ally and not our enemy.
President Uchtdorf- Unlike Rip Van-winkle, do not sleep through the Revolution/Restoration. Do not seek your own pleasure. Those who loose their life shall find it. Addiction: bound by straight jacket of our own making. You can break free. Beware: Selfishness, Addiction, Distraction. With his hand on the throttle of Air Force 1, President Monson said "Dieter, don't even think about it".
President Eyring- Choose and emulate good heros. Pray with real intent. Prayer will change you.
President Monson- Call to courage. " Get Out!" if we are found where we ought not to be. Remain faithful even when no one is looking and even when facing ridicule.
President Uchtdorf- in the gospel of Christ there are no endings but only eternal beginnings.
Elder Ballard- We are commanded by the Lord that the Church should be known by the title " the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". Invite others to know more about the Church and follow up on your invitations. If you consistently bare testimony then your sins can be forgiven.
Sister Stevens- Our Father knows us and hears the pleadings of our heart.
Bishop Stevenson- This life is your 4-minute olympic skeleton run. You spent eternity in preparation and will spend eternity reflecting on it. "let us run with patience the race that is set before us". We want to do our best but want others to do their best also.
Elder Bednar- The load of wood provided the weight for the truck to get the traction to get out of the snow and get back on the road. We need to carry the right load to get spiritual traction.
President Monson- treat others with kindness and consideration.
Elder Walker- Live true to the faith. How could 500 men leave their homeless wives and children to heed the Prophet's call to enlist in the US Army forming the Mormon Battalion?
Elder Teh- Lay up in store treasure in heaven. Do not sacrifice for that which is of no worth? Before ye seek riches, seek ye the Kingdom of God. Develop faith, hope, and charity. Where your treasure is there will your heart be also.
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