2017 October General Conference Priesthood Session
Elder Renlund
A rocket's mission is delivering a payload
Christ's atonement is the payload
Priesthood is only useful if payload is delivered
Priesthood is the rocket.
Minor defects can compromise the rocket leading to catastrophic failure.
We have the priesthood to help others, bring others to Christ, teach His commandments, administer His ordinances.
Covenant is like holding water in cupped hands. If we loosen fingers, we can't hold any water.
We can't be casual about our covenants.
Restoration of blessings revokes excommunication.
Elder Evans
While you question, remember to do the things you know you should and not do the things you know you shouldn't
Do what is necessary to gain a testimony.
Keep testimony alive
Act by reading the Book of Mormon and giving away our sins
Elder Maynes
Developing integrity of heart cultivates Gods trust
Integrity engenders trust which brings peace
Never compromise your integrity or take a bribe.
President Uchtdorf
It helps to talk to someone who cares about our struggles
"I would rather wait in line, the stamp machine won't ask me about my arthritis"
Vibrant spiritual health without stagnation.
Spiritual wounds are not incurable.
Healing power of Christ is alive in our day.
The Light of Christ allows us to see things as they really are.
We can then have a perfect brightness of hope.
President Eyring
Honor the priesthood
Beware eroding faith in our leaders
Beware fault-finding
Do not cut the thread that binds you to the prophet
Be faithful like Brigham Young was to Joseph Smith