Monday, October 28, 2019

Ye Shall Know That It Is By Me That Ye Are Led

1 Nephi 17:13 And I will also be your light in the wilderness; and I will prepare the way before you, if it so be that ye shall keep my commandments; wherefore, inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall be led towards the promised land; and ye shall know that it is by me that ye are led.

God doesn't promise a smooth journey.  In fact, God guarantees that there will be a few major bumps in our path. However, at the same time, He promises to sustain and deliver us from all our adversity.   So that, all along the way and in the end, we know that He was with us and that we couldn't have made it without Him.

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Book of Mormon: Type of Christ

Bible scholars have long recognized that the lives of many prophets foreshadow aspects of Christ's life.  These parallels are referred to as types and shadows. I had known that the comming forth of the Book of Mormon is also a type and shadow of the death and resurrection of Christ.

Christ is the Word.
Book of Mormon contains the word of God.

Christ died on Cross.
Book of Mormon reveals history of fallen people. 

Christ was buried in stone sepulachur. 
Book of Mormon was buried in stone box or cyst. 

Christ's body was in the care of Joseph of Aremathea.
The Book of Mormon was in the care of Joseph Smith.

Christ's resurrection was attended by heavenly angels. 
The comming forth of the Book of Mormon was attended by the angel Moroni. 

In addition to this typology, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon typifies the resurrection of Christ in another even more profound way.  Jeff Lindsay, an amateur scholar and blogger, drew the following amazing parallels. 

Mary Magdalene was honored to be the first witness of the resurrection of Christ.  Accordingly, she became the first Christian and the first to bare record to the Peter and the apostles of Christ's glorious resurrection. However, Mary's conversion was not without incident. 

According to Jeff Lindsay, the reaction of Mary Magdalene in the garden typifies and foreshadows the reaction of the Christian Church to the Book of Mormon. Mary Magdalene represents the Church.  When Mary beholds the open tomb,  she believes a crime has been committed. When Mary hears the voice of Christ, she doesn't recognize it in her grief, and believes Christ to be a gardener that has stolen away the body.

In the same way, the comming forth of the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Jesus Christ, is viewed by most Christians as a criminal fraud.  Most Christians believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has stolen away and corrupted the name and identity of Christ as well as lured away many Christians. 

Many Christians do not recognize the voice of the Savior Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon, however, it is my hope that like Mary Magdalene, Christ will call His Church by name, and the eyes of all the Christian Church will be opened and finally recognize the resurrected Lord is standing before them and speaking to them through the Book of Mormon. 


General Conference October 2019

Saturday Morning Session
Elder Holland
What is it all about?
Jesus Christ, have mercy on me
Blind man surrounded himself with good people. 
Man had sense to seek Christ's blessing 
Can the blind lead the blind?
Ask for direction by those who have sight.
Conference means nothing if we don't find Christ in the middle of all the commotion. 
Adjustment in the Church are meant to focus better on Christ (temple, Sabbath, name). Christ is to be the center of our worship. 
During Great Awakening, revivals obscured Christ. 

Elder Vinson
fair dinkum about the gospel 
"What we need here is less WiFi and more Nephi"
Giving our all, commitment, enduring. 
I don't regret broken jaw because I gave my all. I regret my fat lip because I didn't 
Sacrifice is more sacred to the Lord than increase. 
Haggai reminds us to "consider our ways"
King Lamonis father only was willing to give 1/2 for life but all for eternal life.

President Owen YM
Deers died of malnutrition with bellies full of hay
Not much nutrition on social media
Disconnect from world, reconnect with heaven. 
Home-centered Church, 
Beware going thru the motions
Build strong relationships
Do not neglect the needful things

Elder Christofferson
Things I heard my father speak of eternal life and the joy of the Saints sank deep into my heart. 
Joy in keeping the commandments vs. hefonism, some seem to prosper
Some claim it is vain to serve God
We call the proud happy
Wicked may have joy for a season 
Joy of the Saints is eternal (make up my jewels)
Joy of overcomming, trials interfere with our joy
Trials and sorrows turn to joy
Bro Rushton paralyzed, but regained ability to talk, became a gospel doctrine teacher and patriarch.

Sister Craig YW
If something entices to do good, it is of God
Do the work that is required to increase spiritual capacity
1. Be intentional (carve out time)
2. Act without delay (instrument)
3. Get errand from Lord (quiet nugges)

Elder Renlund, 
Converted into the Lord
Congo temple, follow the covenant path 
This becomes who we are, (identify)
Commitment etched in our hearts 
Faith isn't spread like the flu or cold
You must act in faith. Can't grow others faith, only invite them. 
Covenants are manifestations of own conversion, to be like Christ and adopt His attributes. Image in our countenance.
Don't be ambivalent/casual to our covenants 
We should be constant like a river. 
Dependable, steadfast 
Anchor ourselves to the Savior
Bury your weapons of rebellion

President Oaks 
Trust the Lord when it comes to marriage issues.
Worry about getting there first. 
What do we know about the Spirit World? 
Don't procrastinate, but some repentance is possible. Some are in bondage. 
Trust in the Lord, not in speculation 
Just Spirits will be raised to greater responsibility.
Work of salvation continues. 
After they pay the penalties of their works, will be hiers of salvation

Saturday Afternoon Session
Elder Bednar
Spiritual crocodiles- elder packer
Cheattahs stock prey, work in tandem
Distract and deception 
Sentinals stand on high ground
Pattern of stocking continued 
1. Beware of evils beguilling disguises 
2. Vigulence required to guard against casualness 
3. Understand intent of advisary. He wants suffering. 

Elder Alliaud-
Lord of the lost: sheep, coin, son. Doesn't matter why they are lost, or fault.
How I was found. 
Allow the power of the Book of Mormon to find us.

President Nelson 
Women and youth can be witnesses.
Youth battalion-gathering of Israel

Elder Cook
Bishopric hold keys over Aaronic Priesthood. Priests, teachers, deacons
No more YM presidency
Ward, stake, general officers, organization
Girls interviewed by YW leaders

Elder Pace
A firm foundation, withstand freeze/thaw
Home-centered church
Come follow me
Church is not 1hr shorter, but 6days longer
Influence of advasary will decrease in home
Anchor us to the bedrock of conversion 

Elder Budge
Resiliently happy, surender to God
Put our trust in him
In this life we still will have tribulations
Brother of Jared was worried about journey
Yes cannot cross this great deep save I prepare a way for you. 
We know that thou art able to show forth great power.
Surrender and entrust to God
May not feel safe, or be easy
They did have light continually

Elder Alvarado
Tell my son to stop eating so much candy
2 weeks ago I was eating too much candy myself
Empower moral authority 

Elder Rasband
Reinforce our testimonies and commitment.
Keep your word, integrity, walk the covenant path.
Shall see my face and know that I am
Do we stand by our promises?
Make decision now
Ruth lived true to her word to Naomi
The Lord will establish your words and sustain/endorse your deeds. 

Sunday Morning Session
Elder Gong
So much illusion in this world 
Covenant belonging 
Book of Mormon is a book of covenant belonging to those who accept it
We are children of the covenant
We can change when we decide to be happy and stop being miserable.
Blessings of covenant belonging
1. Eternal marriage, families
2. Following the prophet
3. Book of Mormon 

Sister Franco

Elder Uchtord
Discipleship is like practicing piano 
Concertos await. Maybe 
Keep strivjng/ which side do you stand
Help others progress
Reach out to those in distress
No expectations of repayment 
Love those who hurt you
Take upon ourselves the name of Christ
Don't hide or burry our faith
Talk about faith in natural ways
Tell others about our journey
God doesn't need you to sell it 
Just don't hide it
Invite people to come and see
Come and see, help stay 

Elder Gonzales
Lepers were unclean
God knows what is best for us
Burdens will be lifted eventually
Christ is a God of hope and healing 
All things are reconsiled 
If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean 

Elder Stevenson. 
Youth are the Hope of Israel 
Stories of mistaken identity 
Many cannot see things as they really are
Satan makes war with the Saints
Moses knew who he was 
"Get thee hense Satan, decieve me not"
This one God I will worship, which is a God of glory. 
Word of wisdom, porn, fear, lookism 

President Nelson
Love God and love others
Rebuilt mosques in Christchurch
Wheelchairs for disabled
Marys letter
Look for opportunities to lift, help
Latter-day Saints Charities - 2b$
Power of the Fast, fast-offering 
Bishops storehouses 
Story of Laputa 
800 million under-nourished 
70 million displaced refugees 
Deseret Industries, vision care 

Elder Eyring
Personal search for happiness.
Wickedness never was happiness
Continual repentance, keeping covenants
Ist experience in temple
I felt I had been there before
People face death with happiness. 
Work to: Feel the Savior's approval 
Joseph Smith in Liberty jail
Job, "be a man", job corrected for saying situation was unfair. 
Grow in holiness daily 

Elder Boom
Consider a gong in a symohany
Plays a minor role, but important 
Worth it to take efforts to be part of the orchestra.
We all have a part to play in the kingdom.
God did not send us here to fail
But to return glorious 

Elder Ballard
Barbara passed away last year
Live together in love 
We don't fully appreciate others until they are gone. 
Do not miss the opportunity to express love and appreciation 
If we marry right and live right we have the assurance of eternal relationships
Battle is divine spirit vs natural man 
Empower your divine spiritual nature 

Elder Johnson
3 D's, discretion, distraction, discouragement 
Study scriptures with a question daily
Partake of sacrament weekly

Elder Suarez
Devotion to Christ requires sacrifice and suffering. 
Take up your cross and follow Christ 
Deny yourself of all ungodliness 
Never stop trying 
Don't be held hostage by those who have hurt us.-- forgive, ask Christ to heal your heart. Wounds can heal. 

Elder Anderson
Fruit of the gospel
Grow your faith, trust God's plan
Dad loves u, Jesus loves you, and you're a good girl. 
Joy comes from purposely striving to follow the will of Heavenly Father. 
Fruit is always in season 
Without me, ye can do nothing 

President Nelson
Crowning Jewel of restoration is the temple
Many dedicated temples
All are invited if they are qualified 
Holiness to the Lord 
It's easier to build a temple then build a people worthy of the temple 
200 years of First Vision