Book of Mormon: Type of Christ
Christ is the Word.
Book of Mormon contains the word of God.
Christ died on Cross.
Book of Mormon reveals history of fallen people.
Christ was buried in stone sepulachur.
Book of Mormon was buried in stone box or cyst.
Christ's body was in the care of Joseph of Aremathea.
The Book of Mormon was in the care of Joseph Smith.
Christ's resurrection was attended by heavenly angels.
The comming forth of the Book of Mormon was attended by the angel Moroni.
In addition to this typology, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon typifies the resurrection of Christ in another even more profound way. Jeff Lindsay, an amateur scholar and blogger, drew the following amazing parallels.
Mary Magdalene was honored to be the first witness of the resurrection of Christ. Accordingly, she became the first Christian and the first to bare record to the Peter and the apostles of Christ's glorious resurrection. However, Mary's conversion was not without incident.
According to Jeff Lindsay, the reaction of Mary Magdalene in the garden typifies and foreshadows the reaction of the Christian Church to the Book of Mormon. Mary Magdalene represents the Church. When Mary beholds the open tomb, she believes a crime has been committed. When Mary hears the voice of Christ, she doesn't recognize it in her grief, and believes Christ to be a gardener that has stolen away the body.
In the same way, the comming forth of the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Jesus Christ, is viewed by most Christians as a criminal fraud. Most Christians believe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has stolen away and corrupted the name and identity of Christ as well as lured away many Christians.
Many Christians do not recognize the voice of the Savior Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon, however, it is my hope that like Mary Magdalene, Christ will call His Church by name, and the eyes of all the Christian Church will be opened and finally recognize the resurrected Lord is standing before them and speaking to them through the Book of Mormon.
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