Thursday, May 02, 2024

Lehi's Temple Journey

Valley of Lemuel - courtyard of tabernacle. offered sacrifice, gain scripture, married.  Water flowing to red Sea fount of righteousness. 

Liminal space - pass through shazer. twisted, "mashezar" = fine twined linen.

Nahom = Holy Place, Clothed, Feast, death and resurrection.  Broken Bow and Nahom incident involve Lord miraculously providing food. Animals also provide clothing. =  sorrow, murmur, mourn, repent, comfort, joy. Raised from the dead. Brought out of darkness/netherworld and being raised to kingship and priesthood (staff and crook). Who you really are.  Messenger of light: Show others the way, Invite them, annoint them. Your own funeral Feast. 

Empty Quarter, Rub' al Khali, no-mans land. = Veil of Temple, Impenetrable 

Land of Bountiful = Eden, Holy of Holies, Milk and Honey, fruit, Ship = Ark, Revelation

Alma the Younger,  Ammon, Lamoni, Queen, Lamoni's Father- taught creation, fall, plan of redemption, Christ.... passing out, crying for mercy, and being raised to new life.  Ritual death and rebirth. 

Liahona = Aaron's Staff
Bees = milk honey. order, Aristotle, mother. 
Deborah, Debir, = bee, order

Jaredites- brought honey and seeds of all kinds.

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