Saturday, May 23, 2015

Remembering the Captivity of Our Fathers


An old adage says that if you don't learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it.  Another adage says that history is written by the victors.  Unfortunately, a third adage that the good guys always win is not true.  Consequently, what we think we know about history may not be true.  We may know the chronology of events, but we may be mistaken about why certain events occurred.  Why would Satan be interested in obscuring our understanding of history?  Simple, so he can reuse the same tactics on us and get us to make the same mistakes. The Doctrine and Covenants tells us that when Christ returns to the Earth, He will take the time to review the history of the Earth to us from start to finish. (D&C 88:108-110).  Why would Christ take the time to review world history with us during the Millennium?  Because we don't know it.

Book of Mormon:
The Book of Mormon is a book of sacred scripture containing a special witness of Jesus Christ and a warning.  What is the great warning of the Book of Mormon? The Book of Mormon records the fate of two great ancient civilizations in America that were destroyed because of their pride, materialism, and neglect of the poor which allowed secret combinations to overrun, overthrow, and completely destroy their civilization. The genetic and anthropologic record supports that the great Adena and Woodland (Hopewell) cultures flourished for a time in North America only to completely disappear from the archeological record with only their war mounds heaped up containing thousands upon thousands of skeletons as a witness of their fate.

The Book of Mormon prophet Mormon says in unmistakable terms that Jesus Christ had shown him our day and he knew our doing. Mormon said that the purpose of the Book of Mormon was an exhortation for the Gentiles to "be more wise than they had been", to awake to the reality of our awful situation and avert the secret conspiracies from gaining the sole management of the government (Hel 6:39) and from eventually succeeding in their goal to overthrowing the freedom and sovereignty of all nations (Ether 8:25).

Another major theme of the Book of Mormon is its admonition that we never "forget the captivity of our forefathers".  This admonition to remember is not only about remembering God's infinite tender mercies and His deliverance, but also to remember the various causes for which our forefathers sacrificed, bleed and died to preserve our freedoms and provide us greater opportunities and prosperity. One way we can forget the captivity of our father's is to be confused about why certain conflicts were fought. When Satan convinces us of an alternate version of history, we can quickly find that we have compromised away the same freedoms that our forefathers died for without even lifting a voice or finger in objection. 

If we let this murderous conspiracy have their way, we and our posterity will be turned into genetic and virtual slaves.  This the legacy we are leaving our children, and our children's children.  If these modern-day Gadiantons achieve their design, there will be no revolution that will ever hope to free us. There will be no Jubilee Year forgiving debts, allowing the prisoners to go free and allowing us to return to the lands of our inheritance.  If we allow these Fabian Globalist to destroy our constitutional government, like the Nephalim from before the Great Flood, our genetic corruption would eventually lead to our permanent enslavement and total destruction.

Path to Destruction:
The fall of constitutional government follows the following pattern:
1. Demoralization of society via materialism, substance abuse, and sexual immorality.
2. Greater poverty:
A. familial psychosocial neglect due to parent's materialism leading to increased psychological disorders, and poverty of the mentally ill.
B. sexual immorality leads to broken families, single mothers and increased illigitimate poor.
C. substance abuse leads to decreased productivity, poor health and increased idle poor.
D. all these influences lead to a general increase in stress and decrease in quality of nutrition leading to a decrease in health and education and increased poverty due to poor health and decreased education.
3. Materialistic rich neglect their responsibility to aid the poor because poverty is their own fault.
3. Greater divide between material rich and poor
4. Evil sweep into government control with the promise of economic equality and socialism.
5. Socialism enables the poor to stay poor, and enables the materialistic rich to continue to stay materialistic and neglect the poor.
6. Evil in control of the government, stay in government, and can continue to errode freedoms so long as they continue doling out "free bread and circus".
7. Eventual fall and failure of free constitutional government.

Constitutional Government and Pure Religion:
The US Government is 18 Trillion in debt and is using the fear of economic collapse to get Congress to enter into unconstitutional secret trade agreements that only ever prove to further weaken domestic mining, production, manufacturing, and business.  These secret trade deals that sign away our sovereignty are not the only way to save this country.

The first step to deliverance is faith in Jesus Christ and then repentance. We need to repent of our drug use and sexual immorality. The recreational use of any mind-altering substance is wrong. Our brain rewards us for productive behavior, any illicit triggering of our pleasure centers without legitimately earning those neuro-chemical rewards is an exploit and cheating ourselves.  Why climb the mountain when I can just sit here on my couch and simulate the feeling and reward?  Using recreational drugs should not be criminalized.  There is no victim but distribution of recreational substances should be criminalized as in the days of Prohibition.

We need to repent of our sexual immorality. Any sexual activity before marriage and outside of marriage is wrong.  All birth control has a known failure rate and recreational sex, like drugs, is an exploit.  Also, all children have the right to receive a full genetic inheritance from both a male and female and to be born into a family and raised by both a loving mother and father.  Same-gender marriage is the civil rights issue of our day. It is the children's rights that are being violated.  Same-gender couple should be allowed to live together and receive all inheritance, medical decision-making, insurance and tax benefits as any other couple except the right to create and raise children. Children is what differentiates marriage from civil union.

We must repent of our materialism.  Any poverty anywhere in society is an injustice and a threat to our freedoms.  Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a member of the Boule and was controlled and very immoral.  But he had a change of heart and shifted his focus from the issue of race to the issue of poverty and was promptly assassinated.  It is the responsibility of people through the church to provide welfare services and not government.  The reason for this us the Church will more likely provide accountability and rehabilitation while the government cannot. I do not propose heartlessly cutting people off government welfare. Instead, if churches started doing their job, people would no longer need government assistance and come off it themselves.

We can only secure our constitutional freedoms by a return to virtue and ending poverty in this nation. The end to poverty will also require a change in our economic system from our European-style fractional reserve capitalist system to a full reserve free enterprise system.  A possible constitutional replacement system is called the Safety Society System.

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