Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Peaceful Christmas Stable

I imagine that Joseph may have felt somewhat frustrated with himself not being able to secure a comfortable room for Mary in one of the inn's in Bethlehem.  (or living area in the upper areas of a house).  Joseph must have been earnestly praying to find a warm and safe place for his wife to labor and give birth to the Savior.  But in the end, the lowly stable and manger proved to be the perfect spot that allowed a peaceful and quiet location for the Savior Jesus Christ to be born, for the nativity star to shine down upon, and for the shepherds to reverently visit and worship. 

As we approach this Christmas season and all the seemingly endless Christmas parties, and gift buying; the Lord invites us to seek the peace and quiet of the humble stable as opposed to the ruckus of the noisy inn. He invites us to try and avoid the worldly stress, clutter and noise of the overly-commercialized holiday and instead reverently reflect, ponder, and pray about the true meaning of Christmas and quietly look to serve others.

I am the proud father of 6 children. The youngest is only 6 months old.  Like Mary did to the infant Jesus, we swaddle our young babies while they sleep.  Young infants can't control their arms and will routinely startle and wake and otherwise disturb themselves.  God is our Heavenly Father and we are in comparison to Him, spiritual infants, who have not yet learned to master and control our bodies.  Like tightly swaddling an infant, mankind requires strict commandments lest our infantile reflexes and natural appetites similarly startle and disturb our peace, safety and development.

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