Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Chinese Cloning Facility


As I have explained in previous posts, part of the reasoning behind same-gender marriage is to roll out advanced genetic and cloning technologies.  Notice how this Yahoo article reporting on the Chinese cloning facility discusses the ability to have children that are 100% mom or dad.  This kind of technology will disrupt Hardy-Weinburg genetic equilibrium producing greater phenotypic diversity, but less genotypic diversity.

It is the right of every child to be raised and nurtured by both a mother and a father, but on a more fundamental level, every human deserves a genetic inheritance from both a male and female. This is what sets marriage apart from a civil union. This is really the only thing that sets civil union and marriage apart from one another.

These sorts of genetic manipulations and abominations were the sin of the anti-diluvians. Science tells us that humans mixed with Neandertal.  The Bible hints that humans mistakenly thought they could enslave the hybrid offspring.  Had God not sent the flood, humans would have been exterminated and become extinct.

If we begin accepting and implementing this genetic and cloning  technologies in the production of so-called "designer babies", we will be genetically weakening and enslaving our posterity; worlds without end.  If we allow our national sovereignty to be stripped away by international treaties and governance we could see the day when this technology becomes mandatory.  

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