Sunday, December 04, 2016

Temple Institute

Dear Rabbi,

Hello, and thank you for your dedication to rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem.  I enjoy your weekly pod casts and Torah portions. I am a member of the LDS Church in Augusta, GA. 

I have noticed that you often sound befuddled at Israeli and US policy regarding Israel and the temple mount.  I am equally befuddled at how Israel could give away the temple mount following the 6-Days War? I thought your insight into Solomon judging the 2 mothers was outstanding.  The true follower of G-d would never allow the baby (Israel) be divided (2-state).  And that is precisely the problem, our leaders in the US and Israel cause us to error. (Isa 9:16).   

Without the temple, we have no basis upon which to properly vet our political leaders.   In my view, this is a major purpose of the Holy Temple.  LDS operate temples built unto the Lord and understand something of their value. 

Jews in Russia rose to great power and influence but were blamed for participating in a failed 1905 coup against the Tsar Nicholas II.  Likely only a few prominent secular Jews (Trotsky) if any participated in the coup.  Persecution of Russian Jews followed leading many to flee to Germany (Fiddler on the Roof).  In Germany, Jews again rose to great power and influence.  Certain secular Jews were blamed for making an international deal to get the US involved in WW1 in exchange for Palestine (Balfour Agreement).  Hilter later unjustly used this point as an excuse for the terrible holocaust. 

Jews have the same problem as the LDS Church in Missouri and the US.  The Lord told Joseph Smith in D&C 101, had the LDS constructed their temple in Missouri, they would have "seen the enemy afar off".   Without the temple, they are easily infiltrated by wicked men (Danites) who commit atrocities in their name.  The temple gives us a basis upon which to judge men's hearts.  

Wicked combinations/conspiracy/Hamas prevent infiltration by requiring the inner circles to commit unspeakable acts to know in whom they can trust.  The righteous could never bare to do them. The temple requires its righteous members to perform acts of righteousness which are unbearable to the wicked.  Jesus Christ warned about "wolves in sheep's clothing" and that "by their fruits ye shall know them".  Only the righteous bring their first-fruit offerings to the House of G-d?  

Zechariah prophesies that In the Last Days all national will go up to Jerusalem to observe the Feast of Tabernacles or they will receive no rain.  Isaiah says all nations shall flow unto the Mountain of the Lords House and the law and word of the Lord will go forth from Jerusalem and Zion. (see also Ezek 37:24-28, Mal. 3:3)

Our current leaders cause us to error.  But by the temple, we are given a measure upon which to select righteous leaders.  No wonder the wicked in power will do anything to prevent its construction. Evil cannot allow the temple to become the holy institution for which it is destined to become to judge all nations and bring eternal peace upon the Earth (Isa 2:1-5).

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