Judge Not
Matt 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Unofficial and unauthoritative opinion on doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints concerning the Nature of God, the Atonement of Jesus Christ, the Plan of Salvation, the Apostasy and Restoration, and Priesthood Authority.
Matt 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Posted by David B at 6:09 AM 0 comments
Posted by David B at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Posted by David B at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Posted by David B at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Christ is alive, His work, mercy, miracles have not ceased but continue forever.
Best Regards,
David D Brosnahan MD
As an aside, I think it's pretty amazing that Moroni saw the issue that Dr. Zacharias raises 1800 years ago and addresses it in the very last verses of the Book of Mormon:
Moroni 10:32 Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.
Posted by David B at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Posted by David B at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Posted by David B at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Posted by David B at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Sister Bigham
How do we find joy in the face of adversity and natural disasters?
Focus on the Savior Jesus Christ
Christ felt our pains, loss, persecutions, hunger and abuses.
We must trust Gods answers.
God is our source of healing and peace.
God is more concerned with our progress over our comfort.
We have divine potential and royal promise
Building testimony will be better in adversity than an internet post.
Reach out to serve.
Elder Hallstrom
Man who fell off a cliff on Mt. Shasta experienced miracles of healing
Another 2 couples who died in plane crash didn't.
Has the day of miracles ceased?
Sometimes there is intervention sometimes not. (Dan 3:17-18)
Are we looking for the wrong kind of miracles?
Spiritual miracles are available to all.
Elder Bednar
Do not neglect spiritual priorities
Don't forget where we are going and why we are running
Sabbath, Temple, Homes can help us remember.
Change in our nature, little by little.
Covenants and ordinances are the means that God has provided
We dress and act differently in the temple.
Sabbath and Temple are both sacred spaces.
We must bring spirit back to our homes
Don't be overcome by the mundane matters and become partakers of the divine nature.
Bishop Waddell
How do we respond when life provides unexpected paths?
Bro. Shumway blinded on D-day: job, married, bishop, patriarch, mission.
Hope and peace are always available through Christ in any circumstance.
We can only control how we respond to challenges.
God eased the burden of the people of Alma. They turned to the Lord.
Brazen Serpent; those who looked lived
God will support us in our trials and troubles
Scriptures, prayer, blessings, professional counseling, and medication.
Elder Zwick
Look beyond what we can see
Look beyond assumptions and stereotypes
Offer a reason to hope
Lord looketh upon the heart
Elijah: They that are with us are more
We surround ourselves with those who see as we do
We should be kind but do not need to embrace false ideas
Jesus Christ at the center of our lives will open our eyes
Delete negative thoughts about others
President Eyring
Read the Book of Mormon daily
Sense of optimism and greater love of other
Fear not little flock, do good, perform the work that I commanded you and ye shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven
Teton Dam: where can we go to help?
Miracle of quiet courage
Pioneers exhibited miracle of faith to build God's Zion.
Yellow Angels: Mormon helping hands in Florida
Missionary Service
Greater courage and concern for others
The world will be in commotion in the Last Days.
The Latter-day Saints will be worthy to receive the Lord when He comes.
Doubt not, fear not; pray always and be believing.
Be persistent and consistent in following prophetic counsel.
The best days are ahead for God's Kingdom.
Posted by David B at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Elder Renlund
A rocket's mission is delivering a payload
Christ's atonement is the payload
Priesthood is only useful if payload is delivered
Priesthood is the rocket.
Minor defects can compromise the rocket leading to catastrophic failure.
We have the priesthood to help others, bring others to Christ, teach His commandments, administer His ordinances.
Covenant is like holding water in cupped hands. If we loosen fingers, we can't hold any water.
We can't be casual about our covenants.
Restoration of blessings revokes excommunication.
Elder Evans
While you question, remember to do the things you know you should and not do the things you know you shouldn't
Do what is necessary to gain a testimony.
Keep testimony alive
Act by reading the Book of Mormon and giving away our sins
Elder Maynes
Developing integrity of heart cultivates Gods trust
Integrity engenders trust which brings peace
Never compromise your integrity or take a bribe.
President Uchtdorf
It helps to talk to someone who cares about our struggles
"I would rather wait in line, the stamp machine won't ask me about my arthritis"
Vibrant spiritual health without stagnation.
Spiritual wounds are not incurable.
Healing power of Christ is alive in our day.
The Light of Christ allows us to see things as they really are.
We can then have a perfect brightness of hope.
President Eyring
Honor the priesthood
Beware eroding faith in our leaders
Beware fault-finding
Do not cut the thread that binds you to the prophet
Be faithful like Brigham Young was to Joseph Smith
Posted by David B at 5:39 PM 0 comments
Elder Stevenson
Beware spiritual eclipses
Use social media to share gospel
Beware time wasting
Beware idealized reality and debilitating comparisons
Beware of pride
The gospel of Jesus Christ is our spiritual light.
President Owen
Repentance brings happiness, confidence and peace.
True repentance leads to commitment.
Repentance is for saints and sinners
We are all prodigals
Repentance is a lifetime pursuit
Do not procrastinate
Elder Cook
Beware self-importance
Life is short like a British summer
Consider Christ's condescension
Have we been sufficiently humble?
Humility is serving faithful in any calling
Beware self-aggrandizement
Beware the natural man and calls for authenticity as an excuse.
Men are given weaknesses to be humble
Humility is a sign of spiritual strength
Elder Rasband
God does not work by coincidence but by divine design.
Nephi was led by the spirit not knowing beforehand what he should do.
No weapon can frustrate God's plan of happiness.
God knows the end from the beginning.
God will orchestrate opportunities in our lives.
Right devisions will foster Gods confidence in us.
Agency means we have a choice to follow God's divine design or not.
God knows what we are capable of.
God is in the small details and bigger milestones.
Elder Haleck
The poor widow gave all her living
The pacific saints show similar faith
Family suffered social stigma, employment
America Samoa contributed to building of their temple joyfully
President Nelson
Diamonds, rubies or scriptures; which is of more value to us?
Study the Book of Mormon: what does it refute, affirm and reveal.
Testifies that Jesus is the Christ
Teaches the doctrines of Christ
Restores plain and previous truths
Answers questions of the soul
Exposes tactics of adversaries
Refutes false doctrines like infant baptism
Proves the heavens are not sealed
We will receive answers to our own questions and overcome personal struggles.
Posted by David B at 2:51 PM 1 comments
President Uchtdorf
God's Spirit will lead us home
If we seek our Heavenly home and follow the Savior, Our lives will be better but not trouble free
Fruit of the gospel is not material wealth but joy and peace
God will increase our strength
Begin our journey home
Seek to be a blessing to others
God uses the weak and imperfect if we are humble
Sister Oscarson
Natural disasters brings opportunities for service
Whosoever will lose his life shall save it
Service is our purpose
We do not go to church for what we get out of it
Yes learn doctrine and feel inspired but also lift others
Servers and suppliers, not just takers and consumers
Look to Minister to others
Elder Oaks
The wisdom of God is foolishness to the world
Do not seek the vain things of the world
We should expect mocking and opposition
We should forsake the world
Salvation is an individual matter
Exaltation is a family matter
Sometimes truth causes conflict
Family Proclamation is not just a policy
Show love for all but fearlessly follow our faith
In 1995, the Family Proclamation was inspired and prophetic
It is a test for our generation
Elder Pingree
God has a work for each of us
Improve our discipleship by serving others
Identify and develop spiritual gifts
Make use of adversity
Tribulation helps us serve others
Avoid distraction and discouragement
Allow God to work through us
Deflect personal praise
"Here am I, send me"
Elder Christopherson
The 5000 hung around wanting to be fed again
Jesus wanted the people to eat His flesh and blood (spiritually) not just the barley loaves
This is a hard saying, who can hear it?
Feast upon the words of Christ
Each torn piece of bread is unique just as our needs, struggles are unique
Internalize the qualities of Christ
Give away all our sins
Gap between our sinfulness and the holiness of God
We must be humble and plead for forgiveness
Christ is the Son of the Man of Holiness
Seek holiness in all we do, think, hear
Elder Holland
Be ye therefore perfect
How can we ever measure up
Are covenants just curses and condemnations?
We may not be perfect here but this does not justify our sins
We are all debtors, our debt is incomprehensible
Posted by David B at 11:25 AM 0 comments
Posted by David B at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Posted by David B at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Posted by David B at 12:49 PM 0 comments