Thursday, June 21, 2018

Single’s Ward Advice

I was activities chair at a BYU singles ward. We had over 50 people ger married that year. Here is what we did:

Do more service activities: girls and guys will see each other in a different light in a service setting. Many people are much more attractive when doing service and not so self-absorbed. 
Men and women engaged in regular service will generally feel better about themselves, have better self-esteem, and exhibit less annoying personality disordered behavior. 

Service Ideas: 
1. visit nursing homes weekly, put on special entertainment around holidays. 
2. sing in choir
3. plant flowers at temple square
4. rake leaves at cemetary
5. help out with merit badge pow-wow or do activity-day activity with family ward.
6. clean up park or vacant lot or yard.
7. sub-for-santa
8. sponsor festival of trees, tree
9. serve food at soup kitchen
10. volunteer at children’s medical camp.
11. Help someone move.
12. clean up trail: bonneville shore-line trail

Ask out a different girl on a date once a week.

When you find a girl you enjoy talking to, and a spark— marry her.

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