Thursday, June 21, 2018

Arguments for Theism

1. Atheism is a statement of belief. Atheism is based on faith.
2. Agnostasicm is a statement of experience. Agnostasism means you don’t know because you’ve witnessed no sufficent evidence or had a personal experience with diety.
3. I am a theist and a gnostic because I both believe in God and because that belief is based on numerous personal experiences with God which serve as evidences of His existence. 
4. You cannot disprove Gods existence. You would have to be God to disprove Gods existence because you would have to be able to see the whole of the multiverse all at the same time and see that God was not there. But if you could—- you would be God.
5. If you believe in God and are wrong, your a fool, if you choose to disbelieve God and are wrong, you are damned.
6. The Universe and the Earth are calibrated for life and the comfortable existence of man. We could live of Hoth or Mustafar.
7. The complexity of the universe, nature, life is proof of intelligence. “Every house was builded by some man; the builder of all things is God”
8. A Snowman did not evolve on its own from snowflakes.
9. Man would have no concept of self-restraint and righteousness if God hadn’t revealed it to man. Without God, man would only know to live according to the doctrine of Korihor (survival of the fittest). 
10. God’s law works. Self-restraint is true strength. Integrity is true strength. Compassion is true strength.
11. The result of God revealing Himself to man makes it possible for man to act out of love and not out of fear. Righteous know their selfless acts will be rewarded in the next life so we can act with integrity regardless of threat.
12. There exist conspiracy that is the source and builds up the very ideas of atheism. Even the conspirators themselves who are the sponsors of the atheist movement believe in God and hate Him.
13. Atheists benefit from a Judeo-Christian culture and take these benefits of self-restraint, integrety, compassion, and value for life for granted.
14. Self-restraint in behavior demonstrates thankfulness and sacredness. Thankfulness = happiness. If we are thankful for language we will use it prudently and not to the extremes; one way or another. God’s way is the straight and narrow middle path or golden mean. 
15. I have witnessed many miracles resulting in the preservation of my life, the transformation of behavior, finding lost things, and the starting of various lawnmowers and cars. 
16. In the preexistence, all mankind were given full informed consent about the risks and rewards of mortality which we all accepted. 
17. Near-death experiences and the eternal nature of the spirit has ample scientific support to justify it
18. Evil actions or crazy, superstitious beliefs in the name of religion does not disprove the existence of God. It just means certain people are evil and or crazy.
19. The Genesis creation story answers the “why” and “who” of creation and not the “how” of creation.
20. God works by natural laws. Science and religion are not in conflict. Just because religionists have an incorrect explaination of “how” something happened or “how” something is doesn't disprove God. Religionists can be wrong. 
21. Conspiracy has infiltrated science and religion and sponsor falss scientific and religious theories for the express purpose to create conflict and delegitimize the reality of God.
22. Most of the greatest scientists, scholars, thinkers, innovators were and are theists.

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