Sunday, December 08, 2024

Does Deutero-Isaiah Disprove the Book of Mormon?

Often the biggest attacks on the Book of Mormon end up becoming some of ts most amazing evidences. Bible scholars hypothesize that Isaiah may have been written by two or even more authors. According to scholars, Isaiah 1-39 was written by or recorded from the original Isaiah. but 40-55, or 66 was written after the Babylonian captivity.  This theory mainly stems from the mention of King Cyrus of Persia as the future king who would return the people of Israel from captivity.  Scholars think it way too far fetched to believe any prophet could predict the future in such a specific manner.  There are several textual differences in style as well.  

So, if true, why would the second half of  Isaiah being written after the Babylonian captovity completely disprove the Book of Mormon?  This is because if the Book of Mormon quotes the second half of Isaiah yet Lehi left Jerusalem before the  Babylonian captivity and before deutero-Isaiah would have been written. 

Haha! some might exclaim.  But, not so fast.  There may be a brilliant explanation to all this. J. Eaton wrote a book entitled "Festal drama in Deutero-Isaiah" pointing out that the second part of Isaiah was a Festal drama or theater play and that explains the literary differences.  

What is a Festal drama? Back in Bible times people didn't have access to scriptures let alone read.  They were lucky if their local city synagogue had a full set. Most people's familiarity with scripture depended on memorization. Accordingly, it was much more common for people to have large portions of scripture memorized. To help in this,  certain portions of scripture were read at certain points of the year and during holidays such as Exodus story at Passover, the Book of Ester during Purim, and the Nativity story during Christmas.  Many believe the Book of Mark (the earliest gospel) was also a drama.  Eaton believes, the second part of Isaiah could be a similar Festal drama presented at the Jewish New Years involving the coronation of the King of Israel. 

So, how does this realization, support the authenticity of the Book of Mormon?  Because, duetero-Isaiah could have been known during Lehi's time orally transmitted and written down sometime later.  Jacob told his people that he would recount unto them the words Isaiah "spake."  

Jacob 6:5 "And now, the words which I shall read are they which Isaiah spake concerning all the house of Israel; wherefore, they may be likened unto you, for ye are of the house of Israel. And there are many things which have been spoken by Isaiah which may be likened unto you, because ye are of the house of Israel"

Additionally, Dave Butler. Mike Day on "the Stick of Joseph" podcast suggested Abinadi, the rightful hier to the thrown rehearsed the Isaiah, suffering servant, coronation drama to King Noah to declare Christ's and Abinadi's rightful claim to the throne and to denounce King Noah's hypocrisy and corruption.  But, in consequense, wicked King Noah had Abinadi ritually burned alive as part of a sick and brutal pagan ceremony as pointed out by Jerry Grover. (Mosiah 19:24)

This ceremony involved sorcery (pharmakia). or taking mind altering drugs, torture, adenochrome,  demon possession, the performance of superhuman acts such as levitation such that King Noah (only a puppet of the elite) was fooled into believing he was a god. 

Sadly, these pagan ceremonies which likely originated with the Jaredites were continued by the Maya who later enslaved the Mississippians (Lamanite descendants) for generations afterwords' subjecting them to these same grotesque satanic rituals which is in fulfillment of Abinadi's prophesy. 


Does Deutero Isaiah Disprove the Book of Mormon?

Often the biggest attacks on the Book of Mormon end up becoming some of ts most amazing evidences.  Bible scholars hypothesize that Isaiah may have been written by two or even more authors.  According to scholars, Isaiah 1-39 was written by or recorded from the original Isaiah. but 40-55, or 66 was written after the Babylonian captivity.  This theory many stems from the mention of King Cyrus of Persia by name as king who would restore the people of Israel from captivity.  Scholars think it way too far fetched to believe any prophet could predict the future in such a specific manner.  There are several textual differences in style as well.  

So, if true, why would the second half of  Isaiah being written after the Babylonian captovity compketely disprove the Book of Mormon?  It would completely disprove the Book of Mormon quotes the second half of Isaiah yet Lehi left Jerusalem before the  Babylonian captivity and before deutero-Isaiah would have been written. 

Sunday, September 08, 2024

US Constitition: An Inspired Document

The Stick of Joseph podcast is talking about the US Constitution.  

D&C 101:77 "According to the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established, and should be maintained for the rights and protection of all flesh, according to just and holy principles; 78 That every man may act in doctrine and principle pertaining to futurity, according to the moral agency which I have given unto him, that every man may be accountable for his own sins in the day of judgment. 79 Therefore, it is not right that any man should be in bondage one to another. 80 And for this purpose have I established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose, and redeemed the land by the shedding of blood."

There should be a separation of Church and State.  Government and Religion have different jurisdictions.  Government is only supposed to prevent harm on others by prosecuting harmdoers (eg, distribution of recreational alcohol and psychoactives). The Job of Welfare and Virtue (Self Harm) is the job of Religion (James 1:27).  The failure of government in the US is the failure of religion.  US religions do very little welfare and even less virtue (upholding family values).  Government welfare redistributes wealth without accountability, enabling the poor.  Only the Church can best distribute fish while teaching people to fish (rehabilitate).  Religion needs to start doing it's job (including marriage and adoption) and Government it's job.

A significant SCOTUS question was "can the government mandate people buy broccoli". Only the Church should define good doing. The State should only prosecute harm.  Government defining and mandating good is the definition of fascism. 

The US Constitution is the model of Constitutional government across the world.  That is why Satan and Globalists conspirators have been working to demoralize and subvert the country and is purposefully provoking war with Russia and China.  The death cult in control of global governance wants US citizens to eventually and voluntarily walk away from the Constitution in favor of a militarized global government on one hand or just plain anarchy on the other. 

But, while saving the US Constitution begins with a return to virtue, covenant making and covenant keeping; it doesn't end there.  The second step in binding Satan is to prevent Satan's ability to fund his operation (treasures of the Earth).  Another purpose of the US Constitution is to secure freedom not only of our lives and liberty, but also over our property, via our credit and currency.  According to Article 1 Section 8, the Congress via the US Treasury is to coin, print, or otherwise create 100% of our money and not just a fraction of it as it does now via our corrupt, unstable, and inflation prone fractional-reserve banking system. A Constitutional full-reserve economic system also known as Milton Friedman's Chicago Plan (Safety Society System), would fully fund a constitutional government, fully and fairly support economic growth, and take the Satan's power which is currently financed by a mega-international banking cabal the Zurich Institute of Technology they named the "Super Entity" in a 2011 paper.  

Such an equitable economic system would be the key to unify western Christian nations with Muslims and Communists as the Chicago Plan protects property rights and free enterprise without relying on a social class of wealth aristocracy.  It is Sharia Law compliant.  and at the same time, the communist sympathizers would embrace this new constitution-based system which protects and empowers the working class. 

Isa 65"21 "And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands."

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ancient Jewish Marriage Tradition

Andrea Woodman has been presenting on Stick of Joseph and Ward Radio brilliantly pointing out that many scriptures make reference to the ancient Jewish marriage tradition. So. understanding the aspects of the tradition is necessary to understanding the scriptures. Jesus Christ is the groom and the Church is the bride.

Negotiations: arranged by the bride and groom's fathers. Not independent of agency. The bride and groom may already like each other. The bride has agency to accept. God selected Adam's wife.

Proposal: Shiddukhin: If the bride opens the door to the groom and groom's father, she accepts the betrothal and sign the katubah and share a meal together.

Rev 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone should hear My voice and open the door, then I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me."

Betrothal: Erusin: Ketubah: a marriage contract by a groom given to the bride, promising to take care her needs.

Baptism: Traditionally, in preparation for the betrothal ceremony, the bride (kallah) and groom (chatan) are separately immersed in water in a ritual called the mikvah, which is symbolic of spiritual cleansing.

Mohar: Bride price is a dowry or endowment paid by groom's family to bride's family. Mattan: gifts given to bride's family and friends.

Gen 24:53 "Then the servant brought out gold and silver jewelry and articles of clothing and gave them to Rebekah; he also gave costly gifts to her brother and to her mother."

Gen 34:11 “Let me find favor in your eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will give. Ask me never so much mohar and mattan, and I will give according as ye shall say unto me; but give me the damsel to wife.”

Preparation: Erusin: During the erusin period, the groom was to prepare a place for his bride, while the bride focused on her personal preparations: wedding garments, lamps, etc. The groom spent the year building a house for his family to reside.

2 Cor 11:2 "For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ."

Procession: Although the bride knew to expect her groom after about a year, she did not know the exact day or hour. It was the father of the groom who gave final approval for him to return to collect his bride. The son must have completed the construction of his home. 

Matt 25:6 "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him" 

John 14:2-3 "I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

Wedding: Nissuin: means to take or to lift up. The groom, with much noise, and fanfare carries the bride home. The bride and groom then recite a blessing over the wine (a symbol of joy), and finalize their vows under the wedding canopy or huppah.

James 4:10 "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up (exalt)."

Covenant established (Ketubah) – 1 Cor 11:25                     
Purchase Price -1 Cor 6:19-20                                               
Bride set apart – Eph 5:25-27, 1 Cor 1:2, 6,              
Reminded of the Covenant – 1 Cor 11:25-26                   
Bridegroom left for the Father’s house- John 14:1-3
He returns to get His bride – 1 Thess 4:16-17

Thief in the Night: In Jewish tradition, the high priest was known as “a thief in the night.” Why? During the night watch of the Temple, the high priest would check on the Temple guards to see if they were asleep while on duty. If a guard were asleep, the high priest would wake him up by lighting the fringe of his temple robes on fire. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Book of Mormon: War Chapters

Captain Moroni and Mormon were top generals over their nations armed forces.  If the Book of Mormon is true, I would expect the Book of Mormon would contain some "secret knowledge" about warfare that Joseph Smith, the translator, didn't even realize was in the Book. 

When it comes to conflict. there are different levels of warfare.  Casting arrows and throwing stones is only the tip of the pyramid:


It is fascinating how Captain Moroni and Mormon address each of these aspects of warfare in their description of their conflicts. 

A nation can employ the best tactics, stratedy, technology and logistics, but if we forget about demographics and values, we can win all the battles and still lose the war. 

Sunday, July 07, 2024

AI Safety

Like many people, I enjoy new technology which includes emerging Artificial Intelligence. In addition to using these new tools to help with my kids primary talks (which these LLMs are surprisingly good at writing), I probably waste too much time asking the various AI's questions to see how they respond.  I am generally happy that they, so far, have generally positive things to say about the Book of Mormon and the Church of Jesus Christ. 

In addition to enjoying the occasional AI dystopian movie, I also have taken notice of AI research focused on AI safety.  Some pretty smart people like Elon Musk have expressed that they are very concerned about the threat AI technology could pose to humanity. While any technology can be used for good or ill, the scriptures are clear about the the true threats to human civilization, which is a lack of virtue and morality. 

When I ask the various AI's about why Rome fell, they give a long list of complex symptomatic factors.  But they fail to acknowledge what the ancient and modern prophets have said again and again.  Civilization rise and fall based on their morality and lack thereof.  The same goes for us.  While we face many complex economic and geopolitical complexities, many of which parallel Greece and Rome,  modern prophets have warned that all these complex issues all arise from the same fundamental failings of virtue and morality. 

In Rome, there was widespread recreational and ritual substance abuse.  In addition, there was widespread prostitution and promiscuity. These sins generate poverty via broken families, illegitimacy, poor health, and decreased productivity, decreased equality. and decreased social capital.  Greater poverty and inequality brought opportunistic politicians to power promising greater social justice and equality through government social programs.  However, these expensive social programs only serve to enable the problem instead of promoting rehabilitation and repentance.  The economic costs of these social programs led to greater economic problems, the need for military expansionism, and unchecked immigration policies.  But.all these problems all goes back to issues of personal virtue and morality. The same thing goes for us. 

This is actally a spiritual and religious problem and not political.  It's actually the job of religion and not government to do welfare because of the need for accountability. James 1:27 says welfare and virtue are the business of religion and not government.  Beleiving in the need for a separation of church and state, the state needs to get out of the business of religion.  But, only after religion starts doing their job first. False religion these days is too much about entertainment and not enough about expectation.  Government welfare enables the poor and doesn't rehabilitate them. Only true religion and a return to virtue can save us.

And that comes back to the real threat of Artificial Intelligence.  The real threat is not that AI will take all our jobs. or an autonomous cloud of drones will attack, but that AI might be a distraction from our real problems.  Too many of us may be putting our faith in technological advancement like the Space Race in the 60's to solve all our problems, ignoring the weightier matters of morality and virtue which are the real source of greater inequality and conflict in society. 

Extramarital promiscuity and recreational substance abuse are morally wrong. They errode health, social cohesion and social capital. This has been the consensus of human wisdom throughout the ages and as well as incontravertible supported by the most sound philosophy and old and new scientific data and thinking alike.  Any culture that argued for these vices soon crumbled into oblivion.  

Morality means do no harm to self or others.  Self harm may or should not be legally punishable, but should still be discouraged.  AI must take a stand on these moral issues or it will be part of the problem.  You cannot be neutral on moral issues.  Neutrality on morality is immorality.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sacred Markings of Early Christian Burial Undergarments in Egypt

"The piece of clothing closest to the body is not usually well preserved due to the destructive influence of fluids and chemicals remaining in the body. In this burial, as well as a few others, however, the woolen garment next to the skin is sufficiently well preserved for us to observe that small rosettes have been woven into the material in particular locations. There is one rosette over each breast and one on the right leg near the knee, but there is no corresponding rosette on the left leg. Across the lower abdomen, the material also has a hemmed slit about six inches long."

Joseph Smith: Genius, Charlatan, or True Prophet

Book of Mormon LOL

If you have really read and studied the Book of Mormon, you will realize it takes more faith to believe Joseph Smith made it up, then that it came to be exactly as he claimed it did. 

Thursday, May 09, 2024

Salt Lake City in Dead Sea Scrolls?

Dead Sea Scroll's New Jerusalem 
Brigham Youngs Salt Lake City

1. City of God
2. Equilateral Checkerboard 
3. Set on the Cosmos (NSEW orientation)
4. Extra Wide Streets
5. Sidewalks
6. Streets Numbered from Temple
7. Abnormally Large City (18x13 mi.)


Sunday, May 05, 2024

Now Let Us Rejoice

In 1833, W.W. Phelps wrote a hymn after witnessing the Leonid meteor shower, an event so spectacular it was thought to be the Day of Judgment. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints fleeing persecution in Missouri, Phelps and his fellow Saints saw the meteor shower as a sign of divine favor, which led their pursuers to abandon their chase. The hymn “Now Let Us Rejoice” was born from this moment of salvation and rejoicing amidst adversity.

1. Now let us rejoice in the day of salvation. No longer as strangers on earth need we roam. Good tidings are sounding to us and each nation, And shortly the hour of redemption will come, When all that was promised the Saints will be given, And none will molest them from morn until ev’n, And earth will appear as the Garden of Eden, And Jesus will say to all Israel, “Come home.”

2. We’ll love one another and never dissemble But cease to do evil and ever be one. And when the ungodly are fearing and tremble, We’ll watch for the day when the Savior will come, When all that was promised the Saints will be given, And none will molest them from morn until ev’n, And earth will appear as the Garden of Eden, And Jesus will say to all Israel, “Come home.”

3. In faith we’ll rely on the arm of Jehovah To guide thru these last days of trouble and gloom, And after the scourges and harvest are over, We’ll rise with the just when the Savior doth come. Then all that was promised the Saints will be given, And they will be crown’d with the angels of heav’n,
And earth will appear as the Garden of Eden, And Christ and his people will ever be one.

Thursday, May 02, 2024

Lehi's Temple Journey

Valley of Lemuel - courtyard of tabernacle. offered sacrifice, gain scripture, married.  Water flowing to red Sea fount of righteousness. 

Liminal space - pass through shazer. twisted, "mashezar" = fine twined linen.

Nahom = Holy Place, Clothed, Feast, death and resurrection.  Broken Bow and Nahom incident involve Lord miraculously providing food. Animals also provide clothing. =  sorrow, murmur, mourn, repent, comfort, joy. Raised from the dead. Brought out of darkness/netherworld and being raised to kingship and priesthood (staff and crook). Who you really are.  Messenger of light: Show others the way, Invite them, annoint them. Your own funeral Feast. 

Empty Quarter, Rub' al Khali, no-mans land. = Veil of Temple, Impenetrable 

Land of Bountiful = Eden, Holy of Holies, Milk and Honey, fruit, Ship = Ark, Revelation

Alma the Younger,  Ammon, Lamoni, Queen, Lamoni's Father- taught creation, fall, plan of redemption, Christ.... passing out, crying for mercy, and being raised to new life.  Ritual death and rebirth. 

Liahona = Aaron's Staff
Bees = milk honey. order, Aristotle, mother. 
Deborah, Debir, = bee, order

Jaredites- brought honey and seeds of all kinds.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Moutain Meadows Massacre

We give below an extract from the Lee trial, showing briefly and conclusively that the authorities of the Church a Jests Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the "Mormon" people, were innocent of any complicity whatever, in the terrible tragedy enacted at Mountain Meadows, that on the contrary President Brigham Young sought by every means in his power save the unfortunate emigrants.

Remarks made by Mr. Sumner Howard, Ex-Chief Justice of Arizona, and United States Prosecuting Attorney at the second trial of John D. Lee:

"He proposed to prove that John D. Lee, without any authority from any council or officer, but in direct opposition to the feelings and wishes of the officers of the Mormon Church, had gone to the Mountain Meadows, where the

[p. 24]
Indians were then encamped, accompanied only by a little Indian boy, and had assumed command of the Indians, whom be had induced, by promises of great booty, to attack these emigrants. All these charges against John D. Lee, he (District Attorney Howard) proposed to prove the jury by competent testimony, beyond any reasonable doubt, or beyond any doubt, and thought to appeal to the jury would be required to induce them to give a verdict in accordance with the evidence.

"James Haslam, of Wellsville, Cache County, was sworn. He lived in Cedar City in 1857; was ordered by Haight to take a message to President Young will all speed; knew the contents of the message; left Cedar City September 7, 1857, between 5 and 6 p. m., and arrived at Salt Lake on Thursday at 11 a. m.; started back at 3 p. m., and reached Cedar about 11 a. m. Sunday morning, September 13th; deliverd the answer from President Young to Haight, who said it was too late. Witness testified that when leaving Salt Lake to return, President Young said to him: 'Go with all speed, spare no horseflesh. The emigrants must not be meddled with, if it takes all Iron County to prevent it. They must go free and unmolested.' Witness knew the contents of the answer. He got back with the message the Sunday after the massacre and reported to Haight, who said, 'It is too late.'"

At the second trial the evidence was plain and direct as to Lee's complicity in the massacre; he was convicted by "Mormon" testimony, and a verdict of "guilty" was brought against him by a "Mormon" jury.

At the close of the second trial U. S. District Attorney Sumner Howard, in his opening address, repeated again that he had come for the purpose of trying John D. Lee, because, the evidence led and pointed to him as the main instigator and leader, and he given the jury unanswerable documentary evidence, proving that the authorities of the Mormon Church knew nothing of the butchery until after it was committed, and that Lee, in his letter to President Young a few weeks later, had knowingly misrepresented the actual facts relative to the massacre; seeking to keep him still in the dark and in ignorance. He had received all the assistance any United States official could ask on earth in any case. Nothing had been kept back, and he was determined to clear the calendar of every indictment against any and every actual guilty participator in the massacre.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

April 2024 Church of Jesus Christ (LDS) General Conference

Saturday Morning Session:

Jeffrey R. Holland:

Motions of a Hidden Fire: President Holland taught about the power of prayer and testified that God answers every prayer.

J. Anette Dennis:

Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ: Sister Dennis taught about the importance, power, and blessings of making and keeping covenants with God and wearing temple garments is a privilege. 

Alexander Dushku:

Pillars and Rays: Elder Dushku taught that spectacular spiritual experiences are rare and that the Lord typically gives us one ray of light at a time.

Ulisses Soares:

Covenant Confidence through Jesus Christ: Elder Soares taught about the importance of living by the covenants we’ve made, which will give us strength and confidence.

Jack N. Gerard:

Integrity: A Christlike Attribute: Elder Gerard taught that living a life of integrity means being true to God, to each other, and to our divine identity.

Henry B. Eyring:

All Will Be Well Because of Temple Covenants: President Eyring taught that as we make and keep covenants in the temple, we will receive many spiritual blessings, both now and in eternity. Teton Dam break story. 

Saturday Afternoon Session:

David A. Bednar:

“Be Still, and Know That I Am God”: Elder Bednar taught that when we are “still,” we can know that God is our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is our Savior.

Massimo De Feo:

Rise! He Calleth Thee: Elder De Feo taught that blessings come when we stay focused on Jesus Christ, continually repent, and allow ourselves to be guided by the voice of the Lord.

Brent H. Nielson:

A Record of What I Have Both Seen and Heard: Elder Nielson described the growth of the Church that he has seen throughout the world. Witnesses. 

Jose L. Alonso:

Jesus Christ at the Center of Our Lives: Elder Alonso testified that as we place Jesus Christ at the center of our lives, we will find hope, strength, and healing.

Gerrit W. Gong:

All Things for Our Good: Elder Gong offered reassurance that in our Heavenly Father’s plan, even tragedies and other difficult trials can be for our good.

Michael T. Nelson:

In Support of the Rising Generation: Brother Nelson taught that the relationships we have with the youth can influence them to make better choices.

Quentin L. Cook:

Be One with Christ: Elder Cook taught that we should strive to include others in our circle of oneness, that we are united by our faith in Jesus Christ, and that the essence of belonging is to be one with Christ.

Saturday Evening Session:

Shayne M. Bowen:

Miracles, Angels, and Priesthood Power: Elder Bowen spoke about the miracles and divine assistance available through the power of the priesthood.

Steven R. Bangerter:

Foreordained to Serve: Elder Bangerter discussed the concept of being foreordained to serve in the Lord’s kingdom.

Andrea Muñoz Spannaus:

Faithful to the End: Sister Spannaus encouraged faithfulness and perseverance in the gospel until the end.

Matthew L. Carpenter:

Fruit That Remains: Elder Carpenter taught about the lasting impact of living the gospel and bearing good fruit.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf:

A Higher Joy: Elder Uchtdorf spoke about finding a higher joy in Jesus Christ1.

Sunday Morning Session:

Ronald A. Rasband:

Words Matter: Elder Rasband emphasized the importance of our words and how they reflect our inner self and beliefs.

Susan H. Porter:

Pray, He Is There: Sister Porter reminded us that God is always there and that we can communicate with Him through prayer.

Dale G. Renlund:

The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ: Elder Renlund discussed the transformative power of the doctrine of Christ in our lives.

Paul B. Pieper:

Trust in the Lord: Elder Pieper encouraged trust in the Lord, even when the path is not clear.

Patrick Kearon:

God’s Intent Is to Bring You Home: Elder Kearon spoke about God’s plan and desire to bring all His children back to Him.

Brian K. Taylor:

Swallowed Up in the Joy of Christ: Elder Taylor taught about the joy that comes from living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dallin H. Oaks:

Covenants and Responsibilities: President Oaks discussed the responsibilities that come with making covenants with God2.

Sunday Afternoon Session:

D. Todd Christofferson:

The Testimony of Jesus: Elder Christofferson spoke about the central role of Jesus Christ in our lives and the importance of bearing testimony of Him.

Taylor G. Godoy:

Call, Don’t Fall: Elder Godoy encouraged listeners to heed the call of the Savior and not fall away from the gospel.

Gary E. Stevenson:

Bridging the Two Great Commandments: Elder Stevenson taught about the connection between loving God and loving our neighbors.

Mathias Held:

Opposition in All Things: Elder Held discussed the purpose of opposition in life and how it can strengthen us.

Neil L. Andersen:

Temples, Houses of the Lord Dotting the Earth: Elder Andersen spoke about the growth of temples around the world and their significance.

Mark L. Pace:

It Is Wisdom in the Lord That We Should Have the Book of Mormon: Elder Pace discussed the wisdom and importance of the Book of Mormon.

Russell M. Nelson:

Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys: President Nelson spoke about the blessings of the priesthood and the keys that govern its use

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Names in the Book of Mormon

Thanks to Jerry Grover.  Names in book of mormon had to to with what happened to them or something about them.  May not have been their actual given name. 

Zeniff = [Egy] znb = to be overthrown. [Hb] snb = tail

Mulek = [Egy] walking fish, chief [Hb] king

Mosiah = [Egy];moshe = son of God or king, [Hb] mshh = anointed, savior. 

King Benjamin = [Hb] son of the right hand 

Samuel the Lamanite = [Hb] name of God

Nephi 2/3 =  beautiful, fair, departed, tarry, protector

Laman = no faith, unbeliever, filthy

Mormon = jubilee, bind, wisdom, wild beast. rain. 

Zarahemla = offspring of God

Jaredites = tribe of the West

Jerusalem = city of peace

Nephites = tribe of Nephi

Gadianton Robbers = tribe of lucre

Limhi = 30, people of 30

Thursday, March 21, 2024

April 8 2024, US Eclipse

This is the second in a pair of total solar eclipses.  The first occured seven years ago (6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days) on Aug 21, 2017. There was also 2 annular eclipse in 2021 and 2023 in between. The October 14, 2023 annular eclipse passed through Oregon, Utah and Texas. The eclipses also pass over several LDS Church history sites. 

Some point yo this eclipse as a "sign of the times".  Some claim the second eclipse coincidentally will pass over over near several cities naked Ninevah in several US states, Canadian provinces as well as Jonah, Texas.  I think it interesting that the X point near Marion, Illinois at the head of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers may represent the center of Nephites lands in the Book of Mormon according to Heartland geography.  This would be the place in the "center" of Nephite lands where King Lachoneus gathered the people to defend themselves against the wicked Gadianton Robbers and King Men before the Coming of Jesus Christ. 

List of Salem Cities (Aug 21, 2017):
1. Salem, Oregon. (total)
2. Salem, Idaho. (total)
3. Salem, Nebraska (total)
4. Salem, Missouri  (partial)
5. Salem, Illinois. (partial)
6. Salem, Kentucky. (total)
7. Salem, South Carolina. (total)

List of Ninevah Cities (April 8, 2024):
1. Jonah, Texas.  (total)
2. Ninevah, Texas  (partial)
3. Ninevah, Missouri  (partial)
3. Ninevah, Indiana (total)
4. Ninevah, Ohio  (total)
5. Ninevah, Virginia  (partial)
6. Ninevah, Pennsylvania (partial)
7. Ninevah, New York  (partial)
8. Ninevah, Victoria, Nova Scotia, Canada (partial)

Matt 12:38-40
38 ¶ Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Hinge Point

Rome Temple dedicated March 10-12, 2019.

162 hinge point
162 x 2 = 324

188 dedicated temples
183 operating temples
5 renovation
53 construction
94 announced
335 total dedicated and announced

188 + 53 = 241 dedicated and construction

Monday, March 18, 2024

Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon

1. And it came to pass = vayahi, literary marker used because Hebrew didnt have punctuation. KJV has "and it was so" "and it happened" "thus" "and" similar to bofm. 
2. Plural Amplification: plural nouns like bloodsheds, condescentions mights, etc (see Abel "bloods").
3. Seidel's Law = inversion of quotations Ez 34:27/Lev 26:4.  Alma 5:19/Psalm 34:3.
4. Cognate Accusative: dreamed a dream, worked a work, built a building
5. Prophecy in Past Tense = as if it already happened (see Jarom 1:11)
6. Chiasmus, = DCBABCD construction. 
7. Anapodoton = Alma 36:9 "If thou wilt of thyself be destroyed, seek no more to destroy the church of God." interrupted fragment sentences.
8. If-And conditionals.
9. Dramatic prophecy: acting out prophecy.
10. creating names by suffixing -on to the tri-consonantal root. Jershon = y-r-sh = "to inherit". (Yerusha).
11. Merismus: list, ABCDEF. summerized AEF (2 Ne 33:4).
12. Numbers:1 Nephi 3:31, command fifty. 
13. Colophones: I, Nephi 
14. Antenantiosis: "despise not the revelations of God" (Jacob 4:8) emphasize by opposite. "if ye do this, and endure to the end, ye will in nowise be cast out" (Mormon 9:29),
15. Preposition instead of Adverb: "with patience" instead of patiently (Mosiah 24:15)
"with much harshness" instead of very harshly (1 Nephi 18:11).
16. Because-That Clause: Because/that,  after/that. before/that. "And because that they are redeemed from the fall" (2 Nephi 2:26)

Donald Perry from BYU has a book listing 30 destinct categories.  This list comes from a combination of sources like FAIR, Maxwell Institute and Book of Mormon Central. 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Newark Ohio Earthworks

Ancient Depiction of the Plan of Salvation

Right Lower Circle- Pre-mortal Existance
Right Middle Square- Earth
Right Upper Oval- Spirit Prison
Left Octagon- Jesus Christ/Melchizedek 
Left Lower Circle- Celestial Kingdom

Square- Telestial Kingdom, Stars
Octagon- Terestial Kingdom, Moon
Circle- Celestial Kingdom, Sun

Liberty Ohio Earthworks

Square, Octagon, Circle

Milford Ohio Hanukkiah Mound

Sign of Compass, Square, Oil Lamp, Menorah

Sunday, February 04, 2024

The Wrong Jesus?

LDS are criticized/condemned for believing in the "wrong Jesus" and for following "our heart" (what we believe is the Holy Spirit). Yet, Matt 12:32 says all blasphemy against Christ will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not.

Matt 12:31-32
"Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."

So. even if LDS get it wrong about some of the details about Jesus Christ who we accept as Lord and Savior, and who we believe rose from the dead.  And even if we got it wrong about the Book of Mormon which testifies that the same Jesus of Nazareth in the Bible is the Christ, the promised Messiah, and divine Son of God. LDS follow the Holy Spirit's direction with regard to correct interpretation of God's Word and accepted additional gifts from the Holy Spirit with regard to additional scripture, priesthood authority, and revelation.  We cannot, nor dare, speak against the Holy Ghost, which validates our worship of Jesus Christ. 

And if another person claims to be following their conscience in their belief of Jesus Christ, but their belief is a little different; I cannot speak against them either, lest I be in danger of speaking against the Holy Ghost also. 

AofF 1:11
"We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may."

At the end of the Day, Romans 10:9 says to be considered Christian and to he saved, requires the believer to confess that Jesus is Lord, and that Jesus Christ was physically resurrected from the dead.  That's it. All the other details are also important, but to be saved and to be considered Christian, according to God's Word, this is the minimum requirement. 

Rom 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.


Saturday, February 03, 2024

In Coming Days

President Nelson stated, “In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost. My beloved brothers and sisters, I plead with you to increase your spiritual capacity to receive revelation.”

What if this quote said [survive physically] instead of [survive spiritually]? How might you respond differently,?

Saturday, January 20, 2024

I Only Follow Jesus?

1 Nephi 11: 36

"And it came to pass that I saw and bear record, that the great and spacious building was the pride of the world; and it fell, and the fall thereof was exceedingly great. And the angel of the Lord spake unto me again, saying: Thus shall be the destruction of all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, that shall fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb."

I think its interesting how the Book of Mormon warns those who would fight against "the twelve apostles" and not just "the Lamb of God" Himself.

Some people claim to follow Jesus but then say "I only follow Jesus, but I don't follow any man, no prophet, no Apostles, no institution and no Church. But Jesus Christ called prophets. He called Apostles, He established His Church and His priesthood authority and His kingdom on Earth, and if we truely follow Jesus Christ, we must also be willing to submit to Hos priesthood authority and work to be a part of and build up His kingdom.

We must learn 3 lessons in this life: 1. love God, 2. control our bodies (thou shalt not), 3. submit to God's priesthood authority (thou shalt).