Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Names in the Book of Mormon

Thanks to Jerry Grover.  Names in book of mormon had to to with what happened to them or something about them.  May not have been their actual given name. 

Zeniff = [Egy] znb = to be overthrown. [Hb] snb = tail

Mulek = [Egy] walking fish, chief [Hb] king

Mosiah = [Egy];moshe = son of God or king, [Hb] mshh = anointed, savior. 

King Benjamin = [Hb] son of the right hand 

Samuel the Lamanite = [Hb] name of God

Nephi 2/3 =  beautiful, fair, departed, tarry, protector

Laman = no faith, unbeliever, filthy

Mormon = jubilee, bind, wisdom, wild beast. rain. 

Zarahemla = offspring of God

Jaredites = tribe of the West

Jerusalem = city of peace

Nephites = tribe of Nephi

Gadianton Robbers = tribe of lucre

Limhi = 30, people of 30

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