Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Old Temple Covenant vs. New Temple Covenant

Many Christians misunderstand LDS doctrine because much of it is sanctification focused while evangelical doctrine tends to be more justification focused. This focus on sanctification through the grace and power of Christ's atonement is evident in our name as "Latter-day Saints." Our sanctification doctrine is also reflected in and is a product of the LDS Temple. The whole purpose of the New Testament Temple and its associated ordinances and covenants is Christ preparing man after they have come unto Christ to enter into the presence of the Father through complete sanctification. While justification describes the initial rescue from sin by the mercy alone of Christ; Sanctification is the process by which the believer, through Christ, finally reaches the point at which they have lost all desire for sin. Satan has lost all power over them, and they have developed complete mastery over all the appetites of the flesh. Also, they have completely surrendered their will to God and only desire to do His righteous will continually.

When Moses was invited by God to receive and re-establish the higher covenant of Abraham, he and all the Elders of Israel were invited up into the mountain. God wanted a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation (Ex 19:6). But the Elders were afraid of God and told Moses to speak to God for them (Ex 20:19). The Elders told Moses, "You go Moses, and we'll stay here." However, while Moses was away, because Moses "delayed" his coming, the Elders and the people backslid into the practiced priestcraft and idolatry by making a golden calf and worshiping it through sexual sin. This is a type of the Last Days. Aaron becomes a type of the Anti-Christ who receives filthy lucre (gold) and administers a false religion to the people. Then God warns Moses to "hasten" and hurry down because the people were defiling themselves. Catching the people in sin suddenly like a thief in the night, Moses broke the tablets of the higher covenant. God then gave Israel a preparatory covenant instead of what was originally given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Now the New and Everlasting Covenant is extended to the Gentiles and all Gods people are again invited up to the mountain to be made kings and priests unto God, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a peculiar people (1 Pet 2:9).

Old and Preparatory Temple Covenant
The purpose of the OT temple was to make Israel ashamed and remind them of their sinfulness and the need for a Savior and point them to Jesus Christ.
Ezek 43:10 Ezekiel is shown the temple and commanded to "measure the pattern", form, fashion, ordinances, covenants, comings in, goings out, etc
Heb 7:11 The Levitical priesthood and covenant does not perfect or sanctify only the higher or Melchizedek priesthood and temple covenant can sanctify.
Temple only given to one nation, kindred, tongue and people and Priesthood only given to one tribe.
Temple priests wore robes and undergarments of blue, red, gold, and purple to represent their sins (coats of many colors)
Veil was 4 in thick, 60 ft high, and embroidered with angels who stood in the way like the Seraphim to guard the way of the tree of life or the Holy of Holies.
Animals were sacrificed pointing to the great and last sacrifice by Jesus Christ
Once a year only the high priest dressed in white and was washed and anointed to enter into the Holy of Holies and pass by the angels through the veil.
To enter the OT temple a Jew must meet specific criteria of outward cleanliness

New and Everlasting Temple Covenant
The purpose of the New Testament Temple is to bring us from Christ to the Father through purification and sanctification
Ezek 37:26-29 Israel promised the Everlasting Covenant and temple (tabernacle and sanctuary) in the Last Days to purify and sanctify Israel.
Rev 14:6 Another angel to deliver the everlasting gospel and covenant to all kindred, nations, tongues and peoples
Members of all 12 tribes are made kings and priests unto God and not just one tribe
Those who "overcometh" are made kings and priests unto God, given "hidden manna", and a "new name" and dressed in "white robes" and blessed to "eat of the tree of life" according with the words of John in Revelations Ch 1-3
The first shall be last and the last shall be first, the temple and covenant will go to the gentiles first and then to the Jews last when the temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem.
All members are made Priests in the New Testament Temple are washed and anointed and dressed in white robes symbolizing they have been washed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Rev 7:14 John in Revelations asked who are all these people dressed in white robes in the temple and told they are those who have come out of or through the tribulation turbulence and have washed or sanctified their robes through the blood of Christ.
The veil of the temple is almost see though, and has partitions so that we can easily pass through symbolizing the torn veil at Christs death
Temple workers representing angels serve to help us through the veil instead of prevent our passage
Rev 3:5 Christ promises to confess our name to the Father and to the angels
To enter the NT temple a Christian must meet specific criteria of inward cleanliness (1 Cor 5:11)
The covenants, sacrifice, and ritual help you be a better person, become better sanctified, and lose desire for sin via 3 motivations and 3 mechanism:

3 Motivations for Sanctification
1. Awe, fear, and reverence of the power of God (Eccl. 12: 13)
2. Plan of Salvation and promise of reward (Heb. 11: 6)
3. Love of God for you. (1 Jn 4: 7-8)

3 Mechanisms for Sanctification
1. Sacrifice of will via the covenant of consecration (Matt 19:21) "if thou wilt be perfect"
2. Remembering Christ's Atonement (Luke 22:19)
3. The Holy Ghost (1 Cor 6:11)

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