A new clinical study published online in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, found that consuming 200 mg of caffeine, equal to two cups of coffee per day, doubles a woman's risk of miscarriage during pregnancy. According to the study, women who consumed two or more cups of regular coffee or five 12-ounce cans of caffeinated soda had twice the miscarriage risk as women who consumed no caffeine. Women who consumed less than 200 mg of caffeine daily had more than 40 percent increased risk of miscarriage.
According to Dr. De-Kun Li of the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, the increased risk of miscarriage appeared to be due to the caffeine itself, rather than other possible chemicals in coffee because caffeine intake from non-coffee sources such as caffeinated soda, tea and hot chocolate showed a similar increased risk of miscarriage. Li said in a press statement, “The main message for pregnant women from these findings is that they probably should consider stopping caffeine consumption during pregnancy because this research provides clearer and stronger evidence that high doses of caffeine intake during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage.”
This is yet another example of how science finally comes around to supporting revelation. Thanks to Joseph Smith and the revelation on health, known as the
Word of Wisdom, given by from Jesus Christ in the Doctrine and Covenants; Latter-day Saints have avoided the negative health effects from alcohol, tobacco, and simulant caffeine (tea and coffee) consumption and abuse. Those who do not accept Joseph Smith as a prophet and witness of Jesus Christ, have rejected and subtracted the application of God's word in their life and have needlessly subjected themselves to the plagues of alcoholism, tobacco abuse, and stimulant addiction (
Rev. 22: 18).
I've gotta call ya on this one, BroZ. If you can show me scripture which states (even later interpreted by Joseph Smith, or even a church president) that by revelation, we are to abstain from "stimulant caffeine", I'll stop drinking stuff to keep me awake today.
Never in any church interviews have I been asked "are you consuming stimulant caffeine?".
Please back up your claim.
Also, in response to "another example of how science finally comes around to supporting revelation" there is ample evidence that science has always supported the Word of Wisdom since it was revealed; this, of course, in no way lessens the revelation's importance or veracity, but it is nothing more than Mormon myth that the Word of Wisdom was advanced for its time. It is possible to find some simple country doctors saying spurious things at the time, but the established medical community of the Northeast at the time was all in favor of the principles the Word of Wisdom outlines.
"The 'Word of Wisdom,' as the revelation was later called, came at a time when temperance and food reforms were flourishing in the United States. In 1835, Sylvester Graham lectured in New York and Philadelphia against tobacco, tea, coffee, and alcohol, advocating a diet based on whole grains" (Bushman, Rough Stone Rolling, 212).
"At the time [when the Word of Wisdom was received] the region around Kirtland, Ohio, where Smith and the church leaders resided, together with much of the northeastern United States, was a hotbed of temperance and health reform sentiment" (Alexander, Mormonism in Transition, 258).
See especially Lester E. Bush's article "The Word of Wisdom in Early Nineteenth-Century Perspective" in Dialogue 14.3 pp. 46-65, and Paul H. Peterson's 1972 BYU master's thesis "An Historical Analysis of the Word of Wisdom."
Let me apologize for the blatant over-use of the phrase "at the time." I only just saw it and it hurts my eyes. Sorry about that.
Hey, im sorry you feel defensive about your caffiene dependance. There is no official LDS doctrine against partaking of caffinated sodas. And as has been said by GA's there is also no LDS doctrine against drinking motor oil. Im sorry if my post sounded like I was condemning caffinated sodas. It was the study that implicated them as dangerous in pregnancy which I was trying to convey.
On another WoW post you said the following,"There is a ton of dietary misinformation out there on the internet, tv and radio. The media tells us one week to be veggans and that cow methane is contributing to global warming. The next week they are telling us to shun all carbs or milk products, etc." How can you be certain the clinical study is telling you the truth??
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