Sunday Morning April 2016
President Monson: 4 new temples. Now 150. Door of history turns on small hinges and so do our lives. Small decisions determine whether we reach our eternal goals. We know where we want to go and our decisions do matter. Repentance allows us to correct our path. Harder right instead of easier wrong. Choose Christ.
Sis. Oscarson: Do we really believe it? "Families are Forever" comforts us even when facing death of a child. Gives us peace in crisis. Teachings are more than just words. The LDS Church is more than just a social club or nice system to teach children. Get the gospel from our heads into our hearts. We already have the truth, we don't need to go searching for it but need to stay in the boat.
Bishop Waddell: Do we sometimes have a hard time thinking of Jesus? How to keep our thoughts focused on the Savior and have His peace: Learn, Listen, Walk. Attend the temple. Children who have died but are born in the covenant are not lost but ours forever. Stand with the prophets and don't just taste the fruit of the Tree of Life but continually feast upon it and ignore the mockers that seek to destroy our peace. Walk with Christ to gethsemane and repent.
Elder Christofferson: LDS believe in Fatherhood who put their families first, protect and preside in love and righteousness. Society needs to create fathers. Fathers have a divine origin. Fathers show great love by laboring daily for the support of their families. read scriptures and acquaint children with the voice of the Lord. Fathers provide discipline and correction without abuse. Fathers are breadwinners. Media should depict noble fathers and not buffoons. Pray for and with your children.
Elder Cook: Temple increases our testimony of Christ. Requirements of the temple are simple. Blessings of the temple determine our exaltation. God is no respecter of persons. There is no rank in the temple. Covenants are eternal and begin when you "see yourself in the temple". Temple is the great symbol of our faith and a refuge.
President Uchtdorf: Dresden the jewel-box that was built in 1000 years was destroyed in 1 day during WW2. Dark stones in the rebuilt Freuenkirche are originals. 70 years later it has been restored and rebuilt. New life from ashes. God can rebuilt and restore us. God will rescue His sheep because He loves His sheep. It matters not why or how the sheep became lost. God will not force us to be rescued against our will. We must turn unto Him. Obedience is liberating path to exaltation.
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