Saturday, October 01, 2016

Saturday Afternoon General Conference October 2016

Elder Cook- Eternal Life depends on our valiance. Stumbling-block is an impediment to belief or progress.  1. Philosophies of men.  1Cor15 plain truths of Christ.  Apostasy consequence of philosophy over truth. A great sifting time and test is coming. A few will be deceived by defectors or be offended. 2. Sin.  Alma taught Corianton It is not injustice for the sinner to receive consequences. But sinners are given a time to repent.  Eventually everyone will sit down to a banquet of consequences. 3. Looking beyond the mark = gospel extremisms. Prepping or wanting to change doctrine. Don't exceed leaders, or elevate certain causes.

Elder Stevenson- One is never too young to receive a testimony.  We can have the same feelings in your heart when you read the Book of Mormon, testify of truth, hear testimony of truth. Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. Book of Mormon needs to be the keystone of our lives and personal testimony. Power to resist temptation and stay on narrow path.  It was written for our day. Moroni saw our day.  Devote some of our screen-time to reading the Book of Mormon.  Remember Moroni's promise.

Elder Christofferson-  God is love, Gods love is infinite, eternal, wonderful. God's love is not unconditional. We must abide in God's love and receive His grace by repentance, baptism, enduring. God will not save us in our sins but from our sins. Glad tidings are the conditions of repentance.  But there are conditions. Then mercy can satisfy the demands of justice because they have met the conditions. Gods greater blessings are conditional.  We are not entitled to them.  To abide means to accept His will for us, put off the natural man, not just innocent but eternal as He is. Ann Sullivan hardship helped her understand Helen Keller's needs. Ann knew Helen was capable of much more than just being domesticated. Eye hath not seen. Christ's atonement was made at Gethsemane the place of the olive press. Blood came from every pore. If you love Him, keep His commandments.

Elder Bassett- As a child, I wanted to view the sealed portion of a replica Book of Mormon. But, I didn't bother looking at the other replica pages. Don't pry at the plates and seek for that which we are not prepared for. Mysteries are revealed on His terms according to His will.  Seek not to counsel the Lord but to take counsel.  When knowledge is easily known it is discounted.  They despised plainness.  Don't look beyond the mark.  Faith is manifest in diligence and work.  Gods thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We are not meant to have a perfect knowledge but to hope.

Elder Yamashita- Newly dedicated Sapporo Japan Temple.  Be ambitious for Christ. Thanks to missionaries who serve without murmuring.  Serve faithfully, work diligently, accept humbly, partake worthily.

Elder Oaks- The Great Commission: Teach all nations, to every creature. Love all as our brothers and sisters. More resources today. Are we using them?  What ideas apply in every circumstance? Member participation. 1. Pray for desire. 2. Keep commandments = have spirit. 3. Pray for inspiration for what we can do (real intent = commitment to act). We never know who may be ready. People want the results of the doctrine.  Inquire on others interests.  Don't assume your interest is their interests. Put Christ first.  4. Be authentic. Help others in their needs and concerns. 5. Don't limit efforts to own circle. 6. Devote sacrament meeting to investigators 7. Use social media.

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