Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The 7 Seals of Revelation

Joseph Smith was told by God that the 7 seals are 7 1000-year periods of the earth history. The 7 Seals make mention of the emergence of disease and earthquakes. It is likely disease and earthquakes had always existed, but the the devastation is a result of how these natural occurrences are magnified due to man's changing living conditions.

D&C 77: 6-7, 12
6 Q. What are we to understand by the book which John saw, which was sealed on the back with seven seals?

A. We are to understand that it contains the revealed will, mysteries, and the works of God; the hidden things of his economy concerning this earth during the seven thousand years of its continuance, or its temporal existence.

7 Q. What are we to understand by the seven seals with which it was sealed?

A. We are to understand that the first seal contains the things of the first thousand years, and the csecond also of the second thousand years, and so on until the seventh.

12 Q. What are we to understand by the sounding of the trumpets, mentioned in the 8th chapter of Revelation?
A. We are to understand that as God made the world in six days, and on the seventh day he finished his work, and sanctified it, and also formed man out of the dust of the earth, even so, in the beginning of the seventh thousand years will the Lord God sanctify the earth, and complete the salvation of man, a. . . . and the sounding of the trumpets of the seven angels are the preparing and finishing of his work, in the beginning of the seventh thousand years—the preparing of the way before the time of his coming.

Seal 1 4000-3000bc: men divide up the land
Seal 2 3000-2000bc: men fight over boarders, before seal 1 you didnt have much war because if you wanted some land it was easier to just move and find some then to kill over it.
Seal 3 2000-1000bc: Phoenecians invent money
Seal 4 1000-0: money allows people to live in cities. Living in cramped cities then diseases and plagues became a big issue.
Seal 5 0-1000ad: Christ is crucified and Christians are martyred.
Seal 6 1000-2000ad: sun,moon, stars darkened describes the Apostasy. Apostasy describes the time when all spiritual light from heaven is rejected for the ideas and interpretations of man. Not one stone is left upon another of the temple (church) of Christ. This led the world in the DARK AGES.

Earthquakes terrorize the people because this is the century when the Romans invented concrete and cement. Consequently many cities were built with unreinforced concrete and the same type of thing we saw happen in Haiti happened in many other cities.

Regional Earthquakes and Tsunamis are signs of the time. They only affect small regions but give us a glimpse of what a world-wide catastrophe during the tribulation could do. If what happened to Haiti happened everywhere, Haiti would not receive any help because everyone would be needing help at the same time. That is why Rev says after the first trumpet will burn 1/3 trees (richer people) but burn all the green grass (poorer people). Dying in the tribulation doesn't mean you are righteous or wicked.

Another angel appears with the seal of God describing the restoration of the everlasting gospel and the elect receive the sealing in the forehead. This restoration describes the Restoration by Joseph Smith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Restoration of the New Testament Temple and Everlasting Temple Covenant.

Seal 7 2000-3000ad:
This seal opens with a 1/2 hour of silence. this 1/2 hour could be 21 years and is not likely going to end in 2012.
The 7 Trumpets sound signaling the Tribulation
The Beast (false gov) turns against and devours the Harlot (false religion)
The righteous come out of the tribulation sanctified and with their robes washed white in the blood of the Lamb. The wicked still do not repent.
The righteous are raptured during the 7th Trumpet at the end of the Tribulation
The 7 Cups of Wrath are then poured out and the wicked are destroyed
Christ and the righteous enjoy a period of Paradisaical Peace
The Wicked are resurrected at the end of the Millennium and Satan is again empowered and there is a final Battle of God and Magog.

We are currently in the 1/2 hour silence of the 7th Seal. Soon the 7 Trumpets will sound. Signs of the times are regional disasters like Haiti and the Indonesian Tsunami which only give us a glimpse of what world-wide catastrophe could do. It would not take very much to disrupt the food supply and transportation system. Food is not locally grown any more in amounts to support large cities. Therefore, every family needs a 1-2 year supply of food and medicines. Summer is nigh at hand


Anonymous said...


Perhaps this site will be of some help in clarifying your interpretations of Revelation.

Nolelaw said...


I am curious as to why you think we are in the 1/2 hour of silence. Has the great earthquake mentioned as part of the 6th seal occurred? If so, what earthquake was it? Genuine curiosity from a fellow Mormon.

David B said...

well, when it comes to this stuff, I always reserve the right to change my mind.

But, D&C77, tells us that a seal is opened every 1000 years. So, the earthquake which occurred in the opening of the 6th seal, would have occured at about 1000 AD. Unfortunately we don't have good history from this time period.

The 1/2 hour of silence is in heaven before the trumpet sounds to annouce the 2nd Coming. But during this silence the 7 trumpets of the tribulation sound on Earth.

David B said...

The 6th Seal speaks of both the Apostasy (sun, moon, stars darken) and the Restoration (another angel).

Anonymous said...

Well, perhaps this link can give some information about the earthquake in the 6th seal.


It says that earthquakes are symbolic for revolutions. Perhaps the great apostasy is the great earthquake...since everyone essentially rebelled against God.

Anonymous said...

David, verse 15 and 16 say the great men, kings and wealthy hid themselves in the dens and rocks of the mountains saying to the rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne. You say we are in the 1/2 hour of silence which occurs after opening the seventh seal (chapter 8 verse 1)-when did the above mentioned people hide themselves underground and upon lofty mountains?

David B said...

Both Rev 6 and Rev 7 provide details of the 6th Seal. I am of the opinion that Rev 6 discusses events of the apostacy and dark ages. Rev 7 discusses the restoration.

The sun, moon and stars darkening refers to the failure of governments and the apostacy of the church going into the dark ages. History doesn't record it, but I suspect there was a cataclysmic earthquake about 1000 ad.

DC77: 7;10 are the key to this. v7 says each seal represents the events of each 1000 years. v10 says the events in v8-9 which discursive the apostasy and restoration occur in the 6th seal.

Anonymous said...

I think the 6th seal earthquake was Sept 11, 2001.

Anonymous said...

Will the tribulation last 7 years?

Anonymous said...

Will the tribulation last 7 years?

David B said...

Probably, but the 3 Woes which begin in the middle of it may last less than this maybe only 3.5 yrs.

Anonymous said...

Earthquake has not happened yet.

Sherrill said...

David, I am a convert to the church and I have learned a great deal. I am curious as to why the beginning of the first seal was 4000 BC? Is this when Man was created in the image of God?

David B said...

If every 1000 years is a seal, and every 1000 years is a day, Adam was created about 4000 BC and 2000 AD is 6 days and the beginning of the 7th day. Also, the Second Coming doesn't happen immediately at the opening of the 7th seal. There is the 1/2 hour silence, Tribulation, Wrath and other events that occur. (FYI, Some people think we are still in the 6th seal and disagree waiting on events they say must happen like big EQ, etc). I'm a 7th-sealer, but this isn't that important of a thing.

Anonymous said...

David, how did you say that the half an hour silence in heaven is about 21 years? anything to support that idea?