Fight, Flee or Take the Blows
In the Last Days we are promised much redemptive turbulence associated with the Tribulation and Wrath. However, knowing what to expect and anticipating the events doesn't necessarily help us know what to do in response. The Book of Mormon is a type of the Last Days and we are promised that Secret Combinations exist now all around us. Scripture warns that men sometimes collude together to murder, rob, and plunder and get off if tried in court (see 3 Nephi 5-7, Mormon 8 and Ether 8). The result of conspiracy in the Book of Mormon was that the entire government collapsed and Jesus Christ warned us in 3 Nephi 20,21 that the same thing would happen to us if we didn't repent. Considering this warning, I think I can understand why the "Constitution will hang by a thread" story we so often hear is considered a myth.
However, knowing that adversity may come doesn't help us know how to respond to these tribulations. In the Book of Mormon the prophets led the people in a variety of responses. In some cased the people were commanded to lift up their swords in defense of their liberties. In 2 other instances a great military general Teancum stealthed over to the enemy side and assassinated the opposing forces leader. In other cases the people prostrated themselves before their enemies and submitted to genocide. In still other cases, the people tried the virtue of the word of God which we are told "had a more powerful effect on the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else that happened unto them." In the case of Moronihah the son of Captain Moroni, after losing all of their land to the Lamanites they fought and regained 1/2 of it back then sent in missionaries, converted the Lamanites who gave back the rest of the Nephite lands voluntarily.
Val Johnson in the July Ensign wrote about the issue of knowing how the Lord would want us to respond when facing persecution or tribulation. Bro Johnson cited the instruction in the Doctrine and Covenants 98. Bro Johnson wrote, "1833 the Church was facing intense persecution, especially in Missouri. In defense of their lives, Church members took up arms. At that point, the Lord revealed section 98. In it, He taught them to forbear—within limits. They had a right to defend themselves, but if they refrained, He would reward them. If the offenders sought forgiveness, the Saints were to forgive “seventy times seven” (verse 40). As for going to battle, they were to first sue for peace and engage only if the Lord commanded it."
In the coming times of trouble, I expect the people of the LDS church to face great persecutions and tribulations. Joseph Smith warned us that the LDS people would not necessarily be temporally immune from everything that would happen. Therefore, if the time were ever to come when the LDS people face great adversity, I expect to meet adversity with patience and longsuffering, looking to the Leadership of the LDS Church to know when and how to respond otherwise.
Interestingly, reactively fighting back is usually the worst thing to do. Mormon who was a great military strategist has told us that Lachoneus did not reflexively attack the dug-in Gadiaton Robbers. Instead, Lachoneus gathered all his people in the center of the land, consolidated resources and made the enemy come to them. In this way they met their enemies on their terms.