Thursday, March 03, 2011

A Day of Warning

Pres. Thomas S. Monson "The Divine Gift of Gratitude," (October 3, 2010): Develop an attitude of gratitude. Quotes Aldous Huxley here and Alice in Wonderland later.
Pres. Thomas S. Monson "Till We Meet Again," (October 3, 2010): "We live in a troubled world, a world of many challenges. We are here on this earth to deal with our individual challenges to the best of our ability" (i.e. our job is not to contentously take on the NWO, Christ will fight for Zion, we are to lift up an ensign of peace, D&C 105:14, 39).
Elder Dallin H. Oaks "Two Lines of Communication," (October 3, 2010) "some seek to have their priesthood leaders make personal decisions for them, decisions they should make for themselves by inspiration through their personal line."
Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf "Two Principles for Any Economy," (October 3, 2009): Hard Work and Learning will relieve anxiety, develop our character, provide for family and save our souls.
Pres. Thomas S. Monson "School Thy Feelings, O My Brother," (October 3, 2009): Beware of anger and the MSM.
Elder David A. Bednar "Watching with All Perseverance," (April 3, 2010): We live in a day of warning. Those who bare testimony of the warning in the Book of Mormon will be "blessed with eyes that can see afar off and with ears that can hear the sound of the trumpet . . . [and] will enable you to stand as watchmen on the tower for your families—”watching … with all perseverance”
Elder Dallin H. Oaks "Healing the Sick," , (April 3, 2010): "I will concentrate my remarks on healing blessings involving the power of the priesthood. We have this priesthood power, and we should all be prepared to use it properly. Current increases in natural disasters and financial challenges show that we will need this power even more in the future than in the past."
Pres. Thomas S. Monson "He Is Risen!," (April 4, 2010): "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away" (Rev 21:4).
Pres. Thomas S. Monson "Examples of Righteousness," (April 5: 2008): As bearers of the priesthood, we have been placed on earth in troubled times. We live in a complex world with currents of conflict everywhere to be found. Political machinations ruin the stability of nations, despots grasp for power, and segments of society seem forever downtrodden, deprived of opportunity, and left with a feeling of failure. We who have been ordained to the priesthood of God can make a difference. When we qualify for the help of the Lord, we can build boys, we can mend men, we can accomplish miracles in His holy service. Our opportunities are without limit. Ours is the task to be fitting examples." Later quotes President N. Eldon Tanner who is known to have tempered then Elder Ezra T. Benson.

Some here have been questioning whether LDS Leadership is AWAKE and what will say and will not say to warn the people. Yes. I cannot imagine how Pres. Monson, who was counselor to Pres. Benson is not well versed in all things conspiratorial.

They have been all along. Pres. Hinckley's warning of a "portent of stormy weather" and to "get out of debt" and "get our houses in order" was so right on. Pres. Hinckley was so out in front of the housing fraud it was miraculous. However, according to church statistics, LDS consumer debt doubled after the warning. Not enough of us listened. Too many of us went in the exact opposite direction of what the prophet directed.

I am not sure we realize the consequences of not listening. I am not sure anyone saw the recent documentary "Inside Job" that played in theaters. Here you have the NWO documenting many details of how the whole banking/mortgage fraud happened. Interspersed throughout the film are comments by IMF/NWO leaders George Soros and Dominique Strauss-Kahn smugly saying in effect "look how your wickedness and excess and corruption has hurt the developing world." What they don't tell you was that these very NWO leaders who set this whole thing up. In fact is the the Bank of International Settlement Basil II Accords in late 2007 that tightened fractional reserve requirements and popped the housing bubble.

However, the market downturn in the US is just the tip of the iceberg as far as ramifications go. Many countries were defrauded by the banking scandal; not just America. Our New York Banks hurt a lot of people out there. Furthermore, because the US dollar is the world reserve currency, as it is being devalued through TARP and QE1, QE2, commodity prices are going up throughout the world and people in developing countries are going hungry, protesting, and rioting.

The significance of this is that these NWO/IMF people are blaming the US for it all. In addition, the leaders of many countries are are fed up with continual US interference through our self-proclaimed role as world policeman and our extensive and intrusive CIA blackops programs. We are being framed in a way. Even though we may have good intentions in what we do, that is not how other countries may interpret our actions.

If anything could prove the fraud of Alex Jones, it is his interview with Charlie Sheen. I couldn't stand listening to it. The global big brother control grid hype/police state is very misleading. A total Singapore-like police state is not what the NWO want for the US necessarily. What they want is for the US to become divided, and then when we are divide, they want the US and our Constitution to be discredited in the eyes of the world and then to be destroyed.

It is my opinion that what the NWO is trying to do is, lay the blame on the US for the global economic crisis, the riots in the Middle East, the drug trade in Afghanistan, and Columbia, and overstepping of our military, and the many BlackOps programs in many countries. True or not, the reality is, despite our giving for disasters, many foreign countries are getting fed up with America. Because of HAARP, true or not, many are being convinced the US is causing natural disasters or that we are contributing to global climate change.

As I see it, what the NWO is trying to do, is convince whoever has his finger on the nuclear button, to push it. And when that person pushes the doomsday button, the other countries of the world will mourn, but not that much. They won't lift a finger and will let it happen. The world leaders will come together, if they haven't already and will agree that the US is so corrupt, and intrusive and dangerous that we should be invaded and split up and that the US Constitution and Constitutional government is a failure and should disappear into the history books as a failed experiment. (google George A. Smith Vision, Albert Pike letter to Muzzini)

To this point, the LDS Church has been happy to keep its head down. When NWO leaders come to BYU to speak, they generally comment what "useful little soldiers/sheep/idiots" we are. The Doctrine and Covenants instructs us to befriend our enemies. And so far we have done a good job of that. And thanks to this policy, the LDS church has been able to build temples and expand its missionary reach into much of the world. I am not sure how productive being vocally shrill critics would be? What the NWO wants is division, and it is when the US is divided when they most likely plan to strike.

I thought it was an interesting point of discussion whether our LDS Leadership where giving talks within talks or communicating messages to those of us who are AWAKE without directly coming out and saying things that would be alarming to those who are remain in their state of BLISS. I don't think this is true. I just think that they are awake, and are giving clear, principle-based counsel that will be useful to membership whether we are awake or not.

Doctrine and Covenants 105: 14; 38-39 For behold, I do not require at their hands to fight the battles of Zion; for, as I said in a former commandment, even so will I fulfil—I will fight your battles. . . . And again I say unto you, sue for peace, not only to the people that have smitten you, but also to all people; And lift up an ensign of peace, and make a proclamation of peace unto the ends of the earth;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Which prophet said that the church had been infiltrated by the Illuminati up to the highest ranks? Then Harold B Lee had just severed the financial arm of the church which is connected to the Rothschilds and a nurse saw a non hospital employee injecting something into his IV when he was in the hospital and then he died?