Sunday, August 30, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
Jesus Christ: The Brazen Serpent
"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:14-15)
Why is a venemous serpent used as a great symbol of Christ? Christ as a healing serpent is a powerful and suprisingly accurate symbol. Think about how you treat a venomous snake bite-- with antivenom from another venemous snake. Antiserum is created by harvesting and injecting the snake venom into a horse or rabbit forming antibodies against the venom. Then you administer the healing blood or serum containing these antibodies into the envenomated patient.
So, just think about this miraculous metaphor of Christ's Atonement. Like anti-venom, only after taking upon Himself the poison of our sins and death does Christ's blood become the needed healing anti-serum. All those who look to Christ and take upon themselves His blood will be healed and live eternally.
Posted by David B at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2015
Jurisdiction of Government and Religion
Posted by David B at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2015
Samuel the Lamanite
Posted by David B at 2:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Economic Solution: Safety Society System
When Joseph Smith and the Early Saints established the city of Kirkland, they needed to establish a banking system to provide credit and currency for their emerging economy. However, what was established was a traditional European-style, fractional-reserve bank that is inherently unstable. Because of the inherent instablility, the Kirkland Bank succumbed to market instabilities and soon failed. Following the direction of the US Constitution, a more equitable and Constitutional banking solution may be possible. The Safety Society Banking System addresses the income inequality starting with the Home Mortgage. 1. National Currency 2. Treasury creates money as needed 3. Local Non-profit Safety Society Bank approves loans 4. Simple-interest and fee-based loans granted 5. Debtors earn equity from day 1 6. Missed payments deducted from equity = instant reverse mortgage and mortgage insurance 7. No income tax 8. No inflation 9. Full Reserve banking. 100% Deposits stay at the bank and are never loaned out. 10. Money for new loans is created "on-demand" by US Treasury based on local loan approval and credit worthiness. 11. Communities or groups can qualify together for a hospital or park or aquarium or whatever if credit worthy. 12. Local Safety Societies cover costs with loan origination fees only and monthly loan service charge. 13. Fed Gov earns money via simple interest which constitutes a necessary fee which regulates money supply. 14. Repaid money is retired from circulation by the Treasury. 15. Loans only made for "real assets" not stock 16. Money is "backed" by the "real asset". 17.Value of currency = quantity and quality of human labor. Automation reduces costs. According to the equation MV = PG, inflation (P) is dependant on money supply (M). US Treasury controls money supply by only creating new money as it is nedeed (on demand). Inflation or deflation happems when there is too much money or not enough. It should always be more equensive to borrow than to save. With an equitable economic system, thrre will be a more equitable distribution of wealth. The Safety Society System is Free Market without a need for the capitalists although there may be a place for Mitt Romney style business venture capital. I like the idea of the ZCMI that was supported by the general public. The Safety Society System would not invest in business aspect but only the land and the building itself. Letting the people themselves be joint shareholders in the rest is a great idea in order to prevent the Walmart syndrome where Walmart has the power to dictate both the wholesale price and the suggested retail price.
Posted by David B at 1:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 08, 2015
Polygamy: Miraculous Unity of the Faith
But what about the New Testament. It seems that Rome together with some Early Christian writers condemned polygamy. But what does the New Testament say? Paul discusses the care of widows with Timothy. Paul specifically instructs younger widows to remarry and continue to "bear children". "I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully." (New Testament, 1 Timothy 5:14) But who would take on this responsibility to marry a younger widow already with or without children and take on the management of another household? Consider the historical stigma against an already married woman with children. Paul says that the married Elders and Sisters of the Church should receive them and support them. Then Paul makes a direct reference to Deut. 25 and the commandment for Levirate marriage with "Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn." "If any man or woman (married couple) that believeth have widows (younger), let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it (the Church) may relieve them that are widows indeed (eg older widows without family or prospects)." (New Testament, 1 Timothy, 5:16) But what about Paul's instruction that among the qualifications of a Bishop in Titus 1:6 and Timothy 3:2, that he be the husband of one wife? The word "one" in Greek is "mia" not "eva" which is more correctly interpreted as "man of the first wife" which is not talking about number of wives but is talking about a man who has never been divorced and is still married to his first wife. But even if you disagree, the alternate interpretation itself suggests polygamy was in common practice and would only exclude one from being the Bishop but not an Elder. However, the most important point here is like the Qur'an, Paul's instructions are about compassion towards women and their children; caring for the fatherless and the widow; and not about men or their sexuality. Remember that in James 1:27, pure religion is all about caring for the fatherless and the widow and keeping ourselves unspotted from the world. By the way, what does the Book of Mormon say about polygamy? Despite the polygamy of Abraham, Jacob and King David and others, Monogamy is the ideal and polygamy is forbidden in the Book of Mormon and only allowable if the Lord commands it. "Wherefore, I the Lord God will not suffer that this people shall do like unto them of old. Wherefore, my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none; For I, the Lord God, delight in the chastity of women. And whoredoms are an abomination before me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts. ... For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things." (Book of Mormon, Jacob 2:26-30) When it comes to Early LDS Church practice of polygamy; what was the intent and the outcome? Whether the Church leaders knew it or not, God knew the LDS Church and His saints would soon be cast out of their city of Nauvoo, Illinois at gunpoint and forced to flee the United States of America to settle the wastelands of the Great Salt Lake Valley. The LDS Church with 70,000 people left all civilization in America and Europe to settle a valley of complete desolation surrounding a dead salt sea. There was no WIC or Medicaid, or Social Security or Disability back then. If you were a newly immigrated young woman with children and without family in frontier Utah, you didn't stand a chance. But, according to James 1:27, welfare is the business of the Church of Christ and polygyny was ONLY instituted as a calling and assignment to those who were willing, worthy and capable to care for the fatherless and the widow. My wife Ruth Emily Cornish comes from polygamist ancestry on both her maternal and paternal sides. Pure Christian Charity was the motivation behind their initially reluctant acceptance and faithful practice of polygamy and great spiritual and temporal prosperity was their reward. So, if polygamy was commanded by God why did the LDS Church cave to pressure and abandon polygamy? The real question is why Christian Americans caved to allowing the US Congress to pass the illegal Edmonds-Tucker Act which the Federal Supreme Court later ruled to be constitutional despite knowing the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights strictly forbids the Federal Congress from making any laws with regard to religion or its practice? Marriage is a practice of religion and off-limits to the Federal Government. But this was the first of many subsequent rulings that have slowly eroded away the rights reserved in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Nevertheless, why did the LDS Church cave? Read Official Declaration 1 in the Doctrine and Covenants for yourself. 1. Monogamy is the ideal. 2. Polygamy was no longer absolutely necessary as a welfare mechanism and 3. the Church leaders followed the direction of Jesus Christ and inspiration of the Holy Ghost to act (as Peter's denial) to preserve the keys, authority, and function of the Church. The Federal Government was ready and able to seize all church property, arrest all church leaders, and shut down all Temples. Instead, the Church, in unity, followed the prophet and took great pains to comply with the new law of the land and we were blessed with great spiritual and temporal prosperity. Maybe some would have preferred a showdown. They seek for a sign. They would have preferred to see the prophets of God surrounded by the armies of Satan and watched entertained as the Earth shook, plagues were unleashed, and fire came from heaven to consume our enemies. One day those signs will come. But the bigger miracle was to see the Latter-day Saints act with unity to follow the Lord and His prophet and avoid conflict and war. Which is more of a miracle, for God to command the elements or for God the change the heart of a man or an entire nation? Unity was the greater miracle. "Husband of the first wife" vs. "Husband of one wife" comes down to these words being in the genitive case and not in the nominative case. Genitive Case:1 Tim 3:2 "mia gynaikos" = "of the first wife"John 20:19 "mia sabbaton" = "first of the week"
Posted by David B at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 01, 2015
Marks of Adversity
Posted by David B at 11:50 AM 0 comments