Monday, January 15, 2018

Kirtland, Missouri, Nauvoo

D&C 1:25-26 And inasmuch as they erred it might be made known;  And inasmuch as they sought wisdom they might be instructed;

The history of persecution, injustice, and expulsion of the early Latter-day Saints from Ohio (Kirtland), Missouri, and Illinois (Nauvoo) can teach us profound lessons. It’s very important we remember the reason’s for our failures so that we remain unified with regard to the remedies. 

Books on early Mormon history like to emphasize the financial and banking failures in Kirtland, the politics of slavery and abolitionism in Missouri, and polygamy in Nauvoo. However, these connections may lead readers to the wrong conclusion. 

Yes, the politics of slavery was an issue of the day, but it is not why the Lord says the Saints failed in Missouri.  D&C 101 says the reason for the Saints failure in Missouri was not building a temple. And that gets into a much more fruitful discussion about how and why building a temple, temple work, and temple covenants would have prevented the Missouri expulsion and again in Illinois (Saints already expelled before Nauvoo temple was officially dedicated).  This also explains why Brigham Young was so committed to building temples in Utah. 

“How future generations will view us with regard to facing the evil of our day?  Prophets have warned that we will be judged and reponsible for not preserving the freedoms secured by the Constitution. And Moroni does, call for us to be “awake” to our awful situation.  My conclusion is, that while future historians may criticize our current blindness while our country unravels, our awakness or blindness is not necessarily the key issue. Like Kirtland, Missouri, Illinois, our preservation rests upon upholding our “watchman upon the tower”. “standing in holy places”, and “bring forth fruit and works meet for the kingdom”. 

D&C 98:16 Therefore, renounce war and proclaim peace, and seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children;

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