Sunday, January 07, 2018

President Thomas S. Monson

President Thomas S. Monson was the 16th president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who passed away on Jan 2, 2018. I was talking with a colleague about President Monson’s passing and I asked if he thought it was presumptuous for a person today to consider themselves or be considered a living prophet? 

I shared that I was grateful for a living prophet that would carry the message of the love of Christ, of selfless service to our neighbor and all people. I also appreciate the prophet “Proclamation on the Family” which in 1995 wasn’t considered as timely as it is today.  President Monson has served as an assistant to the First Presidency or councilor to past President’s Kimball, Benson, Hunter, and Hinkley. During that time and during his own presidency, President Monson and the other 12 Apostles have boldly testified of Christ in their testimony contained in the “the Living Christ”, defined and defended the family and the “Family Proclamation”, as well as warned against the plagues of pornography and debt. 

God has called prophets in our day who will continue to boldly testify of the divinity of Jesus Christ, uphold traditional family values, encourage Christian service, and calling the world to repentance and virtue.  

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