Monday, September 24, 2018

Jordan Peterson on Nuclear Family

Jordan Peterson reports the right of children to be born into families with both a mother and father.  Fathers like male rats engage the children in rough-and-tumble play which is critical in brain development the absence of which can lead to increased ADHD.

We have been losing the battle on defending traditional marriage and families. I think if we can’t define marriage or articulate the benefits, we will continue to do poorly.  We also are confused about the role and boundaries of religion, and government.

1. The business of pure religion is providing individual welfare services and promoting individual virtue.  (James 1:27). 

2. The jurisdiction of religion covers the prevention, discipline and rehabilitation of self-harm behavior and vice. Other private specialized professional organizations can be created to treat extreme cases. 

3. Religion uses the institution of the family and family organization to promote virtue and provide individual welfare. 

4. Historically, religion used re-marriage, polygamy and adoption to care for the needs of the widow and the fatherless.

5.  The human brain is designed to chemically reward productive, goal-directed behavior. Stimulating chemical reward centers via non-productive, artificial, chemical, or by illicit sexual promiscuity constitutes vice and self-harm.

6. Recreational, non-medicinal use of caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other substances for their psychoactive affects exploits the brain’s reward centers and constitutes vice and self-harm.

7. Eating a limited amount of simple sugar is beneficial because your body almost entirely runs on sugar.  Sugar is the fuel of the body.  Food is a combination of sugar, protein, fat, fiber.  However, your cells operate almost 100% on sugar (except starvation conditions) and converts protein and fat into sugar when used as fuel.  Eating a balanced diet involves eating a diet that is composed of a balance of sugars in the form of sugars (primarily complex carbohydrates =starch), protein, fat, and fiber. 

8. Marriage is ordained for the proper and  accepted expression of human sexuality for the purposes of unifying the marriage bond, biological procreation, and nurture of biological and adopted children. 

9. Children have the absolute unalienable right to receive a full genetic inheritance from a human male and human female. 

10. Children have the right to be raised in a family with the nurture of both a human male and female where human maleness and femaleness behavior and characteristics are modeled. 

11. Children have the right to be raised in a traditional family by a mother and father who are married and who exhibit and model the commitment, love, self-sacrifice, service, unselfishness for one another and the children. 

12. The jurisdiction of the State applies to individuals who perpetrate a harm on others. 

13. The State should never make a law with regard to a belief.  Laws should not promote, nor punish nor restrict belief, nor promote, punish, restrict one belief over another nor limit or promote its expression or transmission. Atheism, Humanism, Scientism, Statism constitute belief as much as Theism.  The State should not make laws to equalize or regulate belief.  Exposure to others beliefs does not constitue harm. Persons in government can openly share and promote, discourage belief without creating legislating their belief.  

14. The State can punish lies (knowing falsifications and omissions with intension to deceive), slander, libel, and speech that is intented to promote or incite violence and/or physical harm to others. 

15. The State protects individual rights of life, liberty, property, as well as providing for the general welfare (roads, bridges, rail, mail, monetary system), and national defense. 

16. Consenting adults who wish to create a same-gender union are 

17. Laws can promote the traditional family without necessarily criminalizing their violation. 

18. Individuals may grow and consume their own tabbacco or cannabis or brew their own beer for personal consumption which constitutes self-harm, but the sale and distribution of recreational psychoactive substances constitutes a harm on the addicted consumer and is therefore prohibited and punishable under that law.

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