Scarcity and Tribalism
“when you believe resources are scarce you begin to look at others as rivals in competition for those resources.” —Jon Stewart, “the Shop”
D&C 104:17 For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves.
18 Therefore, if any man shall take of the abundance which I have made, and impart not his portion, according to the law of my gospel, unto the poor and the needy, he shall, with the wicked, lift up his eyes in hell, being in torment.
We live in an inequitable capitalist society based on supply and demand or scarcity. God knows that even in a fare free-enterprise economy, that certain people will be born with greater opportunity and talent than others. However, the key to living with “all things common” (NOT in common) is to explore and put into practice practices that provide greater equality of opportunity and incentivize the free-will giving of those blessed with abundance to those in need.
However, we see individuals in the world amassing more and more wealth that not only exceeds what they need, but exceeds what they could even want. Despite the consumer guilt the media directs towards working people, consider the millions of acres of farm land used to produce coffee, tea, hops, tobacco, opium, etc that provide little nutrient or medicinal value but are grown more for recreational use.
The US is blessed with abundant natural resources. We shouldn’t need to exploit the 3rd-world for their resources and cheap labor. We don't need our mega-capitalists creating “banana republics” by buying up land in Bolivia for quinoa, or land in Malaysia for red palm oil. Middle men love to buy low from poor producing nations and sell high to rich consumer nations.
Most don’t realize the US has no national rail system. Consequently it cost more to ship goods across country than to import from ovetseas. 1. The US needs to create a national rail system. 2. We need to drill our own oil in ANWR, 3. We need to mine our own rare-earth minerals in Limhi Pass, Idaho, 4. We need to better produce and consume locally. 5. Use automation instead of slavery, 6. Instead of building and controlling our own production facilities overseas, patent-holders could license technology to developing nations allowing them to build their own independent production and manufacturing for their own people.
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