Monday, April 08, 2019

April 2019 General Conference

Ulisses Soares
Phillip teaching the Ethiopian, we need the help of a divine teacher, or help others in their conversion and keeping covenants.
Ethiopian went on his way rejoicing.
Raise our families in nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Accept the Saviors invitation to come and see.
Accept children who desire to come home. Never lose hope. Be a good example.
Make your home a center of gospel learning.

Becky Crazen
Can't find happiness in cheap trinkets.
Don't be casual in our behavior but be sacred.
Standards don't expire.

Brook Hales
Mormon didn't see the fruit of his labor.
It was not you who sent me hither but God
Sometimes the dream job isn't meant to be
Sometimes God wants to teach us something. I felt like God was with me.
Some blessings are not answered in this life.
Trust in Gods timing. Hold our faihful.

Dieter Uchtdorf
Rome Italy temple dedication
Overall church membership is growing
But compared with world population we are small.
We may feel timid to share gospel. We need to be willing, not perfect.
5 guilt free things:
1. Love God, draw near. His light will shine
2. Love others. See others as children of God. Minister to others.
3. Walk the path of discipleship.
4. Share what's in your heart.
5. Invite others to come and see.

Henry B Eyring
Ministering in the Lords way.
Do not diminish in your faith in Jesus Christ
No more disposition to fo evil
Temple teaches a love for sacred places

President Ballard
All Gods children are created to have joy
Despite the world's challenges
Doing Gods will in our life brings meaning
Focus on first principles
Keep it simple, more time for ministering

Seek truth by study and faith
Good fruit
Families, healthy habits, humanitarian, lay clergy, personal growth.
God gives line upon line
Won't know it all at first
2 eyes produces another perspective when combined produce a 3D image
Likewise spiritual sight brings another perspective when combined reveal things as they really are.

What is truth?
Some truths are true for everyone.
Natural man cannot see the things of God because they are spiritually discerned
Do not pick and true what is truth with the family proclaimation.
Prophets are seers
Many have walked away from values
Do not walk away from Christ
We are asked to not be of this world
Christ understands our burdens

Feasting is more than reading
Feel joy, Express joy with family,

Beware of hyper-intellectual deprivation
Korihor taught commandments are oppressive restrictions

Jeffery Holland
John testified "behold the Lamb of God"
Be reverent during sacrament
May we bring to His alter more tears for His sorrow...

Athletes sacrifice to train
Athletes have a playbook
Athletes follow a gameplan
Temptation has less power when you have plan
Pray daily, listen to counsel, avoid porn, service, good friends, family history
Offense and defense
Learn the path of discipleship
Get in the game, you are an allstar

Carl Cook
Quorum can help and support its members
Quorums can change the odds
give and receive strength
Be United in our quorum

Look into Christ in every thought
Surrender our will to Him
Live a covenant life
We are not alone

Be careful in criticism
Criticism will offend the spirit
We can improve
We can be loyal
We can pray for leaders
We can pray pray for each other
I know you can make it back

Think about the future
Others are consumed with immediate gradification
speak when we see threats
Sound warnings, institute prevention
Keep the end in mind
Spiritual gowth from sacrifice
Stay in the covenant path

President Nelson
Say nothing but repentance to this generation
Repentance is not a penalty
"Change our mind, knowledge, spirit, breath"
It's a process
Satan is attacking testimony
Do better and be better
Care for our body, show reverence
Honor women
Their input will help your output
Satan knows who you are
Be men of the covenant
Communicate the love of the Savior
Experience miracles in your life

Dale Renlund
Are blessings earned or predestined?
Blessings are not earned but faith and action are required.
We have to strike the match to light a fire
God gives us the match, kindling and wood and oxygen.
You qualify for blessings, you don't earn them.
Make bow, make tools, bake small cake before the blessing.
Cheerfully do all that is within your power than stand still and behold the power of God.

Sharon Eubank
Christ is our light
Christ binds up our wounds
Christ reached out to the outcast

Quentin R Cook
Love is found in our work
Love for the Savior and fellow men
Missionary work, temple, ministering
Align our hearts with love

Zion will bring peace on Earth
We should be dedicated to build Zion
Zion will be built in troubled times
Christ permits us to labor with Him
We can hasten that day

What is the atonement?

President Nelson
Salvation is an individual matter
Exaltation is a family matter
Many have chosen not to covenant with God
Fullness of joy only comes via covenant
Don't settle for a lesser mansion
You can only know God through experience
We are invited to follow Him
Do the spiritual work to know for yourself
Time is running out

President Oaks
I judged crimes under laws of man and laws of God
Come into Jesus
Atonement is real
We all need to repent
Mortal judges waves penalties, only God forgives sin.
Are we born again?
Ressurection does not reverse desires.
Satan has same power to possess there as here.
Arms of mercy are extended to all.

Juan Paulo Villar
Bodies are a miracle
Spiritual gifts need exercise
Peoples countenance changed
Let him deny himself

Gerrit Gong
Christ is the Good Shephard.
Do all things in His name

David Bednar
What did you learn about the Savior at home this week
Not what did you learn at Church today
Learn live becoming
Like Joseph Smith, we need to learn for ourselves
Make our homes sanctuaries
Children can be prepared for the temple
Speak of his holy house with reverence
We may speak about the purposes of the temple

Soon for you, is a long time for me
Alma waited for deliverance
Some blessings were immediate.
Gods goodness and love is immediate

Ronald Rasband
Go ye unto your homes and ponder Christs words
Satan cheateth our souls and lead us carefully down to hell
The devil seeks for whom he may devour

President Nelson
Each temple is a crowning jewel in the crown of pioneer faith
May we renovate and rededicate our lives

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