Saturday, August 31, 2019

Rectification of a Seeming Contradiction

According to reliable NDEs (near death experiences), numerous experiencers report seeing God.  This detail is perfectly in line with the Book of Mormon that teaches that the dead are immediately taken home to "that God who gave them life" (Alma 40:11).  

But if God appears at death or during these NDE's, wouldn't that knowledge destroy any further need for faith?  And without faith, there would no longer be a need for preaching to the dead (1 Peter 3:19).  But Peter in the New Testament says that Christ went and preached into the spirits in spirit prison.  

However, according to NDEs, God appears, but does not identify Himself as He does to the prophets.  That is why the testimony and annunciation of God at these prophetic visitations is so important.  God wants His prophets to know exactly who is speaking to them.  

Consequently, when researchers collect NDE stories from around the world, the elements of the experience are similar, but experiencers may report being visited by Muhammed or Buddah, etc. In one NDE, a man who was not religious and previously an atheist asked God which of all the Churches was true and reports he was given a smile but not an answer that that question.  

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