Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Names in the Book of Mormon

Thanks to Jerry Grover.  Names in book of mormon had to to with what happened to them or something about them.  May not have been their actual given name. 

Zeniff = [Egy] znb = to be overthrown. [Hb] snb = tail

Mulek = [Egy] walking fish, chief [Hb] king

Mosiah = [Egy];moshe = son of God or king, [Hb] mshh = anointed, savior. 

King Benjamin = [Hb] son of the right hand 

Samuel the Lamanite = [Hb] name of God

Nephi 2/3 =  beautiful, fair, departed, tarry, protector

Laman = no faith, unbeliever, filthy

Mormon = jubilee, bind, wisdom, wild beast. rain. 

Zarahemla = offspring of God

Jaredites = tribe of the West

Jerusalem = city of peace

Nephites = tribe of Nephi

Gadianton Robbers = tribe of lucre

Limhi = 30, people of 30

Thursday, March 21, 2024

April 8 2024, US Eclipse

This is the second in a pair of total solar eclipses.  The first occured seven years ago (6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days) on Aug 21, 2017. There was also 2 annular eclipse in 2021 and 2023 in between. The October 14, 2023 annular eclipse passed through Oregon, Utah and Texas. The eclipses also pass over several LDS Church history sites. 

Some point yo this eclipse as a "sign of the times".  Some claim the second eclipse coincidentally will pass over over near several cities naked Ninevah in several US states, Canadian provinces as well as Jonah, Texas.  I think it interesting that the X point near Marion, Illinois at the head of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers may represent the center of Nephites lands in the Book of Mormon according to Heartland geography.  This would be the place in the "center" of Nephite lands where King Lachoneus gathered the people to defend themselves against the wicked Gadianton Robbers and King Men before the Coming of Jesus Christ. 

List of Salem Cities (Aug 21, 2017):
1. Salem, Oregon. (total)
2. Salem, Idaho. (total)
3. Salem, Nebraska (total)
4. Salem, Missouri  (partial)
5. Salem, Illinois. (partial)
6. Salem, Kentucky. (total)
7. Salem, South Carolina. (total)

List of Ninevah Cities (April 8, 2024):
1. Jonah, Texas.  (total)
2. Ninevah, Texas  (partial)
3. Ninevah, Missouri  (partial)
3. Ninevah, Indiana (total)
4. Ninevah, Ohio  (total)
5. Ninevah, Virginia  (partial)
6. Ninevah, Pennsylvania (partial)
7. Ninevah, New York  (partial)
8. Ninevah, Victoria, Nova Scotia, Canada (partial)

Matt 12:38-40
38 ¶ Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Hinge Point

Rome Temple dedicated March 10-12, 2019.

162 hinge point
162 x 2 = 324

188 dedicated temples
183 operating temples
5 renovation
53 construction
94 announced
335 total dedicated and announced

188 + 53 = 241 dedicated and construction

Monday, March 18, 2024

Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon

1. And it came to pass = vayahi, literary marker used because Hebrew didnt have punctuation. KJV has "and it was so" "and it happened" "thus" "and" similar to bofm. 
2. Plural Amplification: plural nouns like bloodsheds, condescentions mights, etc (see Abel "bloods").
3. Seidel's Law = inversion of quotations Ez 34:27/Lev 26:4.  Alma 5:19/Psalm 34:3.
4. Cognate Accusative: dreamed a dream, worked a work, built a building
5. Prophecy in Past Tense = as if it already happened (see Jarom 1:11)
6. Chiasmus, = DCBABCD construction. 
7. Anapodoton = Alma 36:9 "If thou wilt of thyself be destroyed, seek no more to destroy the church of God." interrupted fragment sentences.
8. If-And conditionals.
9. Dramatic prophecy: acting out prophecy.
10. creating names by suffixing -on to the tri-consonantal root. Jershon = y-r-sh = "to inherit". (Yerusha).
11. Merismus: list, ABCDEF. summerized AEF (2 Ne 33:4).
12. Numbers:1 Nephi 3:31, command fifty. 
13. Colophones: I, Nephi 
14. Antenantiosis: "despise not the revelations of God" (Jacob 4:8) emphasize by opposite. "if ye do this, and endure to the end, ye will in nowise be cast out" (Mormon 9:29),
15. Preposition instead of Adverb: "with patience" instead of patiently (Mosiah 24:15)
"with much harshness" instead of very harshly (1 Nephi 18:11).
16. Because-That Clause: Because/that,  after/that. before/that. "And because that they are redeemed from the fall" (2 Nephi 2:26)

Donald Perry from BYU has a book listing 30 destinct categories.  This list comes from a combination of sources like FAIR, Maxwell Institute and Book of Mormon Central.