Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sacred Markings of Early Christian Burial Undergarments in Egypt

"The piece of clothing closest to the body is not usually well preserved due to the destructive influence of fluids and chemicals remaining in the body. In this burial, as well as a few others, however, the woolen garment next to the skin is sufficiently well preserved for us to observe that small rosettes have been woven into the material in particular locations. There is one rosette over each breast and one on the right leg near the knee, but there is no corresponding rosette on the left leg. Across the lower abdomen, the material also has a hemmed slit about six inches long."

Joseph Smith: Genius, Charlatan, or True Prophet

Book of Mormon LOL

If you have really read and studied the Book of Mormon, you will realize it takes more faith to believe Joseph Smith made it up, then that it came to be exactly as he claimed it did.