Friday, April 26, 2019

My Way or the Highway?

As a physician, it is my job to make lifestyle and medication recommendations. Occasionally, a patient may disagree with or outright refuse some or all of my recommendations. Some doctors, when faced with this dilemma, take the "my way or the highway" attitude. That is, if the patient doesn't accept 100% of their recommendation, then they feel justified in discontinuing any further therapeutic efforts. They may "discharge the patient from their practice" or "fire the patient".

An emergency physician may ask the patient to sign a "against medical advice form" before leaving the emergency department. While, there will aways be a few patients who leave the ED AMA, I have never agreed with the "my way or the highway" attitute. I have always felt that if I can convince the patient to comply with at least one recommendation or take one of three indicated medications; one is usually better than none.

While there are legitimate reasons for firing a patient, God has promised us that He will never fire us from his clinical practice. God is the the Greatest Physician, He is the Physician of physicians who has given us a wealth of lifestyle and behavior recommendations. But, similar to medical practice, our Heavenly Father wants us to as happy and blessed as we will allow ourselves to be. That is precisely why Jesus Christ taught that, "In my father's house are many mansions."

Mainstream Christianity defines eternity in terms of heaven and hell. Joseph Smith restored the truth that while all of God's children, through Christ, may be saved; heaven has differing rewards based on the level of law and obedience we were willing to receive.

In D&C 88, God is revealing additional details about the three degrees of heaven that Paul discussed in 1 Cor 15:40. Jesus Christ told Joseph Smith in verse 32, "And they who remain shall also be quickened; nevertheless, they shall return again to their own place, to enjoy that which they are willing to receive, because they were not willing to enjoy that which they might have received."

Irenius in "against Heresies" quoted Papias: "As the presbyters say, then, those who are deemed worthy of an abode in heaven shall go there, others shall enjoy the delights of Paradise, and others shall possess the splendour of the city; (The new Jerusalem on earth) for everywhere the Saviour will be seen, according as they shall be worthy who see Him. But that there is this distinction between the habitation of those who produce an hundred-fold, and that of those who produce sixty-fold, and that of those who produce thirty-fold; for the first will be taken up into the heavens, the second class will dwell in Paradise, and the last will inhabit the city; and that on this account the Lord said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions:” for all things belong to God, who supplies all with a suitable dwelling-place, even as His word says, that a share is given to all by the Father, according as each one is or shall be worthy. And this is the couch in which they shall recline who feast, being invited to the wedding. The presbyters, the disciples of the apostles, say that this is the gradation and arrangement of those who are saved, and that they advance through steps of this nature; and that, moreover, they ascend through the Spirit to the Son, and through the Son to the Father; and that in due time the Son will yield up His work to the Father."

In my estimation, heaven to not so much a physical separation but like the hospital has doctors, nurses, and techs. We all work together,  but there are certain responsibilities reserved for the doctors.  Nurses and techs are an invaluable part of the healthcare team.  Most nurses find great joy in their choosen career, and have no desire to be the doctor. But like nurses and techs, there may be responsibilities, those of a lesser glory are not permitted to do (world's without end). In life, some techs decide to go back to school and become a nurse.  Some nurses choose to go back to school and become NPs, PAs, or even MDs.  However, in God's plan we are warned, there is no going back to school in the next life.  Scripture warns, "do not procrastinate", "today is the day for men to perform our labors".   Gods university (temple) has open enrollment, but the decision to attend medical school is now. Jesus Christ invites all to get all the education we can and lay up in store our treasures in heaven. 

Many Mansions

Mainstream Christianity teaches that the afterlife is conceptualized as either heaven or hell. Life is a test, that is either pass or fail.  If a person accepts Christ as their Savior, they will be saved independent of behavior.  Although, accepting Christ will tend to manifest itself in good behavior, salvation itself is not contingent on any moral behavior or good works.  

The Church of Jesus Christ also conceptualizes the afterlife as a heaven and hell, but according to 1 Cor 15, Latter-day Saint heaven is divided into degrees, glories, kingdoms, mansions, or rewards.  Some charge that the Mormon heaven is exclusive.  But in reality, there is no religion has a more inclusiveness conception of heaven than does the true Church of Jesus Christ. 

The Bible is clear, that the first steps to accepting Christ involves a bending of the knee, a softening of the heart, and a confession with the lips that Jesus is the Christ.  According to scripture, anyone who bends the knee and accepts Christ will be saved in a degree of heaven. However, the Bible foretells that one day, every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ.  Therefore, except the sons of perdition who willingly reject any portion of God's salvation, all the family of Adam can be saved.  

However, we shouldn't make the mistake of Corianton in the Book of Mormon.  Corianton, a son of Alma the Younger, misunderstood the idea of universal resurrection, of the just and unjust, to justify himself in committing sexual sin.  Corrianton believed that because both the just and unjust would be resurrected, his resurrected body would be redeemed and purified.  The ressurrected body would be perfect and no longer subject to the weakness of the flesh.  Therefore, according to Corianton, his moral behavior and the content of his character no longer mattered.

Corianton was correct in believing, that the resurrected body would be perfected, incorruptible, and no longer subject to some of the weaknesses of the flesh. In heaven, Corianton was correct to believe certain sins would no longer be possible. However, he was wrong in thinking that the resurrection would also change our love, desire and devotion towards God.  Laziness, and slothfulness may still be a thing. Pride, and wanting to do our own thing your own way may still be a thing.  Accordingly, our reward in heaven is not only determined by our capacity to sin (harm self and others), but also by our desires to serve God. Therefore, the three degrees of heaven, are also based on our capacity for faith, work, and devotion towards God.

Those who inhert exaltation in the highest degree in heaven will seek to "live by every word that preceedeth from the mouth of God". But also because they are on the same page with God and have the same mind and will as God, they will find they don't have to be commanded in all thing. Those that are exalted will already know the things they should do. The righteous will be agents unto themselves, not commanded in all things, but free to be engaged in many good causes, and free in bringing about much righteousness. Those that wish to do "do their own thing" will have different responsibilities in heaven and a different degree of glory. 

In my estimation, heaven to not so much a physical separation but like the hospital has doctors, nurses, and techs. We all work together,  but there are certain responsibilities reserved for the doctors.  Nurses and techs are an invaluable part of the healthcare team.  Most nurses find great joy in their choosen career, and have no desire to be the doctor. But like nurses and techs, there may be responsibilities, those of a lesser glory are not permitted to do (world's without end). In life, some techs decide to go back to school and become a nurse.  Some nurses choose to go back to school and become NPs, PAs, or even MDs themselves.  However, in God's plan we are warned, there is no going back to school.  Scripture warns, "do not procrastinate", "today is the day for men to perform our labors".   Gods university has open enrollment, but the decision to attend medical school is now. Jesus Christ invites all to get all the education we can and lay up in store our treasures in heaven. 

While, confessing Christ is the first step in accepting Him.  Taking Christ's name upon us is a process that leads to baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost.  This process of sanctification continues, leading the believer to making additional sacred covenants in Holy Temples.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Pliny the Younger to Trajan: Early Christian Covenants

We had been having a respectful conversation about the exclusiveness and inclusiveness of the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ and it's requirements for  inward purity and sactification. While, all kingdoms, nation's, tongues and people's are invited (you also are invited), admittance has it's requirements according to 1 Cor 5:9-13. You had expressed that such requirements of inward purity were unrightly exclusionary.  Yet James 1:27 says pure Religion demands purity just as faith demands works. Good works, such as covenant-making and covenant-keeping, are a manifestation of true faith.

The Church of Jesus Christ maintains that, except the "sons of perdition" (those that would crucify Christ afresh); all of God children will eventually bend the knee and confess that "Jesus is the Christ".  Therefore, all who confess will receive some degree of salvation (many mansion, differing rewards, 1Cor15:40-42, see Ireneas on Papias).  Accordingly, LDS doctrine has a place for all of God's children in heaven unless they absolutely refuse (no coersion in religion). No Christian doctrine is more inclusive. 

Now, while you had mentioned that in the resurrection (just and unjust), all men would be glorified (to a degree), and have no more disposition to do evil.  While, our susseptability for evil will end, what will differ is men's willingness to do right.  Some are valiant in their testimony of Christ and others less so.  The degree of our love for God and capability to serve Him will be restored unto us.  Just as the ED has Doctors, nurses, and techs; but all work together; the degrees of heaven may not be so much a physical separation, but one of responsibility or calling. 

The Latter-day temple is the Mountain of the Lord's House.  The temple is the physical manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven, and it is preparing the Earth for the Second Coming of Christ.  The temple is preparing human kind (those who will) to receive the highest responsibilities on Earth and in heaven-- even reaching beyond the grave. Death has no power over Christ or Christ's followers at all. Again, there can not be any more inclusive doctrine than vicarious proxy and baptism for the dead (1 Cor 15:29). Christ's atonement was the supreme act of vicarious proxy, and in His temple, His disciples offer His atonement (by covenant) to all the human family. 

But what about covenant making and covenant keeping.  Are baptism, the Lord's Supper, and temple only arbitrary, man-made, fear-based, additions to Christ's already all-sufficient Gospel? While confession with the lips that Jesus is Lord is the minimum requirement for any degree of salvation.  Those who are called, chosen, and faithful (Rev 17:14); have more fully received the Holy Ghost.  These faithful will be inspired to draw nearer unto Christ and will be empowered to make additional righteous covenants as did Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. The temple and it's covenants are not man-made but divinely given (house built without men's hands).  The temple and it's covenants, are given by Christ, and are part of His all-sufficient Gospel. 

Do we have evidence of Early Christian covenant making? Thanks to the words of Pliny the Younger to the Emperor Trajan (see below) , Pliny records the earliest (non-Christian) descriptions of Christian religious observance and covenant making.  Covenant making and covenant keeping are not a product of fear, but a product of love for our Saviour Jesus Christ.  Covenants are not about being exclusive, but cleansing the inner vessel and being made a "vessel of honor, sanctified, and meet for the Master's use" (2 Tim 2:21).  

Pliny the Younger's Description of Early Christianity!

On top of this, they affirmed that this was the sum of their guilt or error:

They had been accustomed to come together on a fixed day before daylight and to sing responsively a song to Christ as God. They bound themselves with an oath—not to commit some crime—but, on the contrary, that they would not commit theft, nor robbery, nor adultery, that they would not break faith, nor refuse to return a deposit when asked for it.

When they had done these things, their custom was to separate and to assemble again to partake of a meal, common yet harmless (which is not the characteristic of a nefarious superstition)

Christ's Church is the Kindom of God and His Temple is the Kingdom of Heaven on the Earth. Apart from a false temple that may be built in Jerusalem and an anti-Christ that may rule for a time. The restoration of the true temple, according to Isa 2, will accompany and preceed Christ's coming in glory (Mal 3:1).  The true temple and it's covenants will be the divine mechanism by which world peace will finally be achieved. According to Isaiah, it is because of the true temple (it's laws it's paths, it's ways), that men will finally "beat their swords into plowshares". 

Righteous covenants are the laws, paths, and ways of the true House of the Lord.  The covenants themselves are more important than a physical building.  Accordingly, covenants have been made by prophets and saints on mountain-tops and other surrogate sacred spaces.  But the physical importance and reality of God's kingdom, His Church, and His temple cannot be ignored.  Only the unification if the spirit and body together produces a fullness of joy. The Church of Christ is both a spiritual and physical reality.  Christ's resurrection was both a physical and spiritual reality. Likewise, Christ's temple is both a spiritual and physical reality. 

Ezekiel and John were commanded to measure the temple   The temple serves as divine pattern that transends reality. That is why Daniel described a stone cut out of a mountain without hands, which grew until it became a mountain and eventually filled the whole Earth. The temple is the body of Christ.  When you accept Christ and receive His Spirit, your body becomes a temple. When your marriage is blessed by Christ's Spirit it becomes a covenant marriage.  A family becomes an eternal family, a city becomes a temple city, a nation becomes a holy nation until the entire Earth is filled with the light and glory and truth of God. When John is shown the future sactified Earth, he comments that "there is no temple there".  There is no temple because there is no special place set aside as holy. The whole Earth has become sanctified and has become holy.

Covenant making and covenant keeping are critical to the preservation of society.  Keeping our word increases trust, cooperation, and social capital.  When people break their word, even if circumstances seemingly justify it, trust is erroded. The social fabric of society breaks down.  Kindergardeners recite the pledge of allegiance,  Boy Scout take the scout oath. Lawyers, military, and politicians take an oath of office.  Doctors make the Hippocratic oath.  Oath-making has ancient Christian roots, but it seems most religions today preach very little oath making and even less oath keeping. 

Why do we make covenants? We make them because life never fails to provide all the reasons, justifications, excuses, and rationalizations to break our word.  Covenants give us the ultimate divine reason to keep our word in spite of our good excuses. Each and every one of us have given our Heavenly Father every reason to cast us off forever.  But God is the ultimate Man of His Word, and has sent His Son Jesus Christ (the Word) to rescue and redeem us. 

Isa 49:15_16 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands;

We can not learn to become more like our Heavenly Father unless we learn to become people of our word as our Heavenly Father is the God of His Word. God makes covenants with His children, and helps us keep them, in order that we might become more like Him. Covenant making and covenant keeping is a major aspect of the society of heaven. If we desires to live with God in heaven, we need to get used to living with people that keep their commitments by becoming the kind of people that keep ours. 

Justice is not some monster that God must appease.  Gods justice is God doing exactly as He has said.  likewise, God's mercy is God doing exactly as He has said.  God knew mankind would fall into sin and error. Justice demands consequences. But in the Grand Heavenly Council,  before the foundations of the Earth, God also promised to send us a Savior who would satisfy the demands of justice, and take upon Himself the consequences of our sins.  But our acceptance of Christ is contingent upon the conditions of repentance.  Covenant making and covenant keeping in His Holy Temple are part of these conditions, the process of repentance, and our ultimate sactification. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Book of Abraham

In 1835, Joseph Smith came into possession of a collection of Egyptian papyri. After examining the papyri, Joseph Smith recorded the Book of Abraham which detailed Abraham's early life, travels to Canaan and Egypt, and early vision of the cosmos and its creation. 

The Book of Abraham papyri were thought to have been lost in the 1871 Great Chicago Fire.  However, in 1966 several fragments of the papyri were discovered in the archives of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Upon examination by scholars, the few existing papyrus fragments are excerpts from Egyptian funerary texts: Book of Breathings, and Book of the Dead.  Accordingly, some critics question the authenticity of the Book of Abraham. 

So what gives? Does the Joseph Smith papyri expose Smith as a phony?  Not at all.  First, we need to check our own assumptions about what we mean by translation.  Joseph Smith was a prophet, not an Egyptologist.  When Joseph claimed to translate something, like the Book of Mormon, or excerpts from the Bible. He produced a prophetic translation, and not a scholarly one.  

There is some debate whether the recovered papyrus fragments even contain the original source material for the Book of Abraham.  Regardless the source, because the Book of Abraham was a product of prophetic revelation, the source material is irrelevant. God didn't need papyri or a bunch of mummies to reveal the Book of Abraham to Joseph Smith.  All God needed was Joseph Smith to ask the right question-- "Ask and ye shall receive." The papyri served only as a catalyst for revelation in the same way masonry served as a catalyst for the temple.  Joseph simply asked "if there is some partial truth here, what should this look like if it were 100% true? "

How is a prophetic translation different from a scholarly translation? When a scholar conducts a scholarly translation, the scholar attempts to precisely convey the words and meaning of the text in another language. When a prophet translates something, God is not revealing what is written, but what should have been written. A scholar seeks to remain true to the text, a prophet strives to be true to the truth.

The Egyptians were a once great, but pagan, corrupt, and ultimately failed society.  God is not xenophobic, but religiocentric.  Accordingly, He is not interested in spreading the false religion of ancient Egypt.  Instead, God desires to teach His children about the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. God reveals truth and does not promulgate myths and fables. 

Therefore, what is going on with the Book of Abraham and its Facsimiles, is not that a certain figure depicted is Pharoah or the Goddess Hathor.  The deity depicted on the left in the enthronement scene is Hathor. However, had Egypt been faithful to the true God, the pagan idea of Hathor never would have existed at all. God is borrowing and sanctifying inspiring artwork to tell us His own true story.  Had ancient Egypt respected the true God of the universe, they would have remembered and commemorated Abraham's visit in their funerary texts and Hathor wouldn't have existed at all. 

The Egyptian religion, like all religions, had a few elements of truth.  I don't believe people would subscribe to any religion unless it conveyed some truth.  By borrowing these Egyptian vignettes to tell the true story of Abraham, our Heavenly Father preserves what is good and praiseworthy from Egypt and casts aside what isn't. Borrowing these vinettes from a false religion is not disrespectful.  It was originally disrespectful for false priests in Egypt to invent and spread false religion.  But God respects the millions of Egyptian people who had a righteous faith towards the afterlife. 

After realizing the prophetic origin of the Book of Abraham, God's intent is for His children to focus on the message and truth of the Book.  Critics will always try and distract us by shiftng our focus onto side-matter. However, the Book of Abraham is a beautiful story that reveals details about man's preexistence, the ordered hierarchy of the universe, and chronicles the life and devotion of the father of three world religions. 

(see also

There is debate on Facimile 3 about whether a character in the vingette is Abraham or Hathor, etc.  We need to remember that these vingettes are like watching a movie.  Hathor doesnr actually exist, but in the case of a movie like "Star Wars" we have the fictional character Luke Skywalker as well as the actor Mark Hamill.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Lighting the Fire of Faith

I really enjoyed Elder Dale Renlund's analogy on faith during April 2019 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ. Salvation is neither earned nor arbitrary (predestined), but merited based on our faith.  Elder Renlund likened faith to lighting a fire.  God supplies the matches, tinder, kindling, wood and oxygen. All He expects of us is to 1. strike the match, 2. throw more fuel on the fire, 3. avoid extingishing the flames by dousing them with water or snuffing them out with shovels of dirt.

Captain Moroni tells Pahoran in the Book of Mormon the conditions of deliverance are that we "make use of the means the Lord has provided".  Making use of the means the Lord has provided or striking the match is how we are saved by grace, "after all we can do".  

Monday, April 08, 2019

April 2019 General Conference

Ulisses Soares
Phillip teaching the Ethiopian, we need the help of a divine teacher, or help others in their conversion and keeping covenants.
Ethiopian went on his way rejoicing.
Raise our families in nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Accept the Saviors invitation to come and see.
Accept children who desire to come home. Never lose hope. Be a good example.
Make your home a center of gospel learning.

Becky Crazen
Can't find happiness in cheap trinkets.
Don't be casual in our behavior but be sacred.
Standards don't expire.

Brook Hales
Mormon didn't see the fruit of his labor.
It was not you who sent me hither but God
Sometimes the dream job isn't meant to be
Sometimes God wants to teach us something. I felt like God was with me.
Some blessings are not answered in this life.
Trust in Gods timing. Hold our faihful.

Dieter Uchtdorf
Rome Italy temple dedication
Overall church membership is growing
But compared with world population we are small.
We may feel timid to share gospel. We need to be willing, not perfect.
5 guilt free things:
1. Love God, draw near. His light will shine
2. Love others. See others as children of God. Minister to others.
3. Walk the path of discipleship.
4. Share what's in your heart.
5. Invite others to come and see.

Henry B Eyring
Ministering in the Lords way.
Do not diminish in your faith in Jesus Christ
No more disposition to fo evil
Temple teaches a love for sacred places

President Ballard
All Gods children are created to have joy
Despite the world's challenges
Doing Gods will in our life brings meaning
Focus on first principles
Keep it simple, more time for ministering

Seek truth by study and faith
Good fruit
Families, healthy habits, humanitarian, lay clergy, personal growth.
God gives line upon line
Won't know it all at first
2 eyes produces another perspective when combined produce a 3D image
Likewise spiritual sight brings another perspective when combined reveal things as they really are.

What is truth?
Some truths are true for everyone.
Natural man cannot see the things of God because they are spiritually discerned
Do not pick and true what is truth with the family proclaimation.
Prophets are seers
Many have walked away from values
Do not walk away from Christ
We are asked to not be of this world
Christ understands our burdens

Feasting is more than reading
Feel joy, Express joy with family,

Beware of hyper-intellectual deprivation
Korihor taught commandments are oppressive restrictions

Jeffery Holland
John testified "behold the Lamb of God"
Be reverent during sacrament
May we bring to His alter more tears for His sorrow...

Athletes sacrifice to train
Athletes have a playbook
Athletes follow a gameplan
Temptation has less power when you have plan
Pray daily, listen to counsel, avoid porn, service, good friends, family history
Offense and defense
Learn the path of discipleship
Get in the game, you are an allstar

Carl Cook
Quorum can help and support its members
Quorums can change the odds
give and receive strength
Be United in our quorum

Look into Christ in every thought
Surrender our will to Him
Live a covenant life
We are not alone

Be careful in criticism
Criticism will offend the spirit
We can improve
We can be loyal
We can pray for leaders
We can pray pray for each other
I know you can make it back

Think about the future
Others are consumed with immediate gradification
speak when we see threats
Sound warnings, institute prevention
Keep the end in mind
Spiritual gowth from sacrifice
Stay in the covenant path

President Nelson
Say nothing but repentance to this generation
Repentance is not a penalty
"Change our mind, knowledge, spirit, breath"
It's a process
Satan is attacking testimony
Do better and be better
Care for our body, show reverence
Honor women
Their input will help your output
Satan knows who you are
Be men of the covenant
Communicate the love of the Savior
Experience miracles in your life

Dale Renlund
Are blessings earned or predestined?
Blessings are not earned but faith and action are required.
We have to strike the match to light a fire
God gives us the match, kindling and wood and oxygen.
You qualify for blessings, you don't earn them.
Make bow, make tools, bake small cake before the blessing.
Cheerfully do all that is within your power than stand still and behold the power of God.

Sharon Eubank
Christ is our light
Christ binds up our wounds
Christ reached out to the outcast

Quentin R Cook
Love is found in our work
Love for the Savior and fellow men
Missionary work, temple, ministering
Align our hearts with love

Zion will bring peace on Earth
We should be dedicated to build Zion
Zion will be built in troubled times
Christ permits us to labor with Him
We can hasten that day

What is the atonement?

President Nelson
Salvation is an individual matter
Exaltation is a family matter
Many have chosen not to covenant with God
Fullness of joy only comes via covenant
Don't settle for a lesser mansion
You can only know God through experience
We are invited to follow Him
Do the spiritual work to know for yourself
Time is running out

President Oaks
I judged crimes under laws of man and laws of God
Come into Jesus
Atonement is real
We all need to repent
Mortal judges waves penalties, only God forgives sin.
Are we born again?
Ressurection does not reverse desires.
Satan has same power to possess there as here.
Arms of mercy are extended to all.

Juan Paulo Villar
Bodies are a miracle
Spiritual gifts need exercise
Peoples countenance changed
Let him deny himself

Gerrit Gong
Christ is the Good Shephard.
Do all things in His name

David Bednar
What did you learn about the Savior at home this week
Not what did you learn at Church today
Learn live becoming
Like Joseph Smith, we need to learn for ourselves
Make our homes sanctuaries
Children can be prepared for the temple
Speak of his holy house with reverence
We may speak about the purposes of the temple

Soon for you, is a long time for me
Alma waited for deliverance
Some blessings were immediate.
Gods goodness and love is immediate

Ronald Rasband
Go ye unto your homes and ponder Christs words
Satan cheateth our souls and lead us carefully down to hell
The devil seeks for whom he may devour

President Nelson
Each temple is a crowning jewel in the crown of pioneer faith
May we renovate and rededicate our lives

Sunday, April 07, 2019

Joseph Smith's Last Dream

Joseph Smith's last dream occurred on June 26, 1844 while at Carthage Jail. He would be killed the next day on June 27.  

"I was back in Kirtland, Ohio, and thought I would take a walk out by myself, and view my old farm, which I found grown up with weeds and brambles, and altogether bearing evidence of neglect and want of culture. I went into the barn, which I found without floor or doors, with the weather - boarding off, and was altogether in keeping with the farm. While I viewed the desolation around me, and was contemplating how it might be recovered from the curse upon it, there came rushing into the barn a company of furious men, who commenced to pick a quarrel with me. The leader of the party ordered me to leave the barn and farm, stating it was none of mine, and that I must give up all hope of ever possessing it. I told him the farm was given me by the Church, and although I had not had any use of it for some time back, still I had not sold it, and according to righteous principles it belonged to me or the Church. He then grew furious and began to rail upon me, and threaten me, and said it never did belong to me nor to the Church. I then told him that I did not think it worth contending about, that I had no desire to live upon it in its present state, and if he thought he had a better right I would not quarrel with him about it but leave; but my assurance that I would not trouble him at present did not seem to satisfy him, as he seemed determined 
to quarrel with me, and threatened me with destruction of my body. While he was thus engaged, pouring out his bitter words upon me, a rabble rushed in and nearly filled the barn, drew out their knives, and began to quarrel among themselves for the premises, and for a moment forgot me, at which time I took the opportunity to walk out of the barn about up to my ankles in mud. When I was a little distance from the barn, I heard them screeching and screaming in a very distressed manner, as it appeared they had engaged in a general fight with their knives. While they were thus engaged, the dream or vision ended" (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, 6:609–10)

The old "dilapidated barn" is Joseph Smith's own history.

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Birthright and Blessing: Socioeconomics of Priesthood

Rom 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

The Bible recounts considerable rivalry over priesthood.  Cain killed Able over priesthood.  Ham envied Shem, Jacob supplanted Esau, and the sons of Jacob sold Joseph into Egypt over priesthood.  Korah's rebellion against Moses and Aaron was over priesthood.  And the feud between the Nephites and Lamanites in the Book of Mormon also began with the a question over priesthood.     

God is not sexist, racist, or xenophobic.  This should go without saying. But, how could a God, who is supposedly gives no favoritism, then restrict priesthood to the oldest son, or only the tribe of Levi and the sons of Aaron.  When Christ ministered on the Earth, He initially preached only to the Jews, and only later opened up missionary work to the Gentiles after his ascension.   In the Latter-days, priesthood was restricted from certain ethnicities.  Even today, certain priesthood offices are reserved for men.  Why is this?

D&C 78:6 For if ye are not equal in earthly things ye cannot be equal in obtaining heavenly things;

These priesthood restrictions are not because God shows favoritism, or a sign that religion is a man-made institution, but because God knows human society is unequal. Race isn't even biologically a thing, and we just made it up. But God knew that our imperfect society gives preferential treatment to the oldest son, certain ethnicity, and males. I am a white male, and have been the benefactor of privileged.   So, if I acknowledge privilege, why would I support Biblical teachings that reinforce these privileges? Priesthood isn't supposed to be a privilege, its supposed to be a responsibility. Priesthood in the Old Testament carried the responsibility to care for the father's house in the event of his death or disability.  The oldest son was given a double portion of inheritance (bithright) to assist in the discharge of these duties (blessing).

Mark 9:35 And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.

Now, people who see this as unfair, tend to be looking at this arrangement from a materialistic standpoint.  All they may see is one child getting an unequal cut of the pie and greater prestige in society.  Esau viewed the birthright and blessing as his right instead of his responsibility. On the other hand, Jacob saw priesthood as greater responsibility to serve his family, learn humility and compassion.  God demonstrates on several occasions that He is more concerned with duty and righteousness, than birth-order.  This is why Jacob, the second son, was preferred over Esau. And this is why Nephi in the Book of Mormon was preferred over his rebellious older brothers Laman and Lemuel. 

There may well have been and continue to be socioeconomic considerations why God reserves priesthood today. Men are socioeconomically advantaged over women in our current society. So this advantage doesn't go to our heads, men are called to serve their wives and children.  And the socioeconomic resources (birthright) that society bestows on men, or certain groups has been used to bless the whole human family.  Had certain church responsibilities and duties been generally available without regard to economic considerations, those extra responsibilities require money, time and energy.  These costs would have been oppressive to the disadvantaged.   In false religion, false priests use religion to make money.  In the true religion, righteous leaders use their money to make the Church.  Leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ devote their time, talents and resources to missionary work, and building God's kingdom.   In Christ's true Church, priesthood doesn't get you a higher seat in heaven over those you serve.  But instead, where more is given, more is required.

2 Ne 29:33 For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile.

Parashat Tazria: Purity

Judaism divides up the Torah (5 books of Moses in the Bible) into sections or parasha. Jews study these parsha throughout the Jewish year beginning at Rosh Hashanah. This weeks parshat speaks about the laws of impurity.  A woman who gives birth is considered unclean and must bring an offering to the temple. 

Like the Red Heifer whose ashes cleanse from coming into contact with death, it seems that coming into contact with the boundaries of life makes one unclean.  Many Jewish scholars (eg Chaim Richman) think the words unclean or contaminated may express the wrong idea.  The word maybe better interpreted spiritually unbalanced. 

Death is nothing to God, who is immortal and eternal, but a transition from state of being to another. Experiencing or focusing on death can deviate our attention away from the reality and truth of God.  Our fear of death may distract us from the eternal perspective we are meant to have and which represents the only true reality. Likewise, experiencing the pain and anxiety of childbirth may likewise distract from an eternal perspective. 

I am sure any new mother feels a new devotion to give all her energy into nurturing and raising her new baby. The laws of the Torah may serve to remind us that there are countless blessings for us and our children, for always putting God first in our lives.  Our Heavenly Father put our well-being first before that of His only begotten son Jesus Christ. Abraham was tested to see if he would put God before his only son Isaac.  If God Himself and  Abraham put truth before family, can we be expected to do less?  No mother's attention could bless her child more that a mother who puts God first in her life.

Covenants vs. Narcissism

In both April and October 2014 General Conference, then, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf warned of the increasing trend of narcissism and Elder Neil L. Andersen discussed narcissism in an April 2018 BYU devotional. I think we have all heard through general social consciousness that we are experiencing an epidemic of narcissism. However, other than the superficial understanding of the term referring to an obsession with ones public image, I am not sure that many of us know what narcissism really is and how it might affecting us. Narcissism, superficially, can manifest as an obsession with our public image. This image obsession has been exacerbated by social media where we can create a virtual image, an avatar, that might portray something to the world very different from reality.

Disciples of Christ, instead, should be focused on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and reflecting His light, and living such that Christ's countenance shine through us at all times, and in all places, and in all circumstances: this applies online, on or off the basketball court. A narcissist might be more concerned with Facebook likes, Instagram follows, and Twitter retweets. However, online look-ism, is actually just a more benign symptom of an increasing pervasive disorder that is reaching pandemic proportions. (for the record, I confess that I have a Facebook account, and I posted pictures of my last vacation)

That said, Narcissism has another more insidious manifestation that most people are less aware of, and that I believe is destroying our marriages, families, and country. Narcissism personality disorder is an DSM V, Axis 2, medical and psychiatric diagnosis which is divided into two sub-types. These two sub-types both arrive at the same place but at come from different directions. Narcissists, (and we all are one to some degree, Facebook or not), suffer from pathologically entitled behavior associated with believing that we are the exception to the rule, or that the rules don't apply to us because of our special circumstances.

Narcissism is the disorder of victimization, entitlement, and special treatment. On one hand, a grandiose narcissism generally rationalize that they are too important, talented, or smart for the rules. On the other hand, a vulnerable narcissist has convinced themselves that rules don't apply because of undo misfortune, oppression, or abuse. A vulnerable narcissist excuses not measuring up because they believe they have been the victim of unfair life circumstances. The truth is that both sides are mistaken. Despite our live situation or circumstances, righteousness applies to everyone. If you want a harvest, you have to plant a garden. There is no way around it.

The Book of Mormon pinpoints our day when it simply and apologetically says: “Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper in the land? And again it is said that: Inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord.” the doctrine and Covenants puts it like this “There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.” God is merciful, but there are no exceptions here. Mercy applies to repentance and changing our path, but as Alma warns his son Corianton, “wickedness never was happiness.”

Now, what does Narcissism have to do with the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage?
Isaiah 2:2-4 reads “And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”

Whenever scripture mentions the second coming of Jesus Christ and the promised Millennium , Christ's coming in glory is accompanied by the restoration of the temple and an everlasting covenant. In fact, Isaiah says that the temple and the covenant will be the mechanism by which world peace in ultimately and finally achieved. This applies to peace in our homes and peace in our marriages. So, what is so important about covenants.? How to they work and why do why should we make them?

Kindergarten children make covenants when they recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Scouts make the Scout Oath. Lawyers, Politicians, and Military take the oath of office or oath of enlistment. As a physician, I made the Hippocratic oath. Where did all this secular oath and covenant making come from? Secular covenant making has its origins in the religious world. However, in modern society too many religions and churches, do very little covenant making and even less covenant keeping. Just now, we as Latter-day Saints and followers of Christ renewed our baptismal covenant by partaking of the emblems of the Lords Supper. While we renew our covenants each week, let us not forget their purpose.

As New York Times columnist David Brooks said: “People are not better off when they are given maximum personal freedom to do what they want. They’re better off when they are enshrouded in commitments that transcend personal choice—commitments to family, God, craft and country." -quoted Elder Perry, April 2015 General Conference.

What is a covenant? Simply put, a covenant is “an agreement which brings about a relationship of commitment between God and his people.” The importance of covenants and involving God is significant when comparing a covenant to a contract. But how does involving God in a contract help? Well, lets take marriage for an example. If marriage were a contract, then our arrangement would be entirely dependent upon our spouse keeping up with their end of the bargain 50/50. If we are not happy in our marriage, it must be because our spouse is not doing enough. And as soon as you or your spouse slips in fully keeping their end of the agreement, the contract is broken. However, in covenant marriage, God is involved. In covenant marriage, we are not serving our spouse only for what we get in return. In covenant marriage, it matters less what our spouse is or isn't doing. In reality, the secret to feeling happier in our marriage is to serve our spouse more that we are. In covenant marriage, God is paying. And as long as we continue in the covenant, God will never cease to bless us.

That said, in covenant marriage, abuse is covenant breaking, and absolutely intolerable. Also, being unequally yoked should be remedied quickly if possible. However, our marriages may go through periods where our spouse might deliver less then their 50% fair share. In this case, if marriage were a contract,divorce would be a sensible and logical outcome. Understandably, covenants are the only way marriages could possibly endure for better, or worse, for richer, for poorer, both in sickness and in health. Unfortunately, modern contractual marriage account for the greater than 50% divorce rate. Covenant marriage, on the other hand, is meant to make our relationships more resilient.

How does covenant marriage make our marriages more resilient? Covenants directly combat narcissism. Resources are scarce, money is scarce, free time is scarce, life is scarce. Consequently the scarcities of life, will absolutely supply ample excuses, justification, reasons, and rationalizations for breaking our word. Covenants, on the other hand, give us a sacred reason to keep our word, despite the excuses. I am sure every single one of us, have given God ample cause to cast us off forever. However, exactly because God is the ultimate Man of His Word, He will never forsake the covenant He has make with us.

Isaiah 49:15-16 asks, “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. For I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands.”

If we want to become like our Father in Heaven, and live with Him in exaltation, we must also learn to be people of our word and learn to keep our covenants, no excuses. A rule to live by might be, “it should only be an exception, when I am the exception” I pray that we all might strive to do so, with Christ's divine assistance, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Covenant Marriage

The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” declares, “Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God,” and that marriage is “essential to [God’s] eternal plan,” with husbands and wives under “solemn responsibility to love and care for each other.”

Then in 1999 President Gordon B. Hinckley reemphasized the crucial role of marriage with his admonition that “God-sanctioned marriage between a man and a woman has been the basis of civilization for thousands of years. There is no justification to redefine what marriage is.” I value marriage to my wife, because I value women and womanhood. I need a women in my life. Nothing could replace or simulate her talents, wisdom, and spirit. My wife is married to me, because she values manhood, and the talent and abilities I bring to our family. Can we say that we value womanhood or manhood when we say that the marriage or parenting doesn't require both a nurturing women and a man?

A few decades ago, a proclamation on marriage and its validity would hardly have seemed necessary. Alternative definitions of marriage didn’t exist. With divorce rates over 50 percent, and increasing acceptance of noncommittal cohabitation, and same-gender unions, Should defenders of traditional family values concede that marriage is simply marriage just another lifestyle choice, their personal preference or a lost cause?

A growing body of academic research in the area of family studies says “no” to all of those questions. Family studies has obtained an abundance of objective data spanning diverse countries, races, and economic classes, affirming that marriage is of great advantage to the well-being of men and women in a myriad of ways. In assuring happiness, a lasting marriage proves more beneficial physically, mentally, and economically than exercise programs, medical treatments, therapy sessions, or financial investments. Of course, statistics merely reflect general tendencies, and there are many exceptions.

Studies show that married people live longer, suffer less from illness and disease, recover from illness faster, and engage in less risk-taking behavior. Married people exhibit lower rates of depression, and suffer less from psychiatric disorders. Unlike climate, the data on marriage really does support a scientific consensus that married people enjoy a higher general well-being than any other segment of the population, independent of selection bias. The benefits of marriage are believed to be associated with and promoted by a greater spiritual connection, finding meaning in caring for children and spouse, synergistic problem solving capabilities, and expanded social network.

Despite these benefits, research studies reaffirm that marriage relationships need to be built on righteous principles. In line with the Family Proclamation, it is clear that marriages based on righteous principles are the kind of marriages that lead to lasting happiness. Of course, academic studies deal in objective statistics and trends, not exceptions. While happily married people may enjoy an advantage in the statistics, this does not mean a devoted husband or wife will automatically escape common problems such as: illness, financial strain, anxiety, and so forth. Neither do the statistics indicate that single individuals—widowed, divorced, or never-married—cannot also be happy or achieve stable, meaningful lives.

Happiness, Health, and Marriage, Elizabeth VanDenBerghe
J. Gottman, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work (1999).

New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage. D&C 131: 1-4 reads “In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees; And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage]; And if he does not, he cannot obtain it. He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot have an increase.”

“There is no Latter-day Saint who dies after having lived a faithful life who will lose anything because of having failed to do certain things when opportunities were not furnished him or her. In other words, if a young man or a young woman has no opportunity of getting married, and they live faithful lives up to the time of their death, they will have all the blessings, exaltation, and glory that any man or woman will have who had this opportunity and improved it. That is sure and positive” (Teachings of Lorenzo Snow, 138).