Sunday, December 12, 2021

Monetary System

Religion depends on an equitable government to protect it as well as an equitable economic system to provide equal opportunity to its members. Religious charity is only required to address temporal shortcomings and inequalities that arise. But the correct sysyen can minimize this need, in spite of the poor always being with us. God promises that among His people in Zion, there would be no poor. 

The equation that describes how money works is the Milton Friedman monetarist equation:
M x V = P x G (money supply) x (velocity) = (inflation) x (growth)
Too much money supply or velocity will be inflationary. Not enough will limit economic growth. The perfect money supply would create money at the exact time it was needed (just-in-time), and for real things only. Most money has always been virtually created and generated at the time of loan origination. The problem has always been that when money is created, that it needs to have backing, but to base it on gold and silver only, has always been a problem because there is never enough of it by themselves. The ideal money system will prevent inflation at the same time as being full-reserve which will protect banks.

Safety Society System:
1. Majority of money is created by Congress/US Treasury at loan origination.
2. Simple federal interest rate (prime) controls inflation by making money more or less expensive to barrow vs. saving. Should always been more expensive to purchase something with borrowed money than with savings.
3. Federal government earns prime interest (fee) on nearly 100% of money creation and can then repeal the federal income tax.
4. Local Safety Society System Banks are full reserve and are non-profit and handle loan origination and charge a loan origination fee at time of loan origination. Fees cover overhead/salaries of the bank. 100% of deposited money (mostly virtual) is held by the bank and not re-invested or re-loaned. New money is created, on-demand, by the US Treasury.
5. Loans are granted to individuals or groups based on the projected value of the land, home, minerals, and other real items that are to be purchased, built, mined, and/or produced.
6. Barrowers build equity from their first repayment.
7. Missed payments and depreciation are deducted from borrowers equity. This constitutes a built-in mortgage insurance. Default does not occur until all borrower equity is lost.
8. Loan Default results in bank repossessing home, land, building, factory, mine, (real property), etc. which it can then resell to recoup lost funds.
9. Money is not only based on gold, and silver, but also land, houses, mines, the projected value of the minerals in the mine, and any other real property that possesses long-term intrinsic value which could also apply to certain machinery, and heirloom goods.
10. Money would never be created and loaned in this system to purchase stock or derivatives (paper).
11. SSS is free of speculation. Venture capitalist are free to speculate and invest, (win and lose) as the wish, but their loses can never be bailed out by the government.
12. Money supply (M) always keeps pace with economic need and economic growth (G).

Monetary System

Religion depends on an equitable government to protect it as well as an equitable economic system to provide equal opportunity to its members. Religios charity is only required to address temporal shortcomings and inequalities. 

The equation that describes how money works is the Milton Friedman monetarist equation:
M x V = P x G (money supply) x (velocity) = (inflation) x (growth)
Too much money supply or velocity will be inflationary. Not enough will limit economic growth. The perfect money supply would create money at the exact time it was needed (just-in-time), and for real things only. Most money has always been virtually created and generated at the time of loan origination. The problem has always been that when money is created, that it needs to have backing, but to base it on gold and silver only, has always been a problem because there is never enough of it by themselves. The ideal money system will prevent inflation at the same time as being full-reserve which will protect banks.

Safety Society System:
1. Majority of money is created by Congress/US Treasury at loan origination.
2. Simple federal interest rate (prime) controls inflation by making money more or less expensive to barrow vs. saving. Should always been more expensive to purchase something with borrowed money than with savings.
3. Federal government earns prime interest (fee) on nearly 100% of money creation and can then repeal the federal income tax.
4. Local Safety Society System Banks are full reserve and are non-profit and handle loan origination and charge a loan origination fee at time of loan origination. Fees cover overhead/salaries of the bank. 100% of deposited money (mostly virtual) is held by the bank and not re-invested or re-loaned. New money is created, on-demand, by the US Treasury.
5. Loans are granted to individuals or groups based on the projected value of the land, home, minerals, and other real items that are to be purchased, built, mined, and/or produced.
6. Barrowers build equity from their first repayment.
7. Missed payments and depreciation are deducted from borrowers equity. This constitutes a built-in mortgage insurance. Default does not occur until all borrower equity is lost.
8. Loan Default results in bank repossessing home, land, building, factory, mine, (real property), etc. which it can then resell to recoup lost funds.
9. Money is not only based on gold, and silver, but also land, houses, mines, the projected value of the minerals in the mine, and any other real property that possesses long-term intrinsic value which could also apply to certain machinery, and heirloom goods.
10. Money would never be created and loaned in this system to purchase stock or derivatives (paper).
11. SSS is free of speculation. Venture capitalist are free to speculate and invest, (win and lose) as the wish, but their loses can never be bailed out by the government.
12. Money supply (M) always keeps pace with economic need and economic growth (G).

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Saturday, October 02, 2021

Spirit giveth understanding

Nehemiah 8:8 So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.

Jesus Christ was not shy about his criticism of the scribes and pharisees among tbe Jews. This corrupt system had lead the prople away from God.  But who started this system that gave ecclesiastical authority to scholars (men of letters)?   Didn't Ezra and Nehemiah come into town by the command and with tbe silver of Ataxerxes?  And didn't Ezra and Nehemiah supplant the kingly line of Zarubbabel and priestly line of Joshua son of Josidek?  Ezra and Nehemiah taught that the scholar gave understanding but doesn't the scriptures teach that it only the Holy Spirit and not man that giveth understanding. 

1 Corinthians 2:11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

Malachi, a contemporary of Ezra and Nehemiah,  tells us that God would one day remove the scholar and the rabbi from Israel.   It is unfortunate that mainstream Christianity fell into the same error by giving ecclesiastical authority to scholars and persons with divinity and theological degrees. 

Malachi 2:12 The Lord will cut off the man that doeth this, the master and the scholar, out of the tabernacles of Jacob, and him that offereth an offering unto the Lord of hosts.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Taking the Name of God in Vain

Taking the name of God in vain is not talking about swearing, The apostate Jewish scribes changed this commandment into something about not saying the name of God but calling God "Hashem" and writing "G-d", and other such practices.

While we should use the name of diety with respect, in actuality, this commandment is a condemnation against Priestcraft.  Priestcraft involves anyone who falsely claims God commanded them or others to do or say such-and-such and God did not command it.   It is falsely claiming you have been called by God and you have not been called.  Its falsely claiming God's priesthood authority, steadying the ark, and evil speaking of those whom God has called.  Taking God's name in vain would also involve partaking of the Lords Supper or any ordinance unworthily. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Sign of the Son of Man?

Joseph Smith provides valuable commentary on this subject, explaining that when this sign is seen by the world’s population, they will speculate that “it is a planet, a comet, etc.” He also said that while the wicked will not understand its true significance—attributing it to a natural cause—the righteous will know what it means.

C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein), or simply 2014 UN271, is a large Oort cloud comet discovered by astronomers Pedro Bernardinelli and Gary Bernstein in archival images from the Dark Energy Survey.[6] When first imaged in October 2014, the object was 29 AU (4.3 billion km) from the Sun and almost as far as Neptune's orbit. As of 2021, it is currently approaching the Sun at a distance of 20.2 AU (3.0 billion km) and will reach its perihelion of 10.9 AU (just outside of Saturn's orbit) in January 2031.[4]

Sign of tbe Son of Man

Joseph Smith provides valuable commentary on this subject, explaining that when this sign is seen by the world’s population, they will speculate that “it is a planet, a comet, etc.” He also said that while the wicked will not understand its true significance—attributing it to a natural cause—the righteous will know what it means. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Lesson of Leman Copley

Leman Copley was an LDS convert who had came from the Shaker community. Despite his initial conversion and zeal, Leland was unable to leave certain Shaker beliefs and traditions behind and eventually returned to it. The new Church had to deal with lots of outsider belief (eg. speaking in tongues, estatic experiences,  racism). Incorrect tradition was a stumbling block many times.  Sometimes past traditions don't mix with truth. 

Copely let Saints live on his land. Land Act 1820 allowed people to buy 160/80 acres at a time. Leland had 700 acres and allowed Coleville Saints to live on his land .  Leland got mad at some unfair criticism and kicked Saints from their homes, off his land, and charged back rent. 

The Coville Saints were sent to Missouri to lay the foundation of Zion. This episide was the basis of the  United Order and covenant and deed which cannot be broken.  160 acres is more than you could need, or even want. Excess was to be given to Bishop to divide up to the Saints and not rented in a manner to exploit other. 

One day, God's people will need to be willinh to leave behind our false economic traditions to establish Zion. 

Friday, April 09, 2021

April 2021 General Conference: Stand and Gather

President Russel M. Nelson is the current president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is the Lord's prophet and mouthpiece on the Earth. In a talk during the April 2021 Priesthood Session of General Conference, President Nelson reminded us that to overcome trying times and adversity in these Last Days we must "stand in holy places". Saints can stand in holy places by establishing our home as a place of faith, and a place of spiritual and temporal refuge. President Nelson also admonished us to gather together, finding strength in our priesthood quorums which is our Church of Jesus Christ faith community.

President Nelson's admonition to "stand and gather" is in stark contrast to the modern prepper movement's doctrine of "bugging out" and "isolation".

Thursday, April 01, 2021

Government vs. Church Jurisdictions

1. Government operates on "do no harm" to another principles. No specific law needs to be written for harm to be illegal and prosecuted. The rule of law should deal more with due process than what specifically is illegal. All harm to life, liberty, and property is illegal. If someone has been harmed by another, a jury of peers can determine if a victim has been harmed, If defendant is guilty of said harm upon the victim, and the appropriate penalty.

Laws should focus on punishing harm-doers, and not punish everyone by restricting liberty and freedom in the name of prevention.

Government can make laws to punish harmful behavior of others such as for murder, assault, rape, stealing, lying, theft. extortion, lible, slander. Government can prohibit and punish harmful behavior.

Government should not make laws that determine virtuous or good behavior and legally require such behavior.

2. The Church and other NGOs deal with self harm as a consequence of addiction, and sexual immorality. Illicit drug distribution and sales harms the addicts and should therefore be illegal. However, Illicit drug use itself should not be criminalized. Accicts need rehab and therapy. The Church can restrict membership privileges,
disfellowship and excommunicate. Self harm behaviors are at higher risk to and can quickly lead to other behaviors that do harm others.

According to James 1:27, welfare and virtue is the jurisdiction of the Church or other NGOs. Governmenr shoukd maje no law with regard to religion which means it should provide No individual welfare (visiting fatherless or widow) or determine or proscribe virtuous behavior. Welfare and virtue are the business of pure religion. Only Church can require that its members buy and eat broccoli.

if a person is worried about COVID exposure, he can quarantine himself, he can choose to be vaccinated. He cannot force another to be vaccinated.

If a person is knowingly sick and infectious and knowingly infects others and harms others, then that person could be criminally penalized.